light on/ off question


Well-Known Member
i normally put my plants out at 8am and back inside 7pm,,,to make sure they get at least 12 hrs darkness....imm in the flowering stage about 5-67weeks now.....if my lights on are within an hour daily day 7:40am and the next 8am...8:15,am..( LIGHTS ON WITHIN THE SAME HOUR DAILY) AND THE SAME FOR MY LIGHTS OFF...SOMETIMES 6:30PM , 6:50PM, 7PM...WITHIN THE SAME HOUR ( LIGHTS OFF)....WILL IT STRESS MY PLANTS...
no as long as youre with in an 30 mins to a hour and not giving them more than 12 hours light . they dont have watches. but its good practice thou to have strict 12/12. also i drop to 10 to 8 hours the last week or so. as the extended dark period does stress the last bit of resin out of the plant to help protect her flowers.. but idk if this is strain dependent sorry. i grow ww and it works well..can post pic if needed to back up what i say
thank you.....i dont know my strain was from some exotic that i had bought a while back that had somehow got fertilized but the smoke was very potent...had purple hairs and crystals all around the buds and bud leaves.....also when the tricomes change to amber is it a dark amber or a transparent tan/amber color.....imm using a 30x loupe and a 45x loupe but i still cant tell if its just cloudy or if it has a tan hint to it...seems a lil tan in color... kinda like the brown/tan color on this tread...plants are about 5-7weeks in flower....just dont want to cut it too early...or too late...trying to get that 10-50% amber that supposed to give that narcotic high....just 3 small plants under 2feet...i trained the stem to groiw in a horizonal position and i use wires and a heavy brick to hold it down...not my first grow or my best grow....but decent and very crystally buds....i could have done better but i put 3 plants in one 3gal pot...because all the rest of my pots got stolen last october....took a loss of about 1.5lb out of 8 3ft plants...that were more bud than now i only grow small ( personal supply)...the bud around here cost too much and the mid grade is more like swag...waste of $$ to buy
dont be p00sy br0 dem boiz got better shit todo liek downloading pr0n or jailing chokolat peeplz
man its hard to tell if the tricomes are turning amber...yesterday i taught i saw a lot of tan/amber along with cloudy....this morning it seems just cloudy...maybe one or 2 tan...hard to use a 30x loupe...and i got a 45x loupe ( plastic lens) but its not as clear as the 30x...(glass lens)....anyone got any suggestions?...should i go ahead and cut?...i know it should be about day45- 50 flowering....i dont have a digital microscope to take pics...and my cell phone wont take good pics using my loupe....
k.... well i checked and all trichomes are cloudy with a few i harvested the mature looking buds and am leaving the rest to grow more.....good thing i harvested found some bud rot ( imm pretty sure it is) on one of my top colas....looks like it just started within the week just a few brown spots not a lot all under the trichomes on the very very tip of the bud......will budrot continue even though the bud is already harvested? ( i got em hanging to dry)
i made some canna-oil but i don't have a glass jar....will it go bad if i have it in a bowl covered with foil in the fridge?....