I was thinking of doing some kind of before and after but I had 3 panels to do, and still have 1 more to go, so I said screw it. The thing that's annoying me is I set my grow tent up for the LED heat to be ejected from the tent and out through my filter which is right above the grow. Now the heated air will finally rise more freely from the panel and I'm fully expecting to be running the AC a degree or two cooler tomorrow. But still I should of checked this out before

But if the diodes start going POP POP POP you'll be the first person I whine to TMU

Hey Vilify what up. Two things come to my mind from what you said. One is you use the fans along with the heat coming off the device itself (convection) to help remove the heat away from what you're cooling and fill the space left by the heated air with cooler air. Blowing down on this messes this effect up, plus the hot air you've ejected from the sides is now rising up the side of the panel and being sucked into the panel again. And two, the mount for the LEDs on a BS240 is the heatsink so you can't do what you're thinking.