Lighting Advice Plz

hello peoples i need advice on wattage im planning a box that is 6 foot tall 4 foot wide and 3 foot deep and by my figuring i should be able to fit atleast 2-3 plants with out a problem with this in mind what wattage would you recomend


New Member
600w all the way. I've tried 400w....Don't do it.

edit: I use that same exact area in a 4x4 tent, and a 600w with nice reflector is PERFECT. If you can manage the heat...



I may just be a newbie. 2 grows under my belt, but I say go t-5s all the way on some yo-yos. You won't have to worry about heat and have plenty for self consumption. I lst my plants grow in a similar custom built cabinet. You will have more than enough and heat and electric use will be of little to no issue.


Well-Known Member
Gimpalishous: for a confined space I don't think you can beat T-5's. Have you considered them. They don't generate a lot of heat, they're economical to run and you can keep them a few inches off the tops of your plants without frying them. At approximately 50 watts per tube and area four feet wide and three feet deep you could easily fit a couple of four tube fixtures or a single six tube, eight tube, or possibly a ten tube wide fixture. I've got two four tube fixtures, four feet long in a slightly over sized 2' by 4' tent and they do a great job of lighting my grow. The reflective walls help too.

Six tubes are going to draw 300 watts and an eight tube fixture will draw 400. Two four tube fixtures are the same. I understand they manufacture a ten tube fixture but I've never seen one up close. If you decide on T-5's be sure and get a fixture that is as big as the grow area you intend to use, (the same square inches or feet in the same shape), because they don't light up the area outside the fixture perimeter as well as HID or HPS. Now it depends on what you can afford to buy and operate. I hope that helps. HSA