Lighting please help asap!!


Active Member
I am bringing my plant inside because it is getting too cold outside. But I need to know what kind of light to use. I only have one plant and its in the processing of budding. What watt and kind of bulb can I use?

Halogen? What watt?
High Pressure Sodium Light? What watt?
Heat Light? What watt?
Infrared Heat Lamp? What watt?

Could I possibly use a 150 watt Hid light??

I need help people asap! My plant might not survive the cold any longer!!!!


Well-Known Member
HPS definitely if it is already budding... Depends on how big your grow space is and how big the plant is... I would say 400 watt will give you a better yield than a 250 Watt but ether will work.


Well-Known Member
Look around on ebay for a lower wattage HPS light (150w or so). Thats plenty for one plant. However, you may end up wanting to grow more than one next time. In that case, I'd go to and get a 400watt HPS.

Danky Dank

Active Member
HPS light should be good enough since its only one plant. Plus its budding and the HPS would be best for that. The 150 watt hid light could be pretty good too. I'd recommend the HPS though.


Well-Known Member
We have to know the SIZE of the plant to know if 150 is enough. How big, how tall, how fat, and how far into budding? A 150 isn't well suited to supporting some big outdoor plant, or a tall thing either really, but there are ways...And you're not going to have a week or two to wait on getting something shipped from the sound of things.


Active Member
The plant is probably right around 3 1/2 maybe 4 feet. Its not very wide and was planted in sometime in may or june I cant really remember


Well-Known Member
That's big... You could keep it alive and it would finish with a 150 but wouldn't fill out much more than it is now other than within 10" of where the light is you'd get a little more. Much of the plant wouldn't even mature at the same time as the top.

If you want it to fatten up much more, or to grow more than spindly stuff down low you're going to need either a much bigger light or a few small ones.

It takes a 1000w to really support plants that size, but 2x150's would be a good start.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmm.... you shuld research the basics of lighting because an HPS is an HID and so a lot of what you say will be consequentially beyond your comprehension of lighting terminology. Word.


Well-Known Member
Alive yes with a 150hps but not growing much. Just be sure to keep it on the same day/night schedule and keep the temps down with a fan on it. It'll still finish. The tops will mature in their normal timeframe and then you should harvest only what's ready up top, just chop the branches off and let the bottom keep going so it can finish on it's own schedule once it finally gets some light. It will be dark as night on the bottom with 150 on top.


Well-Known Member
@ 4 feet then I would say 400watts would be an abslolute minimum! & 1000 watt would be adequate i guess. But nothing really compares to the sun. It's very hard to match that light indoors.

So have you already pulled this plant up? Where do you live (what state & how far north or south), basically I'm wondering what the weather is like there now, obviously i don't want you to tell your address :). My point is if your plant has been outdoors then it should be already budding & digging up an oudoor plant & moving it indoors can be difficult if not impossible to do without causing alot of stress to the plant. So if possible I would say leave your plant outdoors & let it continue to flower unless the forecast calls for temps dipping below freezing. That being said I would want to be ready w/ whatever you need if the plant looks like it's that far off that it's not gonna be ready for quite a while & the weather is already flirting w/ those temps.

Basically you need to weigh in the stress of letting the plant mature outdoors & how bad you think that will be vs. the stress of moving the plant indoors, the root dmg, the cost of the indoor lighting & set-up, & the production hit you could take from having inadequate light on a large plant if you don't spend alot of $$$$ on alot of lights which the plant would need. Now if you spend asot of money on lights & you plan on using them regularly & more than for just this 1 project... well then that could factor into making the lights a better buy. Anyhow I hope you see my point by now.

Lots of things come into play. Are you growing this plant for strictly personal use or are you hoping to make some $$$ from it? If you want to make $, then are the lights you are going to need gonna be worth it? If you skimp on the lights how much weight is it gonna cost you? If you leave it outside & it gets hit w/ frost how much quantity will that cost you? How much quality?(again wether it's for personal use or for profit may come into play on that one).

Anyhow, I can't really answer those ?'s for ya. Something to consider & it's a tough decision. I just hope that you are as informed as you can be b4 you make a decision to pull a healthy plant from the earth. It's a big decision to make & since it's been outdoors this long I would not want to pull it unless I had to.

P.S. Oh, it just occured to me that this may be outdoor & potted, in which case it's not as big an ordeal as I've been thinking. You could keep an eye on the weather & if temps are going to drop below freezing overnight then you could bring it in. If you don't need to bring it in permanent then that would make it easier to skimp on the lighting. I would say 400 minimum still though. 600 would be better. Leave it out if it's potted & if it's gonna drop below freeze, bring it in & keep your light timed to come on 5 min after sunrise & go off 5 min before sunset. If the weather warms up then set it back outside. in fact I would say, same goes even if it wasn't potted. I mean the part about putting it back under the sun as long as the weather warms back up. & keep your lights in tune w/ the sunrise/sunset if you are going to do this. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Also, an added note... if you have time b4 a freeze comes... If you are strapped for cash & that's an issue, but you wanna be prepared for when the weather does go bad. Well then I would check out the $20 150w HPS thread. It has a link that is supposed to sell 150w HPS w/ ballast for $20. If cash is an issue I would get 2 or 3 of those. Especially so if you are not planning on doing indoor grows in the future. If you are then I would just go ahead & invest in a good ballast, bulb & reflector of 400+ watts if you can afford it.


Well-Known Member
A single 150 is a real shame though, if you could just at least swing two of them because with more light added you'd grow $20 more bud each day just about. 150 is starving it.