Lets debunk AN and other companies products with FACTS.

I understand its cheaper to mix your own nutrients cause theres water in nutrient bottles..... Blah,blah,....this doesnt mean they dont work. Those are not facts sir. Just cause you say youve used several different nute lines, it debunks all??? I dont understand. How is this fact, for all i know you never grew a plant in your life. Maybe i misundestood you........
Last June I bought a tub of Jack's Classic nutrients for $10 and I'm just finishing it now. It has everything a plant needs. No nute-burn, no deficiencies. I've never used AN so I can't debunk their claims, but I can say that paying more that $10 every six months is not necessary.
I understand theres cheaper options but if money aint an issue?????.........but i'll definitely be looking for that? Never heard of it, thats cheap......
I understand theres cheaper options but if money aint an issue?????.........but i'll definitely be looking for that? Never heard of it, thats cheap......

It's my opinion that spending extra money doesn't get your more or better nutrients.

Here's a link to the manufacturer's website. There's a store-finder on the website...you won't find Jacks at a hydro-shop, but instead a Nursery.


Here's a few I grew with Jack's



I understand theres cheaper options umbut if money aint an issue?????.........but i'll definitely be looking for that? Never heard of it, thats cheap......
yep , spend a bunch on dirty n ur good. I mean if ya spend $300 on dirt ur doin good right ? Nutes are just dumb, i mean why buy nutes when you can drop a few hun buyin good dirt n then ur not buyin snake oil ur just buyin dirt. Yeah that was all sarcasm
$300..... Where did you get that number? Maybe $30 on nutes and $15 on a bunch coco from a local store.......thats cheap in my book. And by the way nice buds LILROACH, thanks for the info. I will definitely be looking into jacks classic........
For hydroponic setups, Jack's classic is incomplete. You should use Jack's Professional Hydroponics + calcium nitrate for a hydro setup.

Jack's classic is meant to be used in a soil setup where calcium is provided by lime in the soil.
Or you could just go the maxigrow/maxibloom series from GH that is pretty cheap and will last most small growers a long time. Supplies every Micro and macro you would ever need. 4 grams of Maxigrow and 1 gram of maxibloom (per gallon) supplies this ratio of nutrients: (ppm)
NPK ratio: 3:1:3.85

Nitrogen 119
Phosphorus 40
Potassium 154
Magnesium 30
Sulfur 69
Calcium 77

Which I feel is almost a perfect ratio of nutrients the whole grow. I think each 2.2lb bag will cost you around 15 dollars. No watered down bullshit. Going off memory but i think it comes out to around 16 cents per gallon of nutrient solution.
For hydroponic setups, Jack's classic is incomplete. You should use Jack's Professional Hydroponics + calcium nitrate for a hydro setup.

Jack's classic is meant to be used in a soil setup where calcium is provided by lime in the soil.
finally, iv said it a thousand times but it just never seems to sink in. Jacks works great in a good soil but is far from complete, its what I use on my veggies. The thing I dont understand is people that spend a ton of money and build a great, organic soil n then use store bought nutes, whats the point? A complete nutrient would supply everything a plant needs in a hydro set up n Jacks isnt complete, but it does work great in a good soil. And since Jacks is such a respectable company that doesnt sell snake oil, why is their calcium nitrate so expensive? Is it special calcium nitrate? I know Jacks wouldnt just put a pretty label on it n mark it up 500% cuz that would go against everything they stand for. Dirt growers need to quit telling hydro growers how they have a complete, 1 part nutrient, when they use it with an expensive soil. All store bought nutes, are for convenience. The other thing I dont understand is why all these "pros" that spend all day hatin on other nutrient lines use Dynagro or Jacks, why would a "pro" buy store bought nutes? Could it be that Jacks n Dynagro have some reps hittin the ol marijuana forums? Nah, they wouldnt do that
finally, iv said it a thousand times but it just never seems to sink in. Jacks works great in a good soil but is far from complete, its what I use on my veggies. The thing I dont understand is people that spend a ton of money and build a great, organic soil n then use store bought nutes, whats the point? A complete nutrient would supply everything a plant needs in a hydro set up n Jacks isnt complete, but it does work great in a good soil. And since Jacks is such a respectable company that doesnt sell snake oil, why is their calcium nitrate so expensive? Is it special calcium nitrate? I know Jacks wouldnt just put a pretty label on it n mark it up 500% cuz that would go against everything they stand for. Dirt growers need to quit telling hydro growers how they have a complete, 1 part nutrient, when they use it with an expensive soil. All store bought nutes, are for convenience. The other thing I dont understand is why all these "pros" that spend all day hatin on other nutrient lines use Dynagro or Jacks, why would a "pro" buy store bought nutes? Could it be that Jacks n Dynagro have some reps hittin the ol marijuana forums? Nah, they wouldnt do that

Well I think the point being with concentrated forms of fertilizer you save money because you are not buy watered down solutions. If you price it out you can find out how much you are spending per gallon. Most bottled nutrients cost a hell of a lot more per gallon. Like I said in my above post you can grow for about 16 CENTS per gallon. This is what I used to do. The GH maxi series IS a complete line. Not really one part unless you use just the grow or bloom which I have seen people pull off just fine.

Now I mix my own, add in some CRF and a few other additives and use mostly water throughout. Sometimes I supplement if needed.
Since I don't grow in hydro I cannot speak of how well Jack's works with that grow medium. I knew they had a hydro formula, but didn't feel I could recommend something I've never used.

As far as lime in the soil......I use Jack's with Happy Frog or Ocean Forest....not sure if either has lime, but I can say it works with these two soils.

Bagged "organic" soil is indeed a convenience more than anything. Some of us just don't have the room or the inclination to go through the hoops required to make our own soil.
Since I don't grow in hydro I cannot speak of how well Jack's works with that grow medium. I knew they had a hydro formula, but didn't feel I could recommend something I've never used.

As far as lime in the soil......I use Jack's with Happy Frog or Ocean Forest....not sure if either has lime, but I can say it works with these two soils.

Bagged "organic" soil is indeed a convenience more than anything. Some of us just don't have the room or the inclination to go through the hoops required to make our own soil.
a complete nutrient line will work in anything, Jacks is great, but its not complete. I love reading AN bashers talk about what a waste of money AN is and then find out they are using store bought dirt that is expensive as fuck or that they go out n buy all the shit to build a good soil n then talk about the money they saved on nutes
a complete nutrient line will work in anything, Jacks is great, but its not complete. I love reading AN bashers talk about what a waste of money AN is and then find out they are using store bought dirt that is expensive as fuck or that they go out n buy all the shit to build a good soil n then talk about the money they saved on nutes
There really is no debate here if you do the simple math. AN is EXPENSIVE especially when you get suckered into buying every over priced supplement they produce. And buying bulk dry soil amendments IS cheaper in the long run. Simple math.

As for final flush, clearex...etc. No need for it. If you want to flush you can use plain water or molasses (which has carbs that effectively do the same thing final flush does)Molasses has enzymatic properties, that eat up salts, and all flushing agents are nothing more than simple sugars or EDTA. Dextrose, raw cane juice, etc loosen salts and are the flushing agent. Final phase is EDTA based.
I don't care about prices, I care about effectiveness. I use 3 or 4 different kinds of ferts, depending on the phase. All of different brand, cause non are canna specific. I do not sell my shit however.
I don't care about prices, I care about effectiveness. I use 3 or 4 different kinds of ferts, depending on the phase. All of different brand, cause non are canna specific. I do not sell my shit however.
I care about both, a plant needs the basic Micro and Macro nutrients, nothing more. Some nutrient companies source out different types of these nutrients. ANWAS known for using cheap sources and marking their prices up to ridiculous levels. That's a fact. They may have changed in the last few years(mainly because of bad reputation), I have no idea. I will never line their pockets for bottles of watered down bull shit. Of course you can grow with their lineup, yes it works. But what are you willing to pay for it? Just by my nature I look for value in anything, saving money in the long run is never a bad bet.
There really is no debate here if you do the simple math. AN is EXPENSIVE especially when you get suckered into buying every over priced supplement they produce. And buying bulk dry soil amendments IS cheaper in the long run. Simple math.

As for final flush, clearex...etc. No need for it. If you want to flush you can use plain water or molasses (which has carbs that effectively do the same thing final flush does)Molasses has enzymatic properties, that eat up salts, and all flushing agents are nothing more than simple sugars or EDTA. Dextrose, raw cane juice, etc loosen salts and are the flushing agent. Final phase is EDTA based.
Well I agree, their is no debate here, GH, AN, Canna, Dynagro, Jacks are ALL expensive and can ALL be replaced with something better for a much better price and if you are on top of monitoring your ppm then the flushing/flushing agent myth has also been answered, if your ppm drops then feed ur plant, if its rising shes not eating, if shes eating shes growing, simple as it gets
I care about both, a plant needs the basic Micro and Macro nutrients, nothing more. Some nutrient companies source out different types of these nutrients. ANWAS known for using cheap sources and marking their prices up to ridiculous levels. That's a fact. They may have changed in the last few years(mainly because of bad reputation), I have no idea. I will never line their pockets for bottles of watered down bull shit. Of course you can grow with their lineup, yes it works. But what are you willing to pay for it? Just by my nature I look for value in anything, saving money in the long run is never a bad bet.
do you grow hydro?
do you grow hydro?
No, I use my own soil mix with bulk dry amendments and some CRF. I supplement with dry fertilizer if needed, but mainly use plain water throughout the grow. I've grown just about every way but hydro...Organic amendments, Gh dry maxi series. Hell I even tried a free General Organics go pack.... My best results have been what I do now. Experience obviously is the biggest factor here, no matter what way you grow. There is no magical elixir that will replace that....
I think that AN is an example of a line of nutes that if used at dosages and intervals that were less than recommended the effectiveness would increase as the cost would become a bit more justified.