Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about getting a job again, been almost 2 years since i got laid off..get's boring being out of work when everyone you know is at work all day...and health Ins. wouldn't be a bad thing to have..lol. Over the last year or so, I've been tossing around the idea of starting my own business, just a small auto repair shop - brakes/exhaust/tune ups etc..maybe flip a couple cars a year. .After doing some research it's going to be prohibitively expensive for me to open the shop i would have liked to due to licensing/Ins regulations( need $20g's just to get that going) and the fact the town won't allow me to work out of my garage - 30x40 garage..250' off the street..no neighbors for 200' in each direction..they say it will disturb the neighborhood..ya..the bar down the street doesn't do that multiple times a week..police are always there. (
the American dream my ass..only if you already have $$$ to play with)..sorry rant off..
I've come to the conclusion and I'd be better off just getting a job. I started thinking... What jobs are out there that don't normally drug test? and i answered.."I have no F'ing clue"..so I've come here for help( probably going to be mistake #1 right there...
) I've always done manufacturing/machining/assembly type jobs and a piss test is usually SOP.. i don't want to deal with it. I'm a jack of all trades so I'm not worried about sticking with what I've done. Only requirements i really have is no dealing with the general public..no retail/sales jobs...I'd end up strangling someone and something in the mid to upper teens( $16-$18/hr)for pay would keep me comfortable...throw some ideas my way..I'm not planning on starting to look for a couple months..just starting to get the ball rolling..and i roll sloooooow.
kinda on topic...Just had a funny thought..are there any MJ related jobs where they DO drug testing..that would be kinda funny - "Wanna work at our dispensary..here piss in this cup"..you failed!..YOU'RE HIRED!!..OR.... "you're clean..we can't hire you, sorry"
I'm gonna sit here and smoke a bowl and wait for replies...because i have nothing better to do at the moment..

I've come to the conclusion and I'd be better off just getting a job. I started thinking... What jobs are out there that don't normally drug test? and i answered.."I have no F'ing clue"..so I've come here for help( probably going to be mistake #1 right there...

kinda on topic...Just had a funny thought..are there any MJ related jobs where they DO drug testing..that would be kinda funny - "Wanna work at our dispensary..here piss in this cup"..you failed!..YOU'RE HIRED!!..OR.... "you're clean..we can't hire you, sorry"
I'm gonna sit here and smoke a bowl and wait for replies...because i have nothing better to do at the moment..