lets try invent a new way of smoking!

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
lets try invent a new way of smoking!
today I took a hit of master kush in my bong and sed to my self Y can`t i try and make my own tipe of thing to smoke out of. mabe it can user less weed and get you more high? help me with a plan to try and make a new device!:joint:


Well-Known Member
There really isnt anything...I mean when you think about it you can only light things on fire so many ways lol.

Bongs/hookah- run smoke thru water
Pipe- runs thru nothing, just the pipe
Joint/blunt - rolled it up in something
vape - just toasts it not burns it.
food - ya eat it.

unless you can find a way to get high by lookin at the weed i think the market has been tapped out lol.


Active Member
You can try making weed toxic. like you get high when you touch it :) i guess you have to bind the thc with some chemicals and put it on blotter paper :D


Well-Known Member
yeah all about the bag vapes if you want to get higher off a smaller amount . . .

you're not gonna invent anything new to the toking world, don't worry. just go get a better vaporizer ;).


Well-Known Member
i actually like his idea. what about like a gravity bong with a fitting for a joint on top, light the joint and keep taking gravity hits? or one time i broke a glass pipe so i cut a hole in a 20 oz bottle and stuck the bowl part in there and caulked it off, i goot bigger hits off that thing then anything else ever. you can use fruit, apple or orange banana. im in man lets get creative and build a bong.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
I built a bong with a 5 gal alhambra bottle, used a flashlight for the stem and lined it with foil for a bowl. HUGE hits.

Then we built a hookah out of an alhambra bottle. We used 3/4 PVC for the stem. A steal galvanized rigid coupling from electrical conduit for a bowl Lined that with a couple screen repair kits to get the right size holes and not loose unburned bud to the bottle. We then took plastic tubing cut them about 2 foot long, four of them, drilled holes in the slanted part of the bottle, shoved the hoses in, siliconed around them. We would hot box the whole apartment with that thing. We had to put a gram or so in to light, worked better with 1/8 or 1/4.

I guess these methods will not save weed but, you and anyone around you will get loaded.


Well-Known Member
Put u j up ur bum and light it. Let us know how it goes.
I used to know a girl that would stick a joint in her holiest of holies in use her muscles to take a draw of the j...lol she was such a slut, but the good kind (just a freak)

i really do miss that one at times...
because she knew how to work it......
just too much crazy for me to stay around tho lol


Well-Known Member
I used to know a girl that would stick a joint in her holiest of holies in use her muscles to take a draw of the j...lol she was such a slut, but the good kind (just a freak)

i really do miss that one at times...
because she knew how to work it......
just too much crazy for me to stay around tho lol

hahaa now thats cool. Gotta love them sluts boy.


Well-Known Member
i actually like his idea. what about like a gravity bong with a fitting for a joint on top, light the joint and keep taking gravity hits? or one time i broke a glass pipe so i cut a hole in a 20 oz bottle and stuck the bowl part in there and caulked it off, i goot bigger hits off that thing then anything else ever. you can use fruit, apple or orange banana. im in man lets get creative and build a bong.
He doesnt want to make a bong.he wants to invent a whole new way to smoke. An apple and shit is just a ghetto pipe lol


Well-Known Member
Ok Guys hear me out....

Say you just have a regular bong, but instead of a bowl, the stem leads to a glass bulb that hangs down and opens from the top. That way, you could open the top, put your weed in, and then light the OUTSIDE of the glass bulb, therefore vaporizing the weed. Then the vapors would go through the water just like a regular bong.


bong hoger

Well-Known Member
I put tinfoil in my nose hole poke holes in the tinfoil and stack it full and then light it in my nose lol!