LED vs. HID Double Ended Bulb

Averaging 44-55 zips for 3x600s? Cool must be dank? Must get 2-300 a oz? Balling? Invest in a SMALL but GOOD quality led. Will cost you about 5-10 of those 45-55 zipps you get.

strain/pheno dependent i am happy with my results i have been growing successfully for 20 years with hid lighting
i am interested in the newer light technology more out of curiosity than anything else
the led plants i have seen posted are nice but they look nothing special

it has only been in the last few years that led plants have even begun to compete with hid grown plants
i am happy for the growers that can now find success in growing with led where they previously failed with hid
although i find the attitude of many leds growers quite pretentious
but then again perhaps not as pretentious as the "dank growers of LA"

i really do not buy into this LA OG hipster philosophy (we have the best weed in the world in LA)
please do not subject me to it anymore than is absolutely necessary :)
strain/pheno dependent i am happy with my results i have been growing successfully for 20 years with hid lighting
i am interested in the newer light technology more out of curiosity than anything else
the led plants i have seen posted are nice but they look nothing special

it has only been in the last few years that led plants have even begun to compete with hid grown plants
i am happy for the growers that can now find success in growing with led where they previously failed with hid
although i find the attitude of many leds growers quite pretentious
but then again perhaps not as pretentious as the "dank growers of LA"

i really do not buy into this LA OG hipster philosophy (we have the best weed in the world in LA)
please do not subject me to it anymore than is absolutely necessary :)
was thinking the same thing, they all have this serious butt hurt attitude.
Why would I be feeling butt hurt getting 1.17gr/W and heading higher?

Actually I was perfectly happy with .56gr/W otherwise I would have quit growing years ago. But I only got that when the bulbs were brand new. The reason I scrapped all the HPS is because COBs hit the market. This is .56gr/W, what does your 1gr/W grow look like must be football sized nugs hanging everywhere?
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was thinking the same thing, they all have this serious butt hurt attitude.

"superiority complex"
also they come off as quite clique/clicky like in their little self appointed elite group

where as i find hid growers generally are nicer people to talk to
and more willing to share their information

this is a shame it would be nice if led growers were not such "asshats" in general


butt hurt , is the inevitable outcome of being an asshat
"superiority complex"
also they come off as quite clique/clicky like in their little self appointed elite group

where as i find hid growers generally are nicer people to talk to
and more willing to share their information

this is a shame it would be nice if led growers were not such "asshats" in general


butt hurt , is the inevitable outcome of being an asshat
Grow up
I'm NEVER impressed by pics, I have seen to many great looking buds dry up into fluffy crap. There are people who find big fluffy buds impressive, There are people who like nugs so dense you can't break them apart. I prefer buds that taste great and get me high, CAN"T SEE THAT IN ANY PIC.just saying!!!!
LMFAO @ this thread.

Who cares if LED growers are delusional. Ignorance is bliss and they're having fun so let them be in their own LED forum. :)

well i see it like a bunch of kids comparing bikes its mildly amusing
the more led users post the more pretentious they look which confirms my orignal observations
my bike is better than yours
i can see for myself who still needs the training wheels and who does not
You ignore the problems with LEDs at your own peril. But to try to deny that knowledge to those seeking information is just plain wrong. Why do you continue to post your positive opinions of LED here in the LED section when apparently you look over its faults? The "more reasons" you claim haven't been laboratory tested. Some have talked of getting laboratory tests, but none have, or if they have, they haven't posted them. Why is that? This is the "LED and OTHER Lighting" section. Frankly, some of you are delusional. "200w of LED will out produce 1000w of HID" and "You'll save enough on the first cycle to pay for the lights"and "All you need is red and blue, so why waste power creating the other spectra" and "The full spectrum LEDs get better results".
Not many here think 200 watts of led will out produce a 1k...

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