less police traffic stop searches in legalized states


Well-Known Member
Legalized marijuana is making it harder for police to search your car


New data on traffic stops in Colorado and Washington underscore this point: After the states legalized pot, traffic searches declined sharply across the board. That's according to the Open Policing Project at Stanford University, which has been analyzing public data of over 100 million traffic stops and searches since 2015.

Police pull over more than 50,000 drivers on a typical day, more than 20 million motorists every year.

“After marijuana use was legalized, Colorado and Washington saw dramatic drops in search rates,” the study's authors explain. “That’s because many searches are drug-related. Take away marijuana as a crime and searches go down.”

lets get this legalized so police stop harassing patients.
You'd think an MMMA patient/caregiver would be protected from law enforcement using the scent of marijuana as felony probable cause to raid family homes today, but that's simply not how our courts have chosen to see it. (See People v. Brown) In their opinion, which makes it our law, your local (federally funded) drug task force acts in "good faith" when not caring about your MMMA status or in other words not impeding their drug war "business" somehow takes priority over your 4th Amendment rights (aka conflict of interest).

Surely no one believes all the NORML lawyers selling "legalization" in this state for years now expect that it will put them out of the lucrative criminal defense business they enjoy and/or get them all cushy gigs in corporate marijuana law. Oddly since MMMA they've actually seen their criminal "business" increase by 15% ...

IMHO no state law scheme has any intention of addressing the fact the marijuana has been wrongfully classed as a schedule I substance under the Controlled Substance Act for a half century funding local drug task forces nationwide. There is no need for any new law or lobbying to make that change, just a USAG with integrity rather than a conflict of interest. We just need to get our heads out of the sand in each individual state, stop buying the bullshit sold locally by lawyers, politicians and lobbyists and come together to demand the change as we have with every other great civil rights issues we have overcome. This is the civil rights question of our generation IMHO. We just need to stop being taken for fools and stop playing this game of funding lawyers, lobbyists and politicians. We just need to let out voice be heard 50 states strong ...

This shit must end: