Legal woes of That Man’s associates

I often wonder how they get blood out of a rock but
If every dime they make in the future goes to them it’s still a great Christmas
for American values
I suppose he'll just have to apply for bankruptcy after everything he owns has been stripped away and the court orders garnishing his earnings going forward.

Bankruptcy it's the only protection he has left. Trump isn't going to help. Poor fellow.
I’m curious because I have not heard peep about That Man paying any of his civil losses. I know nothing about the collection process, and what is done to nonpayers. That Man is the Godzilla of nonpayers. I wonder how (and when) he will be strapped to the wheel.
Rudy says he didn't have the opportunity to present the evidence that would vindicate him. He "quite confident that when this comes before a fair tribunal it will be reversed so quickly it will make your head spin"

Yeah, go for it Rudy. When you do present that evidence, how about also presenting all that evidence you said proved Trump won the election.

What will he say when it is not reversed?
Don't you hate it when that happens?

I’m curious because I have not heard peep about That Man paying any of his civil losses. I know nothing about the collection process, and what is done to nonpayers. That Man is the Godzilla of nonpayers. I wonder how (and when) he will be strapped to the wheel.
That Man settled cases privately until now. He appealed the E Jean Carrol verdict. The amount awarded in June has been set aside in a trust account and will be held there until the appeals process is complete assuming Carrol wins those too. I suppose Giuliani will need to set something like that up too. How he can pay for his legal team after everything, including his false teeth are impounded is an open question.

That Man settled cases privately until now. He appealed the E Jean Carrol verdict. The amount awarded in June has been set aside in a trust account and will be held there until the appeals process is complete assuming Carrol wins those too. I suppose Giuliani will need to set something like that up too. How he can pay for his legal team after everything, including his false teeth are impounded is an open question.

Thanks! I missed that.

Discussion begins at 2:25
That talks about “getting what they can” out of Rud’ (which won’t be even 10% of the penalty) but I heard nothing about how the rest of the award is paid in a timely manner. That bit has me sitting straight up.
That talks about “getting what they can” out of Rud’ (which won’t be even 10% of the penalty) but I heard nothing about how the rest of the award is paid in a timely manner. That bit has me sitting straight up.
Everybody, even Trump's toadies have the right to apply for bankruptcy. I don't know why you can't accept that as an answer to your question.
Everybody, even Trump's toadies have the right to apply for bankruptcy. I don't know why you can't accept that as an answer to your question.
I’ve never applied for bankruptcy, so I don’t know much about it. My question is about the rest of the money owed the plaintiffs.

Connecting the dots, you seem to be saying that plaintiffs are hosed for the difference. Would that be the case?

(edit) a quick search says “no simple answer”
Rudy can appeal, if he can....but it will be struck down if he applies. Bankruptcy is possible, but with the sales of his properties he has and thats in NY and FL and current wealth if any will prolly go the ladies before anything. Alex Jones tried and he still has to pay, if I am correct......personally idk..
From my reading just now, he would have to post a bond (usually a significant portion of the penalty) to appeal. I doubt he can afford an appeal.

It would be fascinating if a bankruptcy judge finds the penalty “not dischargeable” i.e. not covered by legal bankruptcy. What happens when an irresistible force encounters an impecunious object?

(Something tells me we will see this all over again as the civil losses pile up for that man, exceeding even his claimed net worth.)
Appeals court says Mark Meadows can’t move Georgia election case charges to federal court

ATLANTA (AP) — A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows cannot move charges related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia to federal court.
Meadows was indicted in August along with former President Donald Trump and 17 others on charges that they illegally conspired to keep the Republican incumbent in power despite him losing the election to Democrat Joe Biden.
A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Meadows’ request, affirming a lower court ruling from September.

MAGA Republicans act like desperate twenty-something guys at a bar near closing time. The word "no" doesn't seem to have any meaning to them. They just keep pressing and pushing past it thinking she didn't really mean it.

Circuit Chief Judge William Pryor wrote in Monday’s ruling that the law “ does not apply to former federal officers, and even if it did, the events giving rise to this criminal action were not related to Meadows’s official duties.”

Judge said corrupting an election was not one of his official duties.
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