light cycles?


Well-Known Member
when you start to flower and change the light cycle to 12/12

does it need to be 12/12

or can you do like 15/15 ?


Well-Known Member
when you start to flower and change the light cycle to 12/12

does it need to be 12/12

or can you do like 15/15 ?

Why dont you think about this for a minute...... How many hours are in a day?

Turn the lights off for 36 hours so your plants will reset their 'biological clock' and they wont be shocked by early light. Then after 36 hours of darkness resume with a 12on/12off light schedule to flower.

Is there any particular reason you would want 15/15? It would be hard to find a timer that can do that steadily.



Well-Known Member
haha my areo garden alot of different light cycles but no 12/12 i was thinking of away to flower with out having to buy a timer and just use the built in one.
i forget where i read it but some place it said the plants just need atleast a 12 hour dark period to start to flowwering

maybe just a little too much mad scientist?


Well-Known Member
haha my areo garden alot of different light cycles but no 12/12 i was thinking of away to flower with out having to buy a timer and just use the built in one.
i forget where i read it but some place it said the plants just need atleast a 12 hour dark period to start to flowwering

maybe just a little too much mad scientist?
Aerogarden has no 12/12?? Really??

That seems weird to me. You can get a cheap timer for like $5 though.

Light cycles can vary a bit, but when your growing indoor you want 12/12 for flowering, especially if your growing in an aerogarden cause your clearly not testing new cycles with new strains.

Dont risk it, dont fuck your plants up after all the work, stick with proven methods. 12on/12off to flower.
