Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I'll take better photo's of the hydro setup so I can post them for you. Maybe a shot of the fingers too. What kind of snake was it? I made some cool double pot setups that I'm not using right now and will post those too. Ya, power is a problem for me also. Where I am now I'm in a small house that is on 3,15 amp circuits. And fuses to boot. The last time I started an indoor grow (and also the first) I had a whole bedroom to use and a 5x6 closet off of it. I wish I had that now. My problem also is venting heat out. I'm renting now and can't just cut holes where I want. I'm planning to but I have to hide them. I have some ideas though. I also have a huge attic but I need to have heat and AC controls. I'll be working on that as money allows. I'll take some photo's and post later.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Here's some of the pots I made for soil. They are the same containers that I use for hydro also. I couldn't find any square pots locally so I made my own. I cover one pot with paint or foil tape to keep as much light out as I can. I get them at for $1.97 for Two. Then drill holes for drainage. I planted the plant in a clear pot then put that inside the covered one. That way I could lift out the clear one to see how the roots were doing. It was great entertainment.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
This is the hydro setup. These are one gallon pots same as the soil,they are 7in square and 7in tall. The pump I got at Walmart also. It's rated for 30 t0 60 gallon tank with duel air outlets that I connect with a "T" to make one line to the container. I like to use a large air stone and try to use one that makes the smallest bubbles. They did not have anything good at Walmart but I found good ones at pet stores and on line. I found a great selection at "aquaticeco.com". You need to test the PH of your water. I have a PH meter with digital readout that I got on Ebay for about $20 used. The test strips that I have tried sucked. Although I did find a cheap test kit that did pretty good. I don't have a nute meter yet but would like to get one. You mixed the test solution in a small vile and checked it with the color. I tested it against my digital and it was pretty close. I have had near death experience with this plant that I have growing now. You can put one of these together for less than $20. Depending on how much you pay for the clay pellets. But you will have a lot of clay pellets left over for lots more. The container with the five holes and a top on it is for cloning. I put an airstone in there also but a smaller one. Put's air into the water and helps keep the humidity up. The other plant is a Basil plant that I'm playing with as a cover plant to explain the noise and smells. I started with Advanced Nutrients products first and then switched to General Hydroponics stuff on some very good advice from a guy at a hydroponics store. I was having a major problem, almost killed it. I can't believe it came back. And the feeding program is so easy, I change it and clean it once a week. I check the PH when I mix the nutes and don't even check it during the week. It couldn't be much simpler. This week it got down to a little over an inch of water and I didn't know it until I picked it up to move it. The lower the water gets you start getting a combination of hydrophonics and aerophonics. When the bubbles burst at the surface they spray water up on the roots. I did have to put out about $100 to get started with nutes but they do last quite a while. A picture will tell a thousand words so I am not going to go to far right now. Any questions you have or photo's of something you might want to see just let me know.



Well-Known Member
hashlover- that is some good stuff. i have more to say about it, but its a rush day.

the major reason for post today is... pictures!!

too many to choose from, so enjoy them all!



Well-Known Member
now that i see them i can detail a few...

1st - flower box
2nd- lanky plant, it has super big leaves with super small branches
3-5, 7-9 - bud shots
6 - new ones
10 - bottom of freezer, these are clones most have roots, i may let root more
last - all plants in veg. there 12 100 watt equivalent cfls here. its really super bright all though the picture makes it look a little dark.

if you see some of the leaves are cut in half, i have been trimming any leaves that cast shadows over the buds


Well-Known Member
Man that's just beautiful...wow. I'm so glad things are working for you! Keep up the good work. I can't wait for mine to get big like yours!

I was in the grow area tonight and am now starting to see the subtle differences in my 2 strains. Wait till you get your good seeds. What's the deal with those anyhow?


Well-Known Member
dude ive got a plant like 6 weeks vegging that looks just like ur guinea plant. all droopy and shit and the bottom leaves are all fucked up. i dunno just funny


Well-Known Member
thanks 4 positive comments!!!!

mchiva- from what i understand the seeds have 10-14 days to get here. so were still on target.

puffs- thanks, they are smelling wonderful too!!!

sayword- just remember the funny looking guinea plant is posing above for us with those fabulous bud shots.. what a life it has lived. no sign of that now.


Well-Known Member
alright, guess who arrived?? you guessed it! maybe.

but anywhay, i'm got some things going on that wont allow me to tend to them 4 a few days, so it don't look like they will get wet until the 30th.

this will give me time to prepare any final ruffles.

i got 5 free ones also. i will surely put a couple of those down.

i really got to figure how many of each, total and wht i want to do wiht htem. i'm thinking, i will top the ww. i heard that works. i don't know about hte other two, though, i will most likely save about half of them. so thats 5 ww 5 ppp 5 mystery. i am thinking i only want 4 females in veg. at a time. if i confirm females though, i can take clones and keep going that way, until flower box is full. i dunno, but i do this is the easy part.

i 4 got to take pics of the males and i already gave the camera back.... i can tell you though, they look like all other males plants, except really healthy. there neglect isnt slowing them down one bit. the dark period is interrupted about evry day for 30 mins to 3 hours... tough dudes. i keep hoping they will hermie but i dont think that happens.

i'm getting a camera 4 xmas. hoo ray.

i'm keeping an eye open for hydro equipment. i don't really want to buy anything now. but i'm looking to take take take. not stealing of course.

i'm also thinking, the cfls arent really doing hte job for vegging. i mean looking at the pics surely there growing plants. but when they go in that flower box they just look so much happier. the leaves stand up and spread out, they look stronger, etc. i know its a huge lighting difference. but i'm really wondering if i need to make sure to get that mh going b4 the super seeds...


Well-Known Member
As far as vegging using the MH. The only recommendation I have is use small pots when they are seedlings. This will help them to grow straight up rather than bend towards the center of the light (like some of my plants are doing now). Next time...I'm NOT starting off with 2 gallon pots...newb mistake...don't make the same one ;-).

I can't wait to see your PPP and WW. I am debating on getting both in feminized versions. I'm also excited to see you use your MH. I'm interested to see the differences between what I am doing now and what you'll do. You have a darn green thumb.


Well-Known Member
mary.chiva - how much heat does your mh put off? can you compare it to when you had the hps burning? thanks!


Well-Known Member
i just topped a known male. if you look at the pics above, its the plant on the left in a small pot but of the bigger 3 size. i topped about 5 nodes off. i trimmed the bottom set of leaves and branches and placed in a shot glass with tub of water around it on top of my water heater. i hope to get some hormones monday. i am thinking about doing this to the big plant on the left. it looks like it will only have one main cola. i also need the practice for the ww.

i added 4 more 100 watt eq cfl's. the plants are looking a bit bigger then previously. it is really slow to clone in water.

the flower room is happening the same.


Well-Known Member
mary.chiva - how much heat does your mh put off? can you compare it to when you had the hps burning? thanks!
Ummm I can't say for sure which one burns hotter. I know right now, temps have been around 85 directly under the light...the thermometer is about 12 inches (maybe less) from the MH bulb. Temps are normally in the 70's...the 80's have been happening since I moved the light down closer. Temps in the room are probably closer to 70, but under the light it's obviously hotter. Good thing it's cold out right now.....