LED vs. HID Double Ended Bulb

You ignore the problems with LEDs at your own peril. But to try to deny that knowledge to those seeking information is just plain wrong. Why do you continue to post your positive opinions of LED here in the LED section when apparently you look over its faults? The "more reasons" you claim haven't been laboratory tested. Some have talked of getting laboratory tests, but none have, or if they have, they haven't posted them. Why is that?
That is directly at me...and I have already done a side by side and had the results tested...which is the difference many quote when quoting the fact that led's produce higher testing results. 17%hps 19.3% led was how it went down years ago...quest for the best led(youtube it) Pretty sure apache has the results on file if you want to do some actual work and call them. Otherwise it's up to you to prove I didn't get them tested...and I can say100% that will never happen because they were tested...steephill labs. I have never claimed to get this new batch tested when I haven't yet...yes i am lagging on this round...but shit son, I ain't scared.. Nothing to hide in my garden. Just busy with life...helping myself instead of going way out of my way to help uneducated and unwilling to learn people such as your self. I don't need any convincing of proving to...I will continue to grow lb's of dank with my led's wether you understand what they can do or not. Step up your garden then come at me with something substantial.

I say it all the time...600+w of THE BEST LED's will compete with a 1000w hps. No delusions or crazy concepts here. Realistic and based on the science of growing...YES, the SCIENCE... which is not a secret or anything very specific to cannabis. Quantum measurements and specs to create the best growing light. But hey...what do I know about led's
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what yields were you getting from 2.4kW of hid
I don't select for yield I select for quality first, so my best is nothing spectacular .56gr/W. I used the HPS perpetual for several years nonstop and average yield was about .4gr/W. Many growers claim 1 gr/W with HPS is "easy" but not by my measure if you want the dank nugs. So far my best with LED has been 1.17gr/W but I expect to get that number above 1.25 because I have been swapping in much higher efficiency emitters. Quality has been much better than they best I could do with HPS.

Every thing else is the same, many of the same cuttings, same soil (literally), same space, same airflow, same CO2 etc
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That is directly at me...and I have already done a side by side and had the results tested...which is the difference many quote when quoting the fact that led's produce higher testing results. 17%hps 19.3% led was how it went down years ago...quest for the best led(youtube it) Pretty sure apache has the results on file if you want to do some actual work and call them. Otherwise it's up to you to prove I didn't get them tested...and I can say100% that will never happen because they were tested...steephill labs. I have never claimed to get this new batch tested when I haven't yet...yes i am lagging on this round...but shit son, I ain't scared.. Nothing to hide in my garden. Just busy with life...helping myself instead of going way out of my way to help uneducated and unwilling to learn people such as your self. I don't need any convincing of proving to...I will continue to grow lb's of dank with my led's wether you understand what they can do or not. Step up your garden then come at me with something substantial.

I say it all the time...600+w of THE BEST LED's will compete with a 1000w hps. No delusions or crazy concepts here. Realistic and based on the science of growing...YES, the SCIENCE... which is not a secret or anything very specific to cannabis. Quantum measurements and specs to create the best growing light. But hey...what do I know about led's
This is the first claim anyone has presented to me with a quantified number. Everyone else just claims "its better and you're an asshole for doubting". Even you fall into insulting those who ask for evidence. You could have provided a link to your claim, but instead say I am somehow obliged to prove it didn't happen. I never said you didn't get them tested, just that I had not seen the results. How does one prove something didn't happen, I ask? "Step up your garden"? You have no idea whether I have one plant in a CPU case or 200 acres covered fence to fence. You automatically go to insulting those who don't share your viewpoint.
I don't select for yield I select for quality first, so my best is nothing spectacular .56gr/W. I used the HPS perpetual for several years nonstop and average yield was about .4gr/W. Many growers claim 1 gr/W with HPS is "easy" but not by my measure if you want the dank nugs. So far my best with LED has been 1.17gr/W but I expect to get that number above 1.25 because I have been swapping in much higher efficiency emitters. Quality has been much better than they best I could do with HPS.

Every thing else is the same, many of the same cuttings, same soil (literally), same space, same airflow, same CO2 etc

glad you found what works for you , when you said
The bottom line is, if I went back to HPS it would be a major loss of production

i took this ^^ to mean yield (production and loss you seemed to be concentrating on production rather than quality

i have never placed much faith in gpw i normally yield about 45-55 oz from 3x 600 which is around .8 to or something like that
if i get 1lb per 600w i am satisfied with that any more is a bonus
i think quality goes without saying, sometimes i feel this is used as an excuse for a shit yield by some less experienced growers
i am willing to accept that growing plants under fullspectrum lights rather than hps
could be of benefit to the plants although i find the claims folk make about how much better led weed is amusing

What i find amazing is RIU's LED and other lighting section is probaley the most rapid growing community/forum that is soon to bypass the other forums(and for good reason), And thats because there is a future to LED!

Whats even more amusing is we have hid growers coming in here talking shit just because themselves or some one they know grew with SHIT panels and had a SHIT product.

Im blessed to have experience of 15+ yrs of growing and smoking california's TOP SHELF, that being said, my Quality of led herb stands out, even to the un trained eye.
glad you found what works for you , when you said
i took this ^^ to mean yield (production and loss you seemed to be concentrating on production rather than quality

i have never placed much faith in gpw i normally yield about 45-55 oz from 3x 600 which is around .8 to or something like that
if i get 1lb per 600w i am satisfied with that any more is a bonus
i think quality goes without saying, sometimes i feel this is used as an excuse for a shit yield by some less experienced growers
i am willing to accept that growing plants under fullspectrum lights rather than hps
could be of benefit to the plants although i find the claims folk make about how much better led weed is amusing


Averaging 44-55 zips for 3x600s? Cool must be dank? Must get 2-300 a oz? Balling? Invest in a SMALL but GOOD quality led. Will cost you about 5-10 of those 45-55 zipps you get.

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these threads get so lame quick.......

a GOOD grower,will GROW good nug with any light................

i have smoked cfl,t-5,cmh,hps,led,cali,uk,colo,texas,minnesota,ect,grown by good growers,,and they all was good
if you only get .5 from your hps grow,then that's what you get...dose that mean all will only get that?
It's not even all about gpw is the funny part. Less heat and less electricity is for real...again less heat and electricity is for real.

People forget so quickly..

If you live in a cold climate by all means rock the hid

But if you live somewhere like I do. Where it's really hot, and electric prices are really expensive, hid is ridiculous. If it wasn't for led most people I know wouldn't grow indoor period.

The gpw is just icing on the cake with these new leds by cree that have surpassed HID. Again...surpassed..

Edit...I apologize to all those affected by my quitting my 20+ year old stogie habit and being a grumpy azz of late. Need to put a disclaimer in my sig. :fire:
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a GOOD grower,will GROW good nug with any light................

I agree, but I kid you not, that same grower with that same variety will grow better weed under an LED. Stickier, denser, stinkier and most likely more potent. Also slightly faster finishing.

if you only get .5 from your hps grow,then that's what you get...dose that mean all will only get that?

Like I said I select for quality first. The point I am trying to make is, you can more than double your gr/W by using high efficiency LED.

POS, congrats on quitting the stogies! Since I quit (due to a collapsed lung), I have not had a producing cough for 10 years and counting.
what yields were you getting from 2.4kW of hid
Of course the same as most if not all LED growers who claim to double the yield after switching from HPS to LED: about half of what it should be. I know, that's why you asked, just wanted to rub that in some more :) LEDs for people who can't handle HPS, you don't need that.

The point I am trying to make is, you can more than double your gr/W by using high efficiency LED.
The point you're missing (being delusional about) is that that's hardly a challenge if you grow 0.56 gpw with HPS... and assume LED magically increase closet sizes...

Like I said I select for quality first.
I always recommend growers aim for quality first. Because quantity than follows automatically. Quality may be at risk if one were to overdo it by trying to push quantity, it's no excuse for 0.4gpw. That's just ridiculous man... you really shouldn't be comparing HPS to LED if you don't learn how to grow under HPS first. 1gpw is easy. "About a pound" of 600w requires no effort.

0.4gpw x 1200w hps.... that's 480gram... about a pound. That's the worst I ever got from a single 600w, with an 8 week strain, without counting the popcorn... Yeah, you should definitely be growing under led with less wattage... :roll:
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and i agree with that to..

that's why most "hot light" growers will mix 2-1 hps-mh..to get that fine light.which will lead to "Stickier, denser, stinkier and most likely more potent. Also slightly faster finishing."

quality is always first,but "I" still want mass no matter what...

watt for watt...LED may smash a single hps..but if that watt for watt on the "hot light" side,was a mix of mh-hps...
and i understand heat,cost to run set-up,ect...

i just do not get all these claims of hay tasting/smelling nugs,way less potent bud..that to me,sounds like a bad grower..imo

like what you say about dbl yields a 600 hps 1lb grow,would be 2lb with 600 watt high efficiency LED?
just asking

as soon as the price on the pre made lights drops down,i'm getting one or two for the veg room.
it's no excuse for 0.4gpw. That's just ridiculous man... you really shouldn't be comparing HPS to LED if you don't learn how to grow under HPS first. 1gpw is easy. "About a pound" of 600w requires no effort.

Well since you are a master HPS grower and double my harvest with ease, I have great news for you. 2 gr/W with LED will be "easy" for you and your quality will improve. We must all be a bunch of idiots in these parts because no one gets 1gr/W with HPS, even if they grow a bunk variety and dose it with chem ferts. But that is beside the point. If I suck (in your opinion) with HPS then I suck with LED too. It makes no difference what gr/W I get if all the other vairables remain the same, it matters that g/W more than doubled. I did not magically become a better grower by switching to LED. (Sorry for the sarcasm but I am skeptical of your "superiority" and its relevance to this discussion)

You seem to be holding on to a delusion by insisting on any explanation beside the light. I built this lamp with the primary design goal of maximizing my gr/W. LED can put more photons in the canopy than HPS. That is a fact regardless of your ignorance to it. Take advantage of that and you can improve your gr/W drastically. If not, stick with your 1 gr/W and you will be pimpin either way.

Last time we had this discussion my best LED results were .9gr/W. Now we have 1.17 and since then we have upgraded the LEDs significantly. So we should headed toward 1.25 and probably much higher. Again, this is selecting for quality first and yield second, using recycled organic soil so these lights are capable of much higher yields in someone elses hands than mine.
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Well since you are a master HPS grower and double my harvest with ease, I have great news for you. 2 gr/W with LED will be "easy" for you and your quality will improve. But that is beside the point. We must all be a bunch of idiots in these parts because no one gets 1gr/W. If I suck (in your opinion) with HPS then I suck with LED too. So it makes no difference what gr/W I get, it matters that it more than doubled. I did not magically become a better grower by switching to LED.

You seem to be holding on to a delusion by insisting that there must be some other explanation beside the light. I built this lamp with the primary design goal of maximizing my gr/W. LED can put more photons in the canopy than HPS. That is a fact regardless of your ignorance to it. Take advantage of that and you can improve your gr/W drastically. If not, stick with your 1 gr/W and you will be pimping either way, good for you!

Why even bother with him Supra?? The worst kind of troll, the one that believes "it's" smart:dunce:

Always love the 1gpw is EASY with HID and requires ^^ " no effort at all".......yeah ok:roll:, that's when you know 100% that their full of shit. I just took a look at the RIU indoor light section/ 600watt club, hmmmmm doesn't seem so easy in REALITY.

hey did you hear that royal philips is suspending the agro hid bulb sales in europe?? yeah they just disregarded their very profitable sector because SATILIED said soooooooooooooooo. The R&D in the new cmh agro elite line and greenpower DE hps bulbs where all for nothing.................BUMMER. Someone please tell Gavita the news that their products are officially useless now!! whazzup will be devastated about his job loss:eyesmoke:

Very entertaining to see these hid guys coming in here thinking we've never used anything but some "nitebrite"/ "Christmas light" fixtures. Personally I like a 30'000watt grow op employee telling me what's up on the production #s. NOT some kid who plays the my "600w grow is better than your 600w grow" shit............lol

As always, broad assumptions will come back to hurt you every time...............Don't worry his stupid remark/spin is incoming soooooonnnn.
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I hear ya PSU. Honestly I am downright thrilled about the recent LED results we have had in this forum lately. I have no need to change the way Sativied grows or thinks, but I want to make sure that those folks reading this that are trying to learn about LED capabilities understand that modern LEDs can double the gr/W of the best HPS setups. You can buy LED lamps that are 30% efficient or if you build your own you can choose your efficiency, all the way up to 56% currently.

Sativied I know you will think this is delusional, if a 30% lamp can almost double the HPS (see Greengenes), my 45% lamps are tripling my HPS, a 56% lamp can nearly quadruple the gr/W of HPS. Cree has achieved 85% in neutral white, so there is plenty of room for improvement in the coming years. If we have access to reasonably priced warm white LEDs that can reach 65%, growers will be quadrupling HPS on a regular basis. Even better, because of the huge decrease in heat, you could fit almost two or three times as much light in a tent and hugely increase the productivity of your space.
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LEDs for people who can't handle HPS, you don't need that.

you are a braver man than me lol ^^.. expect a backlash from LED hipsters with all kinds of font colours
I like how you tell it straight to the point (facts and truth are important)
the sensibilities of LED growers are not

i agree that many of the LED growers report that they had issues with HID
its quite rare to see a successful hid grower convert to led, when they do they yield similar
although they claim led is better quality its not hugely better like some of the others are saying
and of course this is all subjective to the individuals preferences/taste

what i find funny is some of these LED growers that could only achieve .5gpw from hid
go on to claim that hid growers who grow 1gpw are telling lies about their yields
this is nothing but (sour grapes) also saying HID bud is of such low quality compared to led bud
that hid bud is not worth smoking anymore (this bit sounds more hipster than credible

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