The whole reason I started growing was because I was super disappointed with the quality @ my local dispo. I would get home and open the sealed container only to find 35%rH cannabis which is unacceptable. The best thing I ever got from the dispensary was that GG4 bag seed that started it all for me & the rest is history

I live in IL WHERE YOU DO NEED A LICENSE TO GROW even through it’s legal for med & Rec. got tired of playing rock, paper, scissors to see if this time would be good or bad

Don’t get me wrong I still make the occasional trip, but that is for extracts.
Also I am noticing it’s getting harder to get pure sativa’s... which is bullshit because I bet if it took Phizer 1 year to make a super strength Viagra you wouldn’t see less of it on the shelf, it would just cost more. Why can’t dispensaries see this and just tax pure sativa’s more? Medicine is medicine.