Lets all take a page from mexicos book!! Annual Strain

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
ok so ive been reserching trying to find new ways to regenererate a already harvested plant. while searching i came across an article that says mexican growers have begun growing an autoflowering strain that will mature in two months and will grow back unless the entire root system is removed from the ground. so i started trying to find this strain by searching for annual marijuana strains. i came up with a strain called "big bad john." did a little more searching and found that pukka seeds offers a strain called "long john silver" witch has similaritys to BBJ but is a more mellow smoke. Im going to try this strain in the summer and you should too. gotta be cost efficent if the cartels are growing it, their some of the greedyist people alive.

heres a link to the article about the mexican emergence of this strain: http://www.compassionatecoalition.org/node/4057

heres a link to the strain info: http://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Long_John_Silver/Pukka_Seeds/

hope it helps!
This would be a awesome outdoor strain to try, by the sounds of it you could just plant out your seedlings & let them get on with it & hopefully return for multiple harvests :) I'll see if anyone on here has grown this strain - I'm intrigued
This would be a awesome outdoor strain to try, by the sounds of it you could just plant out your seedlings & let them get on with it & hopefully return for multiple harvests :) I'll see if anyone on here has grown this strain - I'm intrigued

myself aswell. i was blown away. gotta spread the word.
Surely that way you could go perpetual with 1 room just on 18/6 or 20/4 if it flowers out like a normal auto but instead of dying will just grow again. Grow. Cut. Dry. Grow. Cut. Dry. Etc. Etc. couldnt be easier I wouldnt of thought! Interesting none the less!
Surely that way you could go perpetual with 1 room just on 18/6 or 20/4 if it flowers out like a normal auto but instead of dying will just grow again. Grow. Cut. Dry. Grow. Cut. Dry. Etc. Etc. couldnt be easier I wouldnt of thought! Interesting none the less!

you can chop it down and it will grow back. or atleast thats what i got from the article
heres a few links to big bad john and long john silver seed suppliers:





the seeds can be expensive but if you can have 3 harvests between april and september outdoor and 6 indoor per year it seems like money well spent. you be the judge.
From an indoor point of view sounds interesting. I mean if on attitude its a case of Doggies Nuts seeds are bloody expensive BUT in theory if leave it unlimited seeds. My issue if once you cut the top colas how long it takes to grow back and flower again. Also how big the window is between having nice bud then bud full of seeds...
it will mature fully in 2 months or so the countless articles say.

Indoor: 6 harvests per year
outdoor: 3 harvests per year (in MI, may very due to diffrent climates)

To be safe i would use superthrive and nitrozyme just to give it an extra boost when your regenerating it. plant hormones have worked wonders for me in the past and i guarentee they speed up grow cycles. superthrive has brought millions of dyeing plants back to life like nothing ever happened.
So really you don't have to veg. 4 plants started 2 weeks apart... Every 2 weeks gonna harvest a plant and all you have to do is cut and carry on. Highly tempting but £125 in uk that's alot! But in THEORY would never buy seeds again. Depends if it tastes nice and strong as advertised.
First of all, the article referring to this "new" strain is nearly 6 years old. So how "new" can this strain really be? There have been all sorts of truly new autoflowering strains developed and introduced since 2006.

Next, bluntly, I wouldn't take the words of a Mexican narcotics agent at face value. Just because this guy claims with a straight face that these plants can't be killed by chemicals, or will regrow immediately after being chopped down does not make it true.

If I were. . .purely for hypothetical discussion purposes. . .tasked with doing a job that could get me killed if I went one way, or nicely bribed if I went another, well, maybe I'd ALSO want a nice series of pre-prepared excuses about why my field agents can't seem to eradicate those 'pesky' cartel-grown marijuana crops.

Gosh, they're trying so hard, yet chemicals don't kill the plants, and cutting them down doesn't work either!

OK. . .sure thing, pal, that's the reason, why the plants keep "re-growing".

On the seeds being listed for sale, I've made another post elsewhere that "Doggie's Nuts" appears to be lifting Pukka seeds' ad copy directly and selling similar strains. I've speculated that DN is probably simply rebranding Pukka seeds then charging 3x as much for them. Whether this is occuring with or without Pukka's consent, or whether or not "DN" is actually a PART of Pukka, I don't know.

Lastly, on autoflowering plants, if you were to seed a field with ANY ruderalis-based autoflower strain, the plants will effectively grow perpetually like weeds, giving random harvests all year long.
They'll also be seedy. Apart from the implausible bit about these plants being resistant to chopping or chemicals (which again, I don't actually believe), its not clear to me what advantage this autoflower strain has over many others.
First of all, the article referring to this "new" strain is nearly 6 years old. So how "new" can this strain really be? There have been all sorts of truly new autoflowering strains developed and introduced since 2006.

Next, bluntly, I wouldn't take the words of a Mexican narcotics agent at face value. Just because this guy claims with a straight face that these plants can't be killed by chemicals, or will regrow immediately after being chopped down does not make it true.

If I were. . .purely for hypothetical discussion purposes. . .tasked with doing a job that could get me killed if I went one way, or nicely bribed if I went another, well, maybe I'd ALSO want a nice series of pre-prepared excuses about why my field agents can't seem to eradicate those 'pesky' cartel-grown marijuana crops.

Gosh, they're trying so hard, yet chemicals don't kill the plants, and cutting them down doesn't work either!

OK. . .sure thing, pal, that's the reason, why the plants keep "re-growing".

On the seeds being listed for sale, I've made another post elsewhere that "Doggie's Nuts" appears to be lifting Pukka seeds' ad copy directly and selling similar strains. I've speculated that DN is probably simply rebranding Pukka seeds then charging 3x as much for them. Whether this is occuring with or without Pukka's consent, or whether or not "DN" is actually a PART of Pukka, I don't know.

Lastly, on autoflowering plants, if you were to seed a field with ANY ruderalis-based autoflower strain, the plants will effectively grow perpetually like weeds, giving random harvests all year long.
They'll also be seedy. Apart from the implausible bit about these plants being resistant to chopping or chemicals (which again, I don't actually believe), its not clear to me what advantage this autoflower strain has over many others.

so not only is the article a lie but the seed company is lieing too. is it a conspiracy? are the people who have grown this strain and posted about it in various fourms and websites all lieing too. ive posted links that clarify everything. lots of reputable sorces vouch for this strain public and corperate aswell as a countrys goverment. are they all in on the scam or does this thread hurt YOUR scam?
so not only is the article a lie but the seed company is lieing too. is it a conspiracy? are the people who have grown this strain and posted about it in various fourms and websites all lieing too. ive posted links that clarify everything. lots of reputable sorces vouch for this strain public and corperate aswell as a countrys goverment. are they all in on the scam or does this thread hurt YOUR scam?
As you know, or ought to know, probably 2/3 of what the seeds companies say about their strains is either puffery or outright BS (though some that depends on which company). If "Doggie's Nuts" were to tell me the sky was blue, I wouldn't believe them until I looked out the window. Yeah. . .that's how much these companies lie. See below for more.

No, oddly enough, I'm not inclined to take a spokesman from Mexican narcotics administration at their word on cannabis genetics.

You're the one alleging "conspiracy", not me.

If you have links to "grow journals" or any other firsthand knowledge about this strain, then by all means, post the links. I'd love to see them.

I don't believe its impossible to create a perennial cannabis strain. I think every other dioecious plant is perennial, including hops, and some people have speculated that cannabis might have been perennial before it was cultivated by man.

Such a plant would basically be like a rosebush. It would flower every year, and then regrow the next year to flower again. That might be nice if you wanted to maintain one plant indefinitely, though I think in practice such a trait would be of limited value to most growers. Note that pretty much ANY cannabis plant can be "regenerated" from flowering to vegetative state just by leaving a few leaves on the plant and switching back to 12-12 lighting. You don't need any special strains to do that, and in fact I've heard of it happening outdoors naturally with ordinary sativa plants in places where there are mild winters.

Also note that many true perennial strains are still not frost resistant, and don't survive cold winters well, so even if you did have a strain that acted like a perennial in Mexico, that doesn't mean it would regrow every year in New Jersey!

Now, from the ad copy:

This variety has been a long time coming and definitively confirms that the times they are a changing! As believe it or not this is deciduous herbaceous perennial strain
First a vacuous statement, then lots of big syllable words that together don't add up. A perennial "deciduous" plant keeps its stems intact, and at the end of the season, just the leaves drop off. A herbaceous perennial plant has all the parts above the ground die off at the end of the season. A perennial plant can either be herbaceous or deciduous, but not both.
For those of you that are not that horticulturally aware this means it has the ability to re-emerge after it has died.
Well. . .no. We've already established who isn't "horticulturally aware". Plants are not vampires; they cannot "re-emerge" after they've died.
Many plants will lose all their leaves in the winter or die back to the stem, then re-grow in the spring, but these plants haven't died, they've just gone dormant over the winter.
Presumably this perennial strain falls into this category.

Yes the seeds and not so commonly the plant can over winter and re-emerge come the spring, as in this little, or should we say big beauty will auto flower once it is established - if left to be it will set seeds, then these seeds will grow and then these plants will do the same thing so on and so forth ad infinitum!
So now the seller is saying these "special" plants most often DO NOT survive the winter! So what's the point?
Every cannabis strain sets seeds "ad infinitum" to perpetuate itself for the next generation, and of course those seeds survive through the winter.

For some of you that have still not seen the light, this means that it can grow wild and if left uncontrolled will colonise the areas where it is placed! in one season it can produce 3-4 generations of offspring and as each generation ripens they will do the same thing! In plain English this strain can grow wild and take over- if uncontrolled it will come back with a vengeance every season there after!

How is this different than any ruderalis-based autoflowering strain? All of them will produce several generations of plants per year, and can colonize their growing areas.

In fact any cannabis plant can colonize its growing are if uncontrolled, it just takes a few seasons. That's why the plant is called "weed"; it grows this way as a weed in many parts of the globe, including in the American mid-West!

If I'm interpreting this correctly (and I admit the BS description makes it hard) this strain is supposed to be able to lie dormant over a winter then regrow in the spring. . .but only 'not so commonly'!

Again, any cannabis plant can potentially do this if the winters are mild enough. It would be interesting if there were plants that could go totally bare to stem with no leaves then regrow as a TRUE perennial, but I haven't yet seen one like that, and it seems to me like this seller isn't making that claim here.
As you know, or ought to know, probably 2/3 of what the seeds companies say about their strains is either puffery or outright BS (though some that depends on which company). If "Doggie's Nuts" were to tell me the sky was blue, I wouldn't believe them until I looked out the window. Yeah. . .that's how much these companies lie. See below for more.

No, oddly enough, I'm not inclined to take a spokesman from Mexican narcotics administration at their word on cannabis genetics.

You're the one alleging "conspiracy", not me.

If you have links to "grow journals" or any other firsthand knowledge about this strain, then by all means, post the links. I'd love to see them.

I don't believe its impossible to create a perennial cannabis strain. I think every other dioecious plant is perennial, including hops, and some people have speculated that cannabis might have been perennial before it was cultivated by man.

Such a plant would basically be like a rosebush. It would flower every year, and then regrow the next year to flower again. That might be nice if you wanted to maintain one plant indefinitely, though I think in practice such a trait would be of limited value to most growers. Note that pretty much ANY cannabis plant can be "regenerated" from flowering to vegetative state just by leaving a few leaves on the plant and switching back to 12-12 lighting. You don't need any special strains to do that, and in fact I've heard of it happening outdoors naturally with ordinary sativa plants in places where there are mild winters.

Also note that many true perennial strains are still not frost resistant, and don't survive cold winters well, so even if you did have a strain that acted like a perennial in Mexico, that doesn't mean it would regrow every year in New Jersey!

Now, from the ad copy:

First a vacuous statement, then lots of big syllable words that together don't add up. A perennial "deciduous" plant keeps its stems intact, and at the end of the season, just the leaves drop off. A herbaceous perennial plant has all the parts above the ground die off at the end of the season. A perennial plant can either be herbaceous or deciduous, but not both. Well. . .no. We've already established who isn't "horticulturally aware". Plants are not vampires; they cannot "re-emerge" after they've died.
Many plants will lose all their leaves in the winter or die back to the stem, then re-grow in the spring, but these plants haven't died, they've just gone dormant over the winter.
Presumably this perennial strain falls into this category.

So now the seller is saying these "special" plants most often DO NOT survive the winter! So what's the point?
Every cannabis strain sets seeds "ad infinitum" to perpetuate itself for the next generation, and of course those seeds survive through the winter.

How is this different than any ruderalis-based autoflowering strain? All of them will produce several generations of plants per year, and can colonize their growing areas.

In fact any cannabis plant can colonize its growing are if uncontrolled, it just takes a few seasons. That's why the plant is called "weed"; it grows this way as a weed in many parts of the globe, including in the American mid-West!

If I'm interpreting this correctly (and I admit the BS description makes it hard) this strain is supposed to be able to lie dormant over a winter then regrow in the spring. . .but only 'not so commonly'!

Again, any cannabis plant can potentially do this if the winters are mild enough. It would be interesting if there were plants that could go totally bare to stem with no leaves then regrow as a TRUE perennial, but I haven't yet seen one like that, and it seems to me like this seller isn't making that claim here.

Ive tryed to be patient.

so basicaly what your saying is that your an advocate of jesus of cannabis. basicaly what your saying is that your a fucking asshole