this endless "french-bashing" simply must cease. those unfortunates who grew up with french as their first or only language should be seen to have a disability, just like any other. it isn't their fault. i've known many people for whom french was their native tongue and i've found that, with a little help, they are quite capable of leading relatively full and productive lives. on the other hand, there is no excuse for being canadian. they are universally degenerate by choice. at any time they could have left that benighted culture behind and joined the rest of us, participating in a productive society, but they made the choice to continue in their vile ways. it is undoubtedly the canadians that hugo would have the greatest difficulty in accepting. stripped of what little wealth they may have, there is no conceivable use for such creatures.
this endless "french-bashing" simply must cease. those unfortunates who grew up with french as their first or only language should be seen to have a disability, just like any other. it isn't their fault. i've known many people for whom french was their native tongue and i've found that, with a little help, they are quite capable of leading relatively full and productive lives. on the other hand, there is no excuse for being canadian. they are universally degenerate by choice. at any time they could have left that benighted culture behind and joined the rest of us, participating in a productive society, but they made the choice to continue in their vile ways. it is undoubtedly the canadians that hugo would have the greatest difficulty in accepting. stripped of what little wealth they may have, there is no conceivable use for such creatures.
how can you blame those poor unfortunates? centuries of failure and capitulation have bred their disease, a disease that seems to be carried by the language. but canada is a relatively young nation, one whose degradation appears to have been intentional.Don't get me started on "such creatures" French people eat snail's and shit for breakfast.. horse meat stew anyone?
how can you blame those poor unfortunates? centuries of failure and capitulation have bred their disease, a disease that seems to be carried by the language. but canada is a relatively young nation, one whose degradation appears to have been intentional.
thanks for the offer, but i'm afraid i'll have to decline. you're cute, you just aren't my type.fuck all of you.
i don't drink, i have two left feet and i really hate crowds. other than that i suppose it's a splendid idea. i guess i'm just in the mood to kill sumthin.I say instead we invade tha clubs
i don't drink, i have two left feet and i really hate crowds. other than that i suppose it's a splendid idea. i guess i'm just in the mood to kill sumthin.![]()
naw, huntin' critters is fer pussies. when i kill sumthin, i wanna know that the price of failure is that there lethul injekshun.Archery season is just around the corner!
besides, many canadiens speak french....pussies!
sorry to be the one that has to break it to you, but no it doesn't.this keyboard makes me sound much more coherent than i actually am.
sorry to be the one that has to break it to you, but no it doesn't.
sorry to be the one that has to break it to you, but no it doesn't.