less then 1/4oz off a whole plant...whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
also im using 100% soil and my pot is a gallon milk jug cut on half. is this bad?
Yes. Get a 5 gallon pot. A plant is only as big as its roots (kind of common sense?). Soil is fine, I personally prefer soil, and I use subcool's recipe: 2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe. Flood lights aren't really your best option. You should ask yourself, "How long am I going to grow for," if the answer is multiple seasons, invest in an hps or an equivalent light. My 1k hps was one of my best buys, I've had my same set up for almost 2 years now. Also, use nutes to help keep the plant healthy and green, that's their primary function, nutes don't make chronic buds, a healthy plant does. With that soil recipe I gave you, you shouldn't even need nutes, which is always nice. Good luck in the future, happy growing.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention, look up topping, LST, and scrog methods if you want bushier plants.


Well-Known Member
Yup those lights. Cfls about 2-3 inches away. There's equal watt and actual watt. The second is what you want. If it says equal 100 watt actual watt 26. Then you only want to care about that 26. Lol sorry does that make sense. And a bigger pot would help. Like a two gallon.