Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
alright just some pics didnt like how the plants are looking so just wanted to post them,...............how long should i not water them ?????? its already been 4 days !!! ............ still wondering witch plant should i put in the waterfarm to become the mother plant while the other one i will put into flower room when its ready probley another month let me know witch one you think i should put in the watefarm ??

Two plants ....four pics of both plants.... witch one should be the mother ?


white boy smurf

New Member
Hey, sounds alot like you plants are lacking Nitrogen (after looking at your pics a bit better). Heres a guide i found on the site that might help you.
Quick Deficiency Guide
Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....

Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...

Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color; yellowed; papery in appearance...

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...

Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...

Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered pattern of yellow and green...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...

Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
oh right on thanks man haha just gotta figure out how to get them nitrogen then now or how to fix the problem, really appricatte it !! :weed:

take a pick haha for me 1 0r 2 trying to figure out witch one to mother

white boy smurf

New Member
I cant remember exactly but im pretty sure Blood Meal is rich in nitrogen (can pick up at Home Depot/Lowes). And i think Bone Meal is for flowering but it could be the other way around. Good Luck

white boy smurf

New Member
Just pick w/e plant has teh best genetics. Like if ones stem has grown thicker than the other one than that is genetics you want to carry over to your clones. To me those plants look quite similiar so its up to you. You could wait for them to get revived and then whichever one heals fastes you can mother that

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
sounds good ill check it out right now........hoping my situations better with in a week.... thanks for all the info!!!! :weed::joint::mrgreen:bongsmilie

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
oh and when i transfer my plant to the waterfarm should i just ph the water no nutes for a while ? i wanna transfer the one hehe just dont wanna hurt it any more ya know


Elite Rolling Society
alright not sure what to do i posted a thread about ph levels in another room and got nothing, im not sure how long it been going on or even how its happening but i know its hurrting my girls, i check my ph levels in the morning before the first feeding of water and the ph level was agian 6.6 ph grrr same as yesterday morning when lights came on,i am using ph up and down to correct the problem once i see it 5.8 i set it to, they are three weeks old so i dont know if this has been happing since day one i didnt have a good digital reader before so it lookd like the ph was fine guess not, well the big question is how is this happening whats causing it and what can i do so i dont have to ad ph up and down every morning. thanks guys and gals looking forward to read what you say.
You PMed me and asked me to visit here for advise. I've done tons of reserch on pH, but I do nto know zilch about indoor soil growing.

pH ? man, its the major hassle in Hydro for most hydro growers. Some are lucky to start with good pH water.

I susgest you pH your water first, then add nutrients, then raise and lower it with UP and DOWN to a good level, outside of the system, outside of the tank, befoe you introduce the water and nutes to the tank and plants.

Never adjust it more than .1 in a 4 hour period. if it gets all whacked up, or down, then drain a good part of it and replinish with what I just told you above.

If it just goes wacky all the time, like a yo-yo, every day, after you followed the above advise, then google pH stablization.
What you do for STABLIZATION, , is do again what I told ya above, but add one heaping table spoon of baking soda to each gallon, then pH it to the right level you want it, add your per gallon nutes, pH it again, and it will stay more stable.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I am doing hydro grow.... i been using distilled water then ph it, but i have noticed that every time i check my water it goes up to 6.6 or around there i bring it down to 5.8 before watering.....

now im going to transfer my one plant into my waterfarm and give it just ph water for now like three days just ph then add nutes on the fourth day 1/4 hoppfuly ill be back on track .....

im not sure if i should keep it on the house and garden nutes i been giving it or switch over to the waterfarm nutes that came with the box they are called flora

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
sex yes please hmm love it ..... but yea nah i just have two plants and one waterfarm so i hope one is going to be my mother and the other im just going to let it get bigger ( trying to build my own waterfarm...more to come) then ill put it in the flower room so i have room for the clones i hope to cut from the mother.... i can just take a clone from the mother and put it in the flower room after it has rooots to see if it gets pistols then i know all my clones and mother are FEMALE then im happy and dance around and my gf yells at me to change the diaper :spew: hmm oh well bongsmilie back in the game just hoping every thing works out just got my baby in the waterfarm ... i will have pics later .... keep up the watching i hope i can correct the nute problem......

.... oh yea the waterfram is going as long as the lights are on so thats 18 hours of water hmm i read that thats ok but im worried hahahahahahhaha :o

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright its been two days of just ph water.......... should i start nutes now ?? there a month old. i was going to start with just a 1/4 if there ready for it.... i got one vote so far for the FLORA nutes but before i flushed them i was using HOUSE AND GARDEN....but since i flushed it shouldnt matter witch one i use now right ?? i would have to buy more of both i only got small bottles that came with the waterfarm (pics later looking good) those nutes were the FLORA but my shop told me HOUSE AND GARDEN WAS GOOD FOR HYDRO hmmm witch one to use ????? Like i said since i put the one in the water farm its getting all perky and nice i want to trim the bad yellow leaves thoe i will have pics later so every one can see. keep growing! :weed:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright here are some pics the waterfarm is looking good its bottom leaves are really looking bad i want to cut them SHOULD I ?? CAN I ?? the water goes down more then i thought it would in the waterfarm i keep filling it up to the line.....

i am still just giving them ph water for now OH YEA THIS IS IMPORTANT I was wondering since i have them in a rockwool cube and i gave them nutes way to young if the rockwool has the nutes in it and if it does then now my good water has nutes in it right ??? so what should i do about that????

my other plant looks about the same :-( im trying to get some money together to try and buid a waterfarm for it ... i have the parts to make a dwc or a bubbler haha whatever its called but the cube is a 4x4 so i dont think i should cut it down to fit in my net pots or should i ??

OH yea should you ever cut roots i have seen lots of pics of bubblers, cloners, dwc blablabla haha and they have little net pots that they start in im guessing then there going to transfer to a bigger net pot or pellets or cube but what about alll those freaking roots some pics have a shit load of roots how do you work with all that to fit in your bigger cube, netpot, or pellets ??



Well-Known Member
Sup man? I am about 2 months ahead of you, I began the second week of September. I'm new also, but I have done a lot of reading. This site rocks!!!

Once you increase the size of your reservoir you'll realize how much more stable a larger amount of solution is. That was the first thing I learned...

Did you get the fan issue sorted? Wiring is simple if not. I ask because I wonder if you are getting enough air circulation? I'm no expert, but that crossed my mind.

i gave them nutes way to young if the rockwool has the nutes in it and if it does then now my good water has nutes in it right ??? so what should i do about that????
I think flushing will cure that, if it was an issue at all. When I began i worried about the yellow also, and realized that water rationing was the key to taming it.

how do you work with all that to fit in your bigger cube, netpot, or pellets ??
I don't know, I haven't gotten to that stage yet.

so i dont think i should cut it down to fit in my net pots or should i ??
I haven't cut or torn any of the rockwool off the cubes, but I did cram the bottom edge of the cubes to get them to fit in the lower, more narrow part of the pots.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man thanks for the help....... your right this site does rock im glad i found it......i have been reading on your thread you talk about ppm ....what is it ??? i have done some search on it but i cant find what it is and how to check and controll it im guessing thats one of the little things i have not done yet for my plants


Well-Known Member
PPM's means - Parts Per Million.
For example: Basically, your ppm reading (taken from a meter you dip into your nutrient solution. you will have to purchase one if you go hydro) tells you how many parts, out of a million, of that liquid is nutrients. A higher ppm reading means less water and more nutrients (stronger). Lower number, the opposite (weaker).

EC is another reading you will get familiar with if you go hydro. It is the Eliectronic Conductivity of the solution. Measured the same way, it tells you the concentration of salts in the liquid being measured. I don't really use the EC much, but I am paying attention to what it is when I check my nutrients (nutes) so I will be familiar.

If you don't have a meter, get one (if going hydro). Do not skimp on your meter. I mean, get a good meter, not just the basic model, you will be happier. I first bought a cheap PH meter to check my PH and then I bought a good meter that reads the PH, PPM's and EC. I wish I had just bought the good meter first. I use the cheap one to double check the good meters' PH reading.

Both meters are from Milwaukee (that is the company name, not where I got them). I had some issues with my original purchase, but they rectified the problem and went beyond their call of duty, sort of...

Also, before yo buy expensive stuff, be sure you can return the equipment if you need to. I bought a decent meter for $160.00 (I think that was the price) from a hydro shop in Canyon Country and it didn't work properly. The shop informed me AFTER the purchase that there are no returns or refunds. I guess there were signs posted in the store, but I didn't read them before I bought it. Needless to say, I had to pay for shipping a meter back to Milwaukee 3x's and pay for shipping myself, all the while (3 weeks, I think) my plants were not being given metered nutes... I had the cheap meter to keep PH in check at least.

Because of that, I told the hydro shop that I will never shop there again, and haven't bought anything that costs over 5 bucks from them since. To make it worse, the last time I was there to buy something cheap, the counter girl added something extra to my order and over charged me. I get home and see the item in my bag so I have to drive back to the store to return it.

They also gave a freind some pesticide to put in his grow (a bomb I think), that is not supposed to be used on plants, according to him. I've concluded taht the girls that run the place are fun to look at, but they don't seem to know shit about growing and I promise you, they do not know shit about customer service. -but they are cute girls and they will probably get by using their "talents". Haha!