Light burn or nutrient deficiency?

Hey guys so im growing under a 550 hlg r spec and initially i had light about 24 inches above the plant on minimum power.

I felt like they started stretching so i moved the light a lot closer. probably about 16 inches away at minimum power.

since then i have moved them back up to about 20 inches above the plant.

I am growing in soil and they are about 3 weeks old.
At first i am pretty sure i was over watering them as they started showing signs of that. However this dying off of bottom leaves is still continuing after the light has been moved further away.

is what i am seeing light burn?


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Splashy watering and every single time you make a change to your environment you slow down growth...I try and avoid that


Well-Known Member
You burned the shit out of them.

Seedlings should be grown under regular fluorescent lighting or low powered LED (100 watts or less) until they get big enough to handle higher powered lighting.

Stretching a bit is perfectly normal for seedlings. It's in their nature. Real stretching doesn't occur until the plant is well into veg and you don't have enough light.


Well-Known Member
just a transplant adjusting be patient.its fine

Wait and watch for the new growth. let the plant adjust to its new environment, dont change things , dont micro over think things be patient.

use the dimmer on the hlg550 turn it slightly down to around 350 watts make sure the light is at least 65cm away from the seedlings .

and give them time. its not light burn its normal transplant shock.

Never wet the leaves, with a HLG 550, at any plant stage.(think water droplets = magnifying glass) its pulling energy from the lower leaves to build roots, after transplant. , totally normal.

Its adjusting to its enviroment.
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