Legal woes of That Man’s associates

Rudy is done, stick a fork in him. By the end of this month Donald could be done too, with court rulings going against him and losing a fortune in NY while his finances are exposed to the public.
We are now at the end of the movie where the writer must tie up the loose ends and the audience loses interest in the plot because the good bits are over. A well written movie would have foreshadowed what was going to happen to help shorten this part of the story. This story isn't well written and so will drag on far too long for a modern audience to tolerate. I'm guessing it will drag on for years.
We are now at the end of the movie where the writer must tie up the loose ends and the audience loses interest in the plot because the good bits are over. A well written movie would have foreshadowed what was going to happen to help shorten this part of the story. This story isn't well written and so will drag on far too long for a modern audience to tolerate. I'm guessing it will drag on for years.
I'm sure it will, there are many guilty after all. We need to wait a month on Trump, but I'm confident by the end of it he will be pretty well done too. Once the cell door slams on their ass we seldom here much from convicted criminals except when they are in court or trying to get there. The amicus brief about the asphalt company to the appeals court is gonna finish Trump and kick him back to Chutkan for the scheduled trial. NY is kinda set in stone with just the amount to be decided by a pissed off judge who has every right and duty to take Donald to the cleaners. :lol: January promises to be entertaining at least, get popcorn.
I'm sure it will, there are many guilty after all. We need to wait a month on Trump, but I'm confident by the end of it he will be pretty well done too. Once the cell door slams on their ass we seldom here much from convicted criminals except when they are in court or trying to get there. The amicus brief about the asphalt company to the appeals court is gonna finish Trump and kick him back to Chutkan for the scheduled trial. NY is kinda set in stone with just the amount to be decided by a pissed off judge who has every right and duty to take Donald to the cleaners. :lol: January promises to be entertaining at least, get popcorn.
Your mouth must be very dry. You've been thirsting for Trump's cell door to clang since 2016. My opinion is that Trump will die before he is finally, unappealable and irrevocably sentenced. He's almost 80 now, so maybe 15 more years, tops? But do go on thirsting for justice. You aren't wrong, just hopelessly idealistic and can't seem to accept that a billionaire can drag out court proceedings for a lifetime and never run out of money or the power it gives him. I'd like to be wrong about this and would be glad to see the post where you come back to remind me about this prediction.
Your mouth must be very dry. You've been thirsting for Trump's cell door to clang since 2016. My opinion is that Trump will die before he is finally, unappealable and irrevocably sentenced. He's almost 80 now, so maybe 15 more years, tops? But do go on thirsting for justice. You aren't wrong, just hopelessly idealistic and can't seem to accept that a billionaire can drag out court proceedings for a lifetime and never run out of money or the power it gives him. I'd like to be wrong about this and would be glad to see the post where you come back to remind me about this prediction.
Things seem to be coming to a head with Donald this month and we will know much more about his legal future soon. To be fair the delay in justice took many legal professionals and pundits by surprise too, Glenn Kirshner was near frothing at the mouth for a while!
Would this not be a perfect time for Melania to file for divorce?
She will need to get in line for any money, but he probably has a prenuptial contract with her. Maybe she will wait until he is in prison and more powerless, he might set his morons lose on her too, if she "betrayed" him. He shouldn't have any money left after the legal system is done with him, lots of people want to sue his ass including the Capitol hill police who would get a fortune.
She will need to get in line for any money, but he probably has a prenuptial contract with her. Maybe she will wait until he is in prison and more powerless, he might set his morons lose on her too, if she "betrayed" him. He shouldn't have any money left after the legal system is done with him, lots of people want to sue his ass including the Capitol hill police who would get a fortune.
Time for another series of NFTs!



“We have secured convictions against those who obstructed certification…”

then why the (!) are the 140+ legislators who loudly opposed the certification not in Federal supermax?

I’m also disappointed that he made zero mention of the criminal withholding of aid to those police who put it on the line trying to keep the horde out. The bosses who refused to send in additional forces (who were ready to be onsite in minutes!) for hours should be visibly prosecuted for their part in the attempted coup.
“We have secured convictions against those who obstructed certification…”

then why the (!) are the 140+ legislators who loudly opposed the certification not in Federal supermax?

I’m also disappointed that he made zero mention of the criminal withholding of aid to those police who put it on the line trying to keep the horde out. The bosses who refused to send in additional forces (who were ready to be onsite in minutes!) for hours should be visibly prosecuted for their part in the attempted coup.
That's where Trump's minions and cronies might come into play, if guys like Mark Meadows or others want any kind of a deal, ratting congress people out would be one way to get one, the more the better the deal. First Trump, then his cronies and minions, evidence is required to go after these assholes, but if Jack has Trump's scalp on his belt and they are in the minority in congress, they will fear him like the Devil himself! :lol:
DC Bar Association files disciplinary charges against lawyers over 2020 election fraud claims
The Bar association in Washington, D.C., filed disciplinary charges against three lawyers associated with former President Trump’s alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

The filings, made public Friday, accuse attorneys Juli Haller, Lawrence Joseph and Brandon Johnson, of knowingly making false statements to courts about different lawsuits they filed after election was certified and called for President Biden.

Joseph and his co-counsel filed a federal lawsuit against former Vice President Mike Pence earlier this month in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. He claimed electors convened in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in an attempt to sway Pence to manipulate the election in Trump’s favor.

Haller was involved in Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell’s “Kraken” lawsuits, the name she gave to the unsuccessful litigation that aimed to reverse Biden’s 2020 victory in swing states. She was also joined by Johnson in several lawsuits surrounding Powell.

After Haller worked with Powell, she represented defendants from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, Politico reported.

The charges will be heard by a committee of the D.C. Bar. If they are found guilty of violating the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct, they could face sanctions and “appropriate discipline.”

It’s the latest in a series of proceedings filed against attorneys who have made unsubstantiated election fraud claims or made attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Trump has been indicted in two separate criminal cases surrounding his effort to remain in power after leaving the White House. One in D.C. federal court, centered on his actions around Jan. 6, and another in Georgia — where he was charged alongside 18 others with violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
“We have secured convictions against those who obstructed certification…”

then why the (!) are the 140+ legislators who loudly opposed the certification not in Federal supermax?

I’m also disappointed that he made zero mention of the criminal withholding of aid to those police who put it on the line trying to keep the horde out. The bosses who refused to send in additional forces (who were ready to be onsite in minutes!) for hours should be visibly prosecuted for their part in the attempted coup.
opposing is not the same as obstructing.

It was not illegal for the Congressman to vote in a manner that is permitted in the Constitution.
opposing is not the same as obstructing.

It was not illegal for the Congressman to vote in a manner that is permitted in the Constitution.
I was under the impression that they were stalling in order to obstruct. However I concede the legal point. Intention is a greased pig in court.

There were some legislators who actively planned and worked with the insurrection. I hope, in time, some of them face trial. Job 1 remains to bring the boss to some justice, so I’m not in a rush.