Lighting question.


Well-Known Member
Hi guyz, this has no doubt been asked before. I tried in GROWFAQ but couldnt find it...

How much distance should there be between the light and the top of the plant?? i have a 250 sodium. just i think my plants seem to be strecthing, maybe wrong...

thanks gordon


i'd do 18" until i got a temp. keep it as close as possible without burning, meaning keep an eye on the light's effects on temperature.


Yes you can change it if you want. Some folks prefer 24/7 and some say 18/6 is the most plants really need. Try both. If u water properly and pay plenty of attention to your plants temp, humidity, and ph (i know i'm totally repeating what you've already read) then you shouldn't have problems.

Have you given any thought to not veg-ing w/ an HPS? Metal halide, this info coming mostly from HIGH TIMES READY SET GROW, has a much more preferable spectrum of light for that phase. HPS is generally for flowering. No doubt you'll get results w/ either.

My plants were under CFL's and T5's this time around for veg. Again, i'm sure everything's gonna be straight for u. I guess i just prefer the lower temps of fluro's.

What strains u got goin?

Oh yea, it's LynchburgBALL. My wife wouldn't prefer me as a lady.


Well-Known Member
18" is way tooooooo far away.
Thats why there stretching.
I have a 430 watt, thats about 10" away, I'd think you could get much closer than I can. Maybe 6" away.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh kk

i thought they were abit lengthy lol i place em closer tonight.

Thanks for info lynchburgball and video man. (didnt u leave video or was that someone else?)

cheers guys