Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds


Well-Known Member
Ummm I can't say for sure which one burns hotter. I know right now, temps have been around 85 directly under the light...the thermometer is about 12 inches (maybe less) from the MH bulb. Temps are normally in the 70's...the 80's have been happening since I moved the light down closer. Temps in the room are probably closer to 70, but under the light it's obviously hotter. Good thing it's cold out right now.....
so most likely its just about the same. i have checked temps about 12 - 14 inches under my light.. wouldn't you know it 85.. thanks, that tells me what i have to do for cooling in my veg box.

male? typo?
nope i'm crazy like that. it was confirmed male with pre flowers. it is currently in the veg box. it hasn't produced any more parts except the preflowers. i knew i was keeping it alive for some reason.. EXPERIMENTATION. no thats scary. this way, if the top doesn't grow or the i don't like how the plant did after topping, its no loss. currently i have 3 males. 1 in flower, 1 growing and 1 in experimentation. none of them are in my flower box. i'm hoping the 1 one in flower does well. i will be taking some pollen from him. i don't know how long it takes for the flowers to open though.

i will hopefully be using these skills with the ww and ppp. maybe i will call it pwpwp.

man, i knew this would take a long time, but wow! its doing just that with no intent to hurry.

i'm gonna go look at ballasts now.


Well-Known Member
so today... i spent alot of time with my plants. they make me happy.

i planted all the clones. the ones with out roots i applied a powder hormone.
some went into veg and others flower.

i topped the plant on the back right (last photo) i also removed all the stalk fan leaves to help promote a bush. this one was main cola type. and now its not.

i trimmed all the stalk fan leaves of the plant on the back left. its a bush to begin with. its going to be super bushy now.

misses lanky received a good topping and LST. along with a transplant to a 1.5 or 2 gallon pot. i really like the way the LST is happening. it was going to be a mess with its lankyness and one cola type attitude. now again a bush.

i cleaned the other flower plant of all its stalk fan leaves. its ready to go, allready a bush nature.

the oldest plant recieved a good cleaning today too. i noticed a ton of popcorn type buds. they were deep in the bush. now they are recieving good light. i wish i would have done this earlier. i know not doing this about 1 month ago has limited my output from this plant. i also know that i am now on track and should at least get something form those as there is still most likely 4 to 6 weeks left??

i put one seedling straight inot flower. i have a feeling i know what will happen as i have two younger plants in there now. but, i gottem so why not.

no camera to show off my trimmings and LST style. maybe time for a crappy blackberry photo session.

thinking about building a veg box the same as my flower box. almost.

the buds are looking very good, i must say i have some fat ones. maybe next time i get a camera i can do that lighter comparison. there no arm sized buds but decent.


Well-Known Member
yes that is correct. i love it. i have allways enjoyed growing plants. but this is better. i will actually partake in the growth rewards. almost like veggies but still way better.

the plant that had the lst is doing awesome. it has grown some and all the branches have started there journey upward. i really got lucky with this one. it was soo lanky, it was perfect. now if i wanted to do it to a short healthy plant it could have been trouble.

i see more crystals too on the big one.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pimp, Any pics are better than none. Well almost. Have you been pinching the tops of your plants when they are small? It will help them get bushy right from the start. How's This for a trim job?

that girl went from rock star to military.. damn. thats about what i did except i dont have that big of a trunk.

and i guess your right, any pics are better than none.. i will get on that.

those trimmed plants are growing like wild again.

you know wht i'm doing with my leaves?? i'm drying them and then shredding em up to roll cigs with. i smoke when i drink, i don't really like cigs but something about the two... anyway, i tried this before its this best flavor and i'm not really after the nic, just the smoke.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hope everyone here has a great Thanksgiving. Get high and eat. The people who started this holiday must have been stoners. Make it home safe to your babies, they can't survive without you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i found an IT. the lanky plant had to balls. they are too big to have just come on since its trim. they were on the main stalk. it looks as if the rest of it has hairs. i pinched off the balls. i will keep an eye on that plant. whatever it must have experinced to make it an it, could explain the lanky ness??? any way, its doing good, i should have lots of buds on it 4 its size.

i gave the veg plants a quick trim again. not as much this time, they grew back so quickly. they still have anywhere up to about 6 weeks in there, so there is plenty of time to grow in thick, i may not trim to much more, then again maybe just a bit. iwould imagine its good to trim slowly as to not put the plant into shock.

i think the clones have been a good experiment but none the less a waste of time. i think this becuase they still have flower sites on them. i think they were too far into flowering to clone. but its allright, i have wasted nothing on them. and they still might be somehting one day, i read though that twice flowered plants arent as good.. i might know from experince.

i'm thinking i have about 3 to 4 weeks left on the first plant?? any suggestions. i know there are no pics, but going from the fact that i think it is more indaca (shorter flower time), all the hairs are still super white. i'm ready when ever it is and not a day too soon... it started showing sex on 10-21. how quickly does this happen? will i know a week ahead of time??

haven't made a move on the other ballast yet... still thinking.....

thanks 4 the turkey day wishes hash lover! i myself will not get any turkey. i'm leaving to go on a 4 day hike. i have done this for 5 years. with the same two people- 1 guy, 1 girl. we also go in the spring for 4 or 5 days. i gave everyone a super water down too hold them off.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are under control and moving along (as usual in this thread).

Have a great hike man. Catch you in a few days.


Well-Known Member
so how long into flowering were u clones? ive got some plants im about to put into flower and once i figure out what the girls are im gonna clone them but im not too sure how long is too long.


Well-Known Member
so how long into flowering were u clones? ive got some plants im about to put into flower and once i figure out what the girls are im gonna clone them but im not too sure how long is too long.
plant showed first signs of female 10-21
clones were taken on 11-02

i would recommend taking clones from those branches that have fewest flowers and hopefully none. it seems they are the only ones to have shown new growth. the others are still green but are doing nothing. i didn't add anything but water for the longest time. that could have lowered my success rate, but water still works for cloning in my opinion.

had a great hike- it was 9 degrees on sat morning. that temp hits the record low for turkey time hikes. only by 4 degrees though.

everyone is doing well.
the latest to start from seeds are about even in growth. that is a good sign as the one is in the flower box and the other the veg room. interesting.

i have a friend helping ward of the bugs. it is a hairy jumping spider. i watch for it and its watches for me. times must be tough in there, all high with nothing to cure the munchies. i like his work, no bugs are to be seen.

yesterday i was able to tap pollen from an open flower on one of the males. it was a good bit from a small flower. i put as much of it as i could on the one of hte flower spots with a brush on the girl that is not a hermie and not recieveing the lst. no music, it was quick in and out. the flower spot may have been to young. there are plenty more flowers to open. i have really neglacted these males. they are showing it but still the flowers are comming. easy to grow males. i think 1 cfl would work in apinch.

i'm working on the camera thing, that is enough 4 me today, wheww...


Well-Known Member
Good deal on the spider :) I should get me a couple!

I'm glad to hear you started mating your plants...I feel bad though...you popped her cherry without any Barry White! How could you?! j/k ;-) Hopefully your hard work pays off and you have a good bunch of good seeds :).

You should really check out my babies if you haven't already. It's going to blow your freakin mind.


Well-Known Member
a few of the hairs are turning red. i just read that when 2/3 of the hairs are red there ready. can any confirm this?

also, should i be thinking of water only?


Well-Known Member
look what i just read. i'm going to try this out with my next seeds...

A higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
A higher potassium concentration will give more males.
A higher humidity will give more females.
A lower temperature will give more females.
More blue light will give more females.
Fewer hours of light will give more females. It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.


Well-Known Member
look what i just read. i'm going to try this out with my next seeds...

A higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
A higher potassium concentration will give more males.
A higher humidity will give more females.
A lower temperature will give more females.
More blue light will give more females.
Fewer hours of light will give more females. It is important to start these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.
This is very good stuff to know. It looks like I have everything going for me to give more females EXCEPT higher humidity. I've been misting a bunch though.

I have a friend right now that is waiting to harvest an amnesia haze plant...we are BOTH waiting for 2/3 amber...I've had some of this smoke...it's soooo delicious and strong mmmm.


Well-Known Member
where are my pictures???

sorry, none today... i cant get things straight to take em.

anyway, the flowering plant that was exposed to LST is looking wicked. thats super cool.

i'm almost ready to put the other big two plants into flower. i'm not sure if i want to wait until the first one is done or just go ahead and do it any time now, as i will be making room for the new plants. there size is getting spot on, super bushy and about 12 to 14 inches tall. i will surely be taking at least 4 clones from each plant before moving to flower as i know they are female. it will be the bottom brances, after wathcing my first plant in flower i know these branches can go to waste...

my seedlings are still about the same height. and doing well.

i have kicked most of hte unsuccesful clones out. there taking up valuable light. one is doing super well in the veg box. two are doing well in the flower box. nice little bud plants.... there about 4 inches tall.

i will be putting my new seeds down this weekend. not sure on how many yet... 3 of each? 4 of each? 9 or 12 plants could be too many for sure. hmmmm.... perhaps i do 3 of ww and ppp and 2 of the mystery plant. that would give me a max of 8 which is really to many... but allows for a few males.. all though i'm not thinking that way at all... i'm also kinda thinking about just mixing the seeds and watching for the differences to know which is which in the end. but that might just be crazy...

so it looks like 2/3 it is.. i will wait and wait. things are nice and smelly now. for the longest time the plant has smelled odd, now i know what it is for sure!