

Active Member
Another way on how to get the max photo output out of LED arrays is simply to pulse them at high frequencies, say using a 100MHz square wave with 1/10 duty cycle... If you read data sheets of LEDs, max current which gives maximum light output is only obtained when you pulse them. At these speeds the LEDs look like their constantly on coz their pulsing too fast and best of all, the power consumption is rduced by half while the light power is maximized... Of course you'd need a driving circuitry in order to pulse the LEDs... Use a 555 timing chip to make the pulsing circuit... I personally had designed such an LED array (817nm wavelength) but have never used it on plants...


Active Member
for plant growth the two colors you need are red and blue, the reason you see green when you look at the leaf is this wave length isnt asbored by the plant, if you get white or clear leds they have the whole specturm light, even tho white has a higher lum output it isnt in the two wave lenghts that the plant ueses BLUE AND RED. red wave lenght is 600nm to 700 nm 660nm being peek of lenght the plants likes. blue is 400nm to 500nm plants peek is 420nm. get leds with these outputs lenghts and you'll be ok, only thing with Leds is no Uv light i just add a flor blub and Good to go
I need more info' on this: How many led's for say 40 plants? Or, rather, what wattage for 40 plants?

Think of all the different colours of the spectrum you could introduce to the plants. Plants also benefit from green, white, orange light.

I know i'm trying to run before I can walk, but like you said, this is the future of growing. Maybe that's why it's easier for me to want to try something like this because I'm new to it all. It would be much harder for someone like yourself with your thoroughly tried and tested methods to want to try a different method.

if your buying the LEDs from the right company then yes leds can be just as good as HPS just kinda pricey.

In this video you can see that the 90w LED (1) did far better then the HPS and the 90w LED(2) because the (2) LEDs had crap bulbs.
The LED makes darker greener danker plants.
Im not gonna say HPS isnt good but for cost effectiveness LED is defiantly the better choice.
HPS does seem to have a better coverage but watt for watt LED has more umph.
1000watt LED vs 1000watt HID System the LED would destroy it but most of the time people compare the 300w LED vs 1000k HPS/MH.
when in reality a good spectrum 90w LED grow light is equivalent to a 240-300w HID light.So a 360w LED may be just as good as 960-1200w of HID. Tho i think a 90w LED will cover about 3x3 or 4x4 so 3 or 4 plants if you grow 1 footers then trigger.
in reality it makes just as good buds but the coverage isnt as good as the 400w HPS/MH but then again the LED throws out more usable light no heat there for can be moved closer so they both have cons and pros.
with HID you have less expenses in the first purchase but then you have to get bulbs and a cooling system so your electric bill will be crazy high as well so in the long run HID costs more then the high price of the first purchase with the LED but those things can last upwards of 10 years so you get your investment back pretty easy.

Sorry for my horrible run on Paragraph sentence thingy? lol Hope it helped yah guys :D
this is basically what ive compiled in my researching of LED i have links to back up all of this info.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Very good LED light company.
Proper spectrum's and good quality bulbs.

One Love


Well-Known Member
I use LED in combination with CFL and i found it no worse then using HID.
so i changed for hte reduced heat and power.

im tellin ya LED+CFL = PWN