Well-Known Member
damned lies from the pit of hell.Funny how this is such a partisan issue.
damned lies from the pit of hell.Funny how this is such a partisan issue.
You do know you've probably converted more fence sitters to gay bashing racists than Jesus.damned lies from the pit of hell.
I disagree. Anyone dumb enough to become "gay bashing racists" were going to anyway, regardless of what anyone says.You do know you've probably converted more fence sitters to gay bashing racists than Jesus.
No, it is not common sense, it is a matter of opinion.
I mean it's common sense that we're fucking up the planet, right?
Read this statement again. This is the type of shit they use to justify wastefully consuming our planet away while the ocean becomes a garbage mire. Don't worry, there's plenty left in the asteroid belt.No, it is not common sense, it is a matter of opinion.
And BTW, what resources are limited?? By the time we run out of anything we can be farming asteroids if the material is that important.
It was in fact that mindset that got us to where we are todayRead this statement again. This is the type of shit they use to justify wastefully consuming our planet away while the ocean becomes a garbage mire. Don't worry, there's plenty left in the asteroid belt.
Attempt to dismiss the work of two climatologists - FAILmcnider and christy work with a guy who takes evangelical pledges on climate change and believes in creationism, and is also the "official climatologist of the rush limbaugh show".
meanwhile, let's take a look at the actual predictions from 30 years ago
more current:
when you remove the obvious bias and bad science from christy, mcnider, and rush limbaugh's pet "scientitst" spencer:
even their own work does them in once peer reviewed, it's pretty funny. but not unexpected, this has been happening to them for over 20 years. they just keep getting it wrong over and over, but they keep trying.
it's fucking cute.
the funniest part is when their minions like you guys accuse everyone else of getting it wrong, which is exactly backwards from what is actually happening.
you guys are idiots.
and 11,500 years ago they all had google maps and could see a "global flood" from space right?Why do scientists hide the fact about 11,500 years ago written by the Chinese, Mesopotamians, East Indians and Mayans, etc of global flooding. They all say the same time period. The Hebrew name for one of the decimated areas thought to be near modern day China is called Sheol. All these historical documents are in consensus this event which lasted about 3 generations occured, yet scientists cry bullshit. Was this a global conspiracy among civilations for thousands of years?
No doubt. I carry plastic trash off the reef everyday.It was in fact that mindset that got us to where we are today
[video=youtube;LcKOIR84-SM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LcKOIR84-SM[/video]......the funniest part is when their minions like you guys accuse everyone else of getting it wrong, which is exactly backwards from what is actually happening.
you guys are idiots.
So the UN has more money to spend on a pro-AGW agenda then all the energy companies together have to spend on an an anti-AGW agenda? How does this even make sense in your mind?What is more likely is, you have it backwards.
There are scientists on both sides of the debate, a small fact you left out of your scenario.
And it isn't science vs big business like you make it out to be.
It is the scientists for pro anthropogenic global warming who are the ones with limitless funds, not the other way around.
Between the UN and the US government, both who we all know have a political agenda, out spend the other side by a country mile.
Yes, the US government and the UN by far outspend all the energy companies, it's not even close.So the UN has more money to spend on a pro-AGW agenda then all the energy companies together have to spend on an an anti-AGW agenda? How does this even make sense in your mind?
Yeah carbon-tax credits are clearly a money making scheme and dubious at best in their efficacy. But is raising awareness to try and lower pollution such a bad thing really? Why is riding your bike or walking to the store every once in a while such a partisan clusterfuck? It's not like a little exercise is gonna hurt the average overweight American.
It doesn't take hard science to prove shitting where you sleep is a bad thing.
And yet you conveniently left out all the millions of dollars funneled to the federal govt by said energy companies in the form of PACS.Yes, the US government and the UN by far outspend all the energy companies, it's not even close.
I think you are confusing co2 with pollution, two different things.
Riding or not riding a bike is not a partisan issue, but when our government scams us into believing we need to ride a bike to save the planet, that's tyranny.
Climate Change is a big money complex. The US government alone spends roughly $4 billion a year to finance climate research and initiatives. That level of spending leaves all private US entities in the dust by a factor of roughly 1,000. In North America, the US federal government controls climate change spending. The big winner in the climate change money train is the National Science Foundation. They are requesting $1.616 billion dollars. They want $766 million dollars for the Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Program. This is a 15.9% increase from their last budget. They also need another $370 million for the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) an increase of 16%. The say they also need another $480 million for Atmospheric Sciences an increase of 8.1% and Earth Sciences up 8.7%. Oh, and not to be left out we need $955 million for the Geosciences Directorate, an increase of 7.4%. That’s a mighty hefty sum of money to dig into if you’re doing climate change research.http://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/The-Big-Winners-In-The-Climate-Change-Money-Game.html
Monies from political action committees do not go towards scientific research, more towards influencing elections.And yet you conveniently left out all the millions of dollars funneled to the federal govt by said energy companies in the form of PACS.
The federal government.Who has a bigger stake in this game? The NSF or ExxonMobil?
I take it you're one of the global warming sheeple, that's your choice, good luck with your bicycle.And do you think a website withe the tagline "The No. 1 Source for Energy and Oil News" that pops up asking for a subscription to "Energy Insider" might be biased? Not to mention the fact that article is over 3 years old.
Like I said, carbon-tax credits are bullshit. Still doesn't excuse us to drive a Hummer to pick up groceries. And how exactly does riding your bike instead of driving benefit the govt that makes billions off gas taxes?
Edit: Seriously, people like you have no idea what "tyranny" is. Riding your bike ain't it. Being slipped Po-210 in your tea because you're a political dissenter is.
Monies from political action committees do not go towards scientific research, more towards influencing elections.
The federal government.
I take it you're one of the global warming sheeple, that's your choice, good luck with your bicycle.
And to be quite frank, if you think you or any other alarmist has the right to tell me what i can drive or cannot drive, you can go FYorself.
You're really reaching here dutch, the federal government spends about $4billion a year, and as I demonstrated in the last post, Exxon/Moble spends 1/1000th of that.So money spent on political connections can't affect scientific research funded by said money?
You asked who had the bigger stake in this, I answered honestly and correctly, you just happened to leave the biggest culprit out of the choices.The NSF isn't the Federal Govt. And you didn't address the fact that the feds receive billions in gasoline taxes. What do they have to gain by diminishing those funds?
I use the term sheeple for idiots who believe and follow anything the government says they should.And finally, you used the word "sheeple", portraying you as a partisan hack that thinks YouTube gives them real answers. Seriously, "sheeple"? How old are you honestly? Anything older than 16 and still using that word means you are an idiot. Sorry, but that's the truth. Attack data, attack people, use some numbers to bolster your point, but please don't use the term "sheeple".
Unless you're an OWS supporter. I seem to remember them loving that retarded term.
Then why are you trying to censor?Liberals are not trying to censor... The Science IS Settled...
Why do you still insist the world is warming when it hasn't. Oh yeah, because WE don't understand science.You don't understand how science works. What makes you think anyone would care what you have to say about it?
You don't understand science or how to read graphs and chartsWhy do you still insist the world is warming when it hasn't. Oh yeah, because WE don't understand science.