Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
64% of all gun deaths are self inflicted. Not included in the gun lobby's sales pitch.
Nearly a meaningless stat designed to obfuscate.

If a person is going to use a gun to kill themselves and isn't using it against others, that example shouldn't be used to inflate "gun deaths" in the murder sense. It would be like me saying you can't have any chocolate cake because millions of people are self inflicted fat.


Well-Known Member
. . . . . . . . . .the fact that this thread exists is a testament to the atavism present in the right wing ideology of Trumpism. . . . . . . .
I thought it was to show that most folks on either side of the gun control debate does not understand firearms. Even if the atavism were to carry you back 100 years, the guns then were the same as they are today. ie pretty simple to make at home for anyone with a machine shop. Beau's point was if you outlaw semi-auto's the machinist who will be making them on the black market will make them full auto since it will mean a few more bucks for him.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Another good reason to reform gunz law, I think free healthcare should be available to all, mental health crises need medical intervention not guns to off the suicidal.
America is looking very backward compared to many European countries, the fact that this thread exists is a testament to the atavism present in the right wing ideology of Trumpism.
Joe is going to take your fucking guns.
Since you mention healthcare, here in Oregon we have physician-assisted suicide


Well-Known Member
I thought it was to show that most folks on either side of the gun control debate does not understand firearms. Even if the atavism were to carry you back 100 years, the guns then were the same as they are today. ie pretty simple to make at home for anyone with a machine shop. Beau's point was if you outlaw semi-auto's the machinist who will be making them on the black market will make them full auto since it will mean a few more bucks for him.
That’s a very American perspective. If anyone manufactures illegal firearms for distribution in the U.K. they will get a life sentence


Well-Known Member
Since you mention healthcare, here in Oregon we have physician-assisted suicide
Suicidal ideation is different from right to die due to interminable suffering. Many people with suicidal ideation can be treated. Most don’t need to blow their brains out.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has the right to own and use the means to protect themselves from people who initiate aggression against them.

It's true, not everyone will use guns in a defensive way against other humans, which is the ONLY acceptable way to use them in that realm.
Your idea falls into that category, since it "authorizes" the use of offensive force in order to try to prevent offensive force. Lame.

For instance, to implement your fantasy of "responsible gun control" you'd have to use or threaten to use guns in an offensive force manner in order to take them, or force registration etc. against otherwise peaceful people who own guns for defensive purposes. You are an authority worshipper and make an exemption for some people (the people you worship and obey) to have more rights than others.

Your silly idea is self contradicting, an illogical failure and reeks of a master / slave mindset.
how dare you try to sensibly discuss this....

They are gonna take your guns with their guns!! Disarm yourself and comply immediately! assault machine gun rifleses are evil! trump bad bad joe blah blah! am i doing this right?


Well-Known Member
For real though, wouldn't it be better to just know where all the strategically placed propane tanks are on your property than needing to fire a bunch of bullets in a go?