I am very curious to hear from people who use bare bones equipment to make there stuff.
- 3/4 x 6 glass flanged tube.
- About 7 grams 'airy' semi quality bud. Almost dry.
My 3rd and best attempt. Used about 4/5ths of a 300ml can.
The Pyrex dish was put in freezer hours before I did this. This caused condensation to freezer on inside bottom(even though I had it covered). I'm assuming this resulting in a small amount of water in my BHO, which I'm assuming is why my consistency is much thicker? I dunno. All I know is this batch is easier to handle.
Another change with this attempt was not blasting at full power. Next attempt I will try blasting even slower. I want to get as much yeild as I can per attempt.
No purge. I do not taste butane in it. It tastes almost exactly like my, mostly, dried bud smells.
I don't have any scales but I wpould guess I'm in the 7-12% range
So there was about 1/3 of a can left. I just ran about 1/2 the amount of bud I have been using(1/2 tube) and this time going even slower on the blast.
I put in oven at 170 for about 15 minutes. Consistently is easier to work with now. Also color is more clear.
I welcome all input, critical or otherwise.