No thats fabulous

Mine is more like a mad time
I was going out on this crazy night on university dressed up as ghost busters with a cheap painters protection outfit+magic marker and my university lab gear (goggles+gloves)
So we made this crazy night up which was absolutely laced with drink... Every-fucking thing was drink... LOL
We had challanges starting off with standard drinking games with a forefit of a massive beer bong with hmmm.... wine+carlsberg+strongbow+ginger beer+coke or something ridiculous like that!! Also eating jam doughnuts or saussage rolls in one go without using hands or fingers
Other challenge, "horse and knight" 11 rooms and 20 players. Each room had 30-40 shots in it. Objective, ride your flatmate room to room and when you get to the room both take a shot and he starts riding you to the next. Fire extinguishers falling on the floor, people falling over... The shots : Vodka + dandelion and burdock, coke, lemonade, cherry ade equally divided. Shots of port and lambrini were included.
Most ran outside and threw all this stuff up after 11 rooms were clean

I wasn`t one of them.
Things are very boozed up now. Alcopops (WKD) drinking boat race and I drank two + two while I was fetching drinks for people.
Then there were 4 shopping trolleys we stole from Tesco to bring all the booze back to the dorm in. We had stolen traffic cones for a crash course assisted by beer cans and it was a beer downing shopping trolley race. Needless to say there were some crashes at this point
Then came the waterbaloon fight and it was finally over... Our blocks initiation.. We had 2 levels to the initiation Veteran and Rookie

The girls were rookies but we convinced the 2 japanese that THEY HAD IT IN THEM and THEY HAD WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A VETERAN!! They were throwing their guts up all night LOL Nothing mean or anything here, they don`t regret it its just funny
Anyway, so I`m standing outside feeling absolutely plastered! I had a beer somehow and downed that too, I was still drinking... Genious. I started to feel like I was going to fall over and walked into my room. Friends came and got me back outside and started talking, I silently left again. They came dragged me up took me outside and I walked away on them again and lay down in bed
I wasn`t sure if I was going out, I wanted to lie down... Then I felt the chunder come like a damn tsunami wave... It went EVERYWHERE!! All over the bed, the wall, my clothes, my outfit...
People came in my room to get me once more and noticed I was lying in my own sick passed out. I remember selling my night out ticket to someone from my chunder covered bed and people ripping the sheets off and taking the duvet away, it was all covered in sick...
And I thought I had sweated at night when my bed was so wet... I was terribly wrong
I remembered the rest of the uni drunk times!
I was in a block of student rooms blind drunk with a friend and I got my dick out and pissed down the whole sets of stairs. I really regret this but its still hillarious! I view myself as an asshole which deserved a beating at that time and theres no exception, there was nobody to kick my drunken ass thats all

My friend said the stairs were like Niagra Falls

Alcohol is the devils stuff, devil!!
Then I got an xmas card saying "Watch it, Chundangra Falls is coming"