Lets Get Growing


Well-Known Member
if ya can get some clearex by botanicare. its less than ten bucks. It helps keeps the salts soluble in the water.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nice already have it just got it last weekend so ill ad it tomorrow it already has a little i added last sunday to but im going to switch out the water tomorrow thanks for the tip

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
JonnyBtreedIf heights an issue and you want to clone you could take one off that taller plant. What do you have for cloning and how do you plan on doing it?

Didnt even read that tell today man..... thanks for the help......yea heights a little issue for now.....i was planning on taking some off the taller plant tommarrow hahaha we will see....... I have a bubbler i made well its my cloner bubbler haha thats what im going to use it for ....i will cut the clones from the plant some where not sure yet?? then dip them in root gell i got and stick them in the bubbler with pellets .......sound good??? i dont have much room tell i make there new home so im just going to place them next to the small plant on a table they should get enough light from that? :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hulk you got a hydro store near you? I would suggest getting some 1.5x1.5 rockwool cubes and put your cutting in that instead of just hydroton. Reason being, hydroton is good at retaining some water but great at letting it drain through. I think you might run into some problems keeping the roots moist enough without rockwool. just my opinion. Plus their only like 4-5 bucks for about 30 of em.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
oh no man..... i am cutting and putting in rockwool 1.5 or 1 not sure then putting them in the humid dome on the clone,dwc machine...............i been working on the veg/mother room all day still not done :wall: just the detials now i have noticed the temp went way up now its alll in a box .... i will have pictures of the room and the update on the plants hopefully tomarrow after work

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well the room is finished you could say just have to hook up the thermostat and humidistat........ thermostat im waiting on how to install hahaha someone is hooking me up with the DIY on the home thermostat we wont say names untell he comes threw......and the humidistat has 4 days to get here i hate waiting im very impatiant bongsmilie thats better..... well back to work

oh yea i wanna take some clones today where should i take them from the top of the bottom ??? one of the plants was getting tall so i bent it to 90 degrees :oops: felt like i was hurting it but it took a day or two but its standing up agian so i feel better :-P i hope that stunted the growth so the other can catch up ......

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
alright here we go......its not all done but you get the idea..... i am buidling custom door and cabniets for the rest of the closet so it looks all clean and hidden. i am still going to hook up a thermostat and humidistat but i am waiting for them to come in the mail anyways here the pics............it sucks since the room is so small its hard to take pics in it grrr so i am going to put them in order bottom to top ......... :weed:


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
alright here are some pics of the plants up close and personal...........since i was building the room i was moving them around and had them with out light for a little while and probley got stressed a little, some of the leafs are not looking that good but im going to wait a day or two see if it gets better crossing fingers....... i want to take some clones but im not sure if i should take them from the top or bottom since i bent the one over i think it wont grow as tall any more ..........and the bottom leaves i mean very bottom the leaves are so small i want to cut them and clone hahaha maybe i dont even think they would be good clones since there so small ..........tell me what you think!



Well-Known Member
Hey Hulk, who is the little Homie in the photo? Is that your dog, dizzle?

Yeah man, I got some rep too. Does that mean my status is rising? When you figure it out, lemme know.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yea my little girl when she was just weeks old i should pust another one with her man hes so big compared to her ill try and find it.

Nah i want to know how to give rep i did it once i thought it was just at the bottom of the thread some were cant find it.....rep is like saying your doing good or good ideas or some peope just give rep to get info

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey finaly got around to cutting clones ............. i was a virgin so i was really scared....... i hope every thing went alright......i cut 6 clones alll the bottom branches 4 are good size 2 are minis i was going to cut and throw away but i say what the heck lets see what happens.........i cut at a 45 degree well i tried to they might have been 30 degrees ;-) ......dippped into ........... then placed in 1 inch rockwool cubes ..... into net pots..... with orcid pellets on the bottom and top......and put the dome over aww it was to big so i taped the open end shut but its not sealed shut ...... pissed to i just saw that my bubble stone keeps poping up and floating grrrrr that could be a problem i cant check it every hour grrrr :wall: well here they are i hope they get threw this fase

oh yea i sprayed some water in the dome but with in a couple of mins it all dryed up haha sucks :dunce:

the last 3 pics are my other hopefull mother but its kinda short and dosnt really have any good stems i could cut for clones at this time...but i did notice its turnning color hmmm i added ph water to it today just incase i gave it to much nutes but i only gave it 1/4 and its over a month old from seed


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well they were not looking goood at all last night most all of them were bending all the way over laying down.....i was guessing it was cause of the humidity dome.......so i got a little crazy and hooked up a heat humidifer to one side of the dome and its been keeping the humidity way up in the dome and all the clones are looking way better i just put it together real fast last night before i went to bed and used magazines hahaha so now the magaznies are all bad water damage oh welll trash.....so im going to make it look better and function even better ................someone let me know if to much humidity and heat is not goood for clones ....i think i read some where that clones love high humidity and heat might be wrong thoe...... i will have pics of the new dome cloner setup sometime, tonights party night so .........pooor me a shot and pack me a bowl :weed: :fire: