I agree. legalize marijuana! Treat it like alchohol. If alchohol is legal i think marijuana should be too. I'd say alchohol causes more damage to people then marijuana ever would.
Exactally, each state should just set state regulations on the useage amount of marijuana or the distribution amount of marijuana, and let it be legal.
lmao you guys these days...hemp is basiaclly legal evrywhere..you cant get flippin high off hemp..theres 0% thc...and fuk legalize weed..that wud cause way more problems..half the reason why people do it and grow it is cause its illegal..in some states provinces countrys weed is the number 1 inport/export and thats only because its illegal...yes its a plant that grows naturally but the chemicals in are pretty bad...same with cocaine it comes from coco leaves which is a natural plant...fuk leagilizing weed..its fun hidin from the cops..theres so many other points im just wyy too stoned to mention them...if ur so worried about it..move to fuckin amsterdam where u can toke up nd shit...even tohugh my picture sais legalize it..i just think its a cool pic so fack off![]()
ahaha nice post dryde....not....you guys have ur own little opinions on this stuff...obv you dont kno the politics side to this or even the contribution that marijuana has on the health of 43% of americans
yeah wtf are youuuu talkin about?what are these health problems??ahaha nice post dryde....not....you guys have ur own little opinions on this stuff...obv you dont kno the politics side to this or even the contribution that marijuana has on the health of 43% of americans
I t would have a great effect, less people would turn to all these horrible pills that the pharmecuetical companies sell to anyone w/made up diseases and syndromes...and they would instead use the safest therapeutically active substances known to man, Marijuana....and they wouldnt have all these shitty side affects pills give you, havent any of you ever wondered about when those commercials say "ask your docter about (this drug)"? wtf is that about, isnt your doc supposed to TELL you what YOU need.Yeah, because i don't know what effect medically marijuana would have on 43% of Americans, in a bad way anyways.
we arent retarded, the government is lol they must not like money! I hate it too man, whenever I see someone spewing some neo-1930's propaganda about how bad weed is on tv, I get furious, I literally L O L at the shit they say sometimes...There aren't any problems caused by marijuana except the problems revolving around the fact that it isn't legal. It is retarted, it is a renewable resource with multiple good uses. We can even run cars off of the oil produced by it. So why the fuck are we so retarded??? I don't understand, its just the big companies that will lose alot of money if it does become legal that try to make it seem evil and wrong, but they are the one that are evil and dumb. I hate it.
we arent retarded, the government is lol they must not like money! I hate it too man, whenever I see someone spewing some neo-1930's propaganda about how bad weed is on tv, I get furious, I literally L O L at the shit they say sometimes...
ahaha nice post dryde....not....you guys have ur own little opinions on this stuff...obv you dont kno the politics side to this or even the contribution that marijuana has on the health of 43% of americans
I know, here's a funny one: " marijuana these days is uhh 30-50% stronger and more potent these days, this aint your granpas pot" ...some big mustached DEA motherfucker, spewing lies.I know, and the shit they say is rediculous. Not anywhere close to the truth, and also the commercials on the radio. They all make it seem like some freaky nightmareish drug that just ruins life itself. When that is bull shit, it is the starter of life, it is from the earth, it is natural, and is the best answer for our resource problems that we are fighting over. It is a million times safer to use than alcohol, and is safer than cigarettes. So i don't see the problem here. Just a bunch of bullshit.