less then 1/4oz off a whole plant...whats wrong?

why do my plants grow with tiny buds and a bit more in the top cone. i dont get any branches. it just grows tall and top heavy. it wasnt like i didnt wait long enough, my indoor plants are over 3 feet tall and i hear of people having plants 2feet that get 5ounces. what am i doing wrong? how do i get branches and thick buds all over the plant? my plant is in picture#1 how do i make a plant like picture #2 or at least something close to that?


im using 120watt natural light flood light and a 60watt natural light luminesant for flowering im using 12-55-6 and during veg i was using 20-20-20. i have a light breeze going on them all day and a little more when the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
Your plant seems to be suffering from a lack of adequate light.
I don't know anything about the lights you listed, but the plant needs more light.


Active Member
I'm thinking you may need more light mate, also the flowering nutes seem a tad bit high on the N side, I use 2-2-4 for flowering and 3-1-4 for veg also using AN big bud which is 0-1-3 for flowering, I'm just learning myself but this is what I recon. I say more light because the node spacing on your plant seems quite big. Hope this helps mate, if you need anymore info just ask.


Active Member
dude first from picture one it looks like its 3ft tall because of stretching. Do urself a favor next time and keep the lights mad close. I have never heard anyone using flood lights before that's probaly your problem. If you have a low budget get yourself some cfl's. I recommend checking out the indoor grow section and going to CFL growing.


Rebel From The North
lack of light for sure, as for the nutes if your plant look good green and no def. then leave it


bud bootlegger
yah., like everyone else has already said... dump those lights and either get some cfls or hid's if you have the cash.. you'll be shocked by the night and day difference..

and to answer you question, yes, a shorter, bushier plant will yield way more than that stretched out plant.. just find some cfl grows on here if that is what your gonna get.. they are fairly cheap, and work pretty good, and way better than those bunk lamps that they market as plant grow lights... whoever markets them as such should be shot..


Active Member
looks like you need to switch to cfl's , get them closer , and the plant you are comparing yours too has more than likely been toped with the fim style ( fuck I missed ) this makes them have multiple tops and increases your harvest. there is also s.c.r.o.g. methods that will increase the bud you harvest ... both can be learned about here on rollitup easiley from the forums ... I would go to the forum and start reading , its amazing what you can pick up there : ) ... good luck .. I hope you become proficiant and get lots of good ganja ....