Well-Known Member
Question on this topic... do you think it would be worth trying to set up a small inline fan pulling warm air from the heat sinks and blowing that warm air over the canopy? You could use just a small 6 inch flex vent and a small 6 inch inline helper fan.. but would it pull off enough heat to do anything or would the heat sinks need to be enclosed for that to work?
I've seen lots of guys do this to help redistribute the heat in the tent. I think moflow might even have a fan at the top of his tent blowing the warm air back down. Obviously you aren't increasing the temps, but it pushes the warmth out of the top of the tent down towards that canopy since heat always trys to rise.
I've also seen many people swap their intake and exhaust fans from top to bottom. Instead of intake at the bottom and exhaust at the top sucking out all your warm air. You put the exhaust at the bottom and it forces the warm air from the lights and top of the tent down through the canopy.
I also think heating pads under the plants to keep the root temps up is a huge benefit. Lots of attention gets given to leaf temps but its not very often people talk about root temps and they are just as important.