Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
You know what's funny LEDORDIE, I got into a big debate last night on this subject on another forum I am involved with. I was saying pretty much the same thing as you and then the MOD stepped in and tried saying that everything I was saying was bullshit, so I showed some hardcore facts about yield, and once again I was told it was bullshit. I had to drop the subject because it was not worth arguing, HID heads will never admit that LED can grow with the same or better results. Granted, if you buy a piece of shit LED light your not gonna get good results.


Well-Known Member
One more thing to add to this....... The bud is so much higher quality in my opinion, sorry I don't do cyber speak.


Well-Known Member
Quick question for all you experienced LEDers. I am only on my third grow and have only used LED since started growing. I have noticed that the leaves don't turn yellow as the plants finish like you see in all the photos and videos of HID grows. They always explain this phenomenon as the plant using the last bit of energy as it nears the end of its lifecycle. However, I have yet to see this happen in any of my plants so far under LEDs. What I am wondering is if I need to allow the plants to go until this happens, or if possibly it is just a difference in heat, etc. that prevents this from happening under LEDs in such a pronounced way.


Well-Known Member
Quick question for all you experienced LEDers. I am only on my third grow and have only used LED since started growing. I have noticed that the leaves don't turn yellow as the plants finish like you see in all the photos and videos of HID grows. They always explain this phenomenon as the plant using the last bit of energy as it nears the end of its lifecycle. However, I have yet to see this happen in any of my plants so far under LEDs. What I am wondering is if I need to allow the plants to go until this happens, or if possibly it is just a difference in heat, etc. that prevents this from happening under LEDs in such a pronounced way.

Your fine...........it just means you still have plenty of N left in your medium/ how's your fert regiment??.........they should finish normally and healthy/ all good grower


Well-Known Member
Your fine...........it just means you still have plenty of N left in your medium/ how's your fert regiment??.........they should finish normally and healthy/ all good grower
Awesome...thanks man! I feed them Auroroa Innovations Soul Synthetics. It includes the Grow-N which tapers off as you get to week 7-8 - so no N since last week or so. They look super healthy, but I am closing in on the end of week 8 on an 100% indica that seems to be progressing toward finishing right on time. Thanks again. Peace.
Not a big fan of the look of Rhinogrow. Looks a bit like a homemade garage version.. Could be wrong. I agree about the heat Astroastro. Not sure if the heatsinks will cut it, . I am running the 740 extreme flower and will be adding a 160 blueveg , all from Advancedled. The 740 is a big boy and i promise you ( although I am running exhaust and fans) my room would not get over 85 degrees(i experimented). They run cool and smooth and are very powerful. Could not be happier with that company and my results . I will post some shots so you see what i mean.
Rhino is def not a "garage version" whatever that means. It is --IMO-- one of the best lights out there. Advanced has some great units and I am sure they get the job done, you can grow anything if you have the proper setup and knowledge. I personally will just be sticking to American made quality products...like RhinoGrow or Apache -- or any other USA companies--sorry cant think of them all off hand. But like I said anyone can grow anything in the right environment with any light if you know what you are doing. There arent a lot of bad lights out there--a lot more bad grow houses and growers--again IMO. Cheers and happy growing!!


Active Member
Anyone out there that has used LED's extensively or anyone out there that actually builds LED's please give me your thoughts on the Apollo 4 made by cidly. I'm looking for an LED lighting system that I can hang over a 4' x 4' ScroG, and will be high enough wattage to do that job. Thanks in advance for any and all info you may be able to provide.


Well-Known Member
There arent a lot of bad lights out there--a lot more bad grow houses and growers--again IMO.
Well David, I must say that there are actually a LOT of bad lights out there, and if you don't do your research when you buy LED then you will typically find out about that. There are maybe 6 manufacturers of good high quality LED lights out there, and a lot of the rest try to copy others designs and have them made in China. Granted, you can grow under any light, it just depends on how good of a quality plant and how much yield you want to get from your grow.
Well David, I must say that there are actually a LOT of bad lights out there, and if you don't do your research when you buy LED then you will typically find out about that. There are maybe 6 manufacturers of good high quality LED lights out there, and a lot of the rest try to copy others designs and have them made in China. Granted, you can grow under any light, it just depends on how good of a quality plant and how much yield you want to get from your grow.
True true...research is key, if you know how you want to grow and have the proper setup chances are you arent going to go out and buy something without doing research, thought that was a given. 6 companies--is that an opinion? Have you tried all 6? What are the names of these 6 masterful LED companies and how did you come up with the list? Not trying to be so harsh but you just put a huge blanket statement on all LED companies...looks like you have used one type of LED...CLW, whicch are great lights IMO, but have you tried other brands? I am just wondering where you are getting this info for that statement??


Well-Known Member
Running 4 led's in 2 tents has been 30.00 a month cheaper (electric only) for me than running 1 600w HPS in 1 tent. It is also saving me money on nutes and water. I was feeding / watering every other day with the HPS but now I can get by with 3 or 4 days without feeding or watering. I have not figured how much I am saving a month but I can say that it's close to 100 bucks with everything considered.

Quality has been good too. I won't say I get better quality from LED's than HPS but I know it's not worse. My plants do grow a bit differently under the LED's but not in a bad way.

The biggest thing I am liking with led's is the lack of worries I now have. I don't spend much time at home so I can't monitor temps or my enviroment like I should but having the led's gives me a peace of mind when I am away.

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The first pic is my Auto Lab. There are 3 photos in there but my intention was to mess with Auto's but after a couple of grows with them I think I am over Auto's. I would much rather use the Auto lab for a few mothers and clones. I enjoy the creative freedom with growing photo's. Auto's seem to force your hand and I hate being forced to do anything.

The second pic is a couple of Galaxies just entering their third week of flowering. I know there are yellow leaves and I am lacking some nitrogen. Just wanted to show that plants can have yellow leaves under led's. I have been messing with some products (bio-char) and am seeing what affects they have on the plant at different stages. I assumed char had more nitrogen than it apparently does.

These are Area 51 lights. I did research before I bought them and their customer service is why I chose Area 51. I do not have a single regret with these lights.


Hello, I'm newer to growing, but I am extremely interested in the efficiency of the led grow lights. Almost 600 hundred pages is an extreme pain to deal with, nevertheless shows much promise on these lights. Can anyone give me a heads up on which companies to consider/avoid? I was inquiring the HydroLed Ho 600. Just seems like the best bang for my buck so far...I can't find any reviews on it though which makes me uneasy. Any comments?[h=1][/h]

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Loll at the BlackDog led
Great customer service and great buds
Dont buy just on price.
In this "New" LED market there are a lot of company's with fake promises
and the Chinese LEDs are a crap shoot
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
True true...research is key, if you know how you want to grow and have the proper setup chances are you arent going to go out and buy something without doing research, thought that was a given. 6 companies--is that an opinion? Have you tried all 6? What are the names of these 6 masterful LED companies and how did you come up with the list? Not trying to be so harsh but you just put a huge blanket statement on all LED companies...looks like you have used one type of LED...CLW, whicch are great lights IMO, but have you tried other brands? I am just wondering where you are getting this info for that statement??
Here is the deal David, most LED companies will try to make themselves look like they are the best and have the best lights available that can outgrow all HID lights, that type of marketing typically says that they are bullshit, but not all the time. I have had quite a bit of experience with LED lights, and multiple brands as well. Don't make a statement saying that I only use 1 type of light unless you really know the facts, if you had read my journal you would know that I use more than 1 type, but coming soon I WILL only be using 1 type, and that is California Light Works. I have tried about 4 different brands myself before finding CLW, I have seen friends grows with other brands that I have not tried, but with that I had something to compare to. The only LED light company out there that doesn't boast that they are the best seems to be CLW, and not only do they design their own lights they also make them there in California not in China like most of the rest, and they by far outperform everything I have seen and used. My list of 6 good manufacturers will be listed below, not all are made by the companies themselves but all are higher quality lights that work well. One more thing, the brands I have tried personally are 357 Magnum by Grow Perfect Technologies (great light but actually made in China), Prosource Worldwide(pretty decent light), Advanced LED (didn't quite live up to what I was expecting, but still ok), and Black dog LED. All of the previous lights I have sold except for the Magnum, which I plan to sell as soon as I get my other 2 Solar Flare lights from CLW.

Here is my list of 6:

1- California Light Works
2- Lumigrow
3- Grow Perfect Technologies
4- Hydro Grow LED
5- Advanced LED
6- ProSource Worldwide

This list is not saying they are the ONLY good LED's out there, but it is a pretty solid list of quality LED lights.


Yeah, what he said^^. I only have tried one and it's from clw, but I've been pleasantly surprised by the performance, and also the customer service.


Well-Known Member
azores, I agree with you on the customer service also. I recently had one of my Solar Storms give me a minor issue, for some reason one of the LED panels in the light was not getting full power to it, so I called CLW and left a message, 5 minutes later a guy named George called me back and I explained what was going on, he then told me that they would send out another one to me immediately no questions asked. What an awesome company, I don't know of another company that would send you another unit without getting the old one back first. Needless to say, CLW's customer service is by far some of the best I have ever dealt with.


Well-Known Member
And if you want something that's gonna work without breaking your budget the Blackstars are the best inexpensive lights out there. The california lightworks ones aren't too bad though for price compared to most of the others on that list that are WAY overpriced. Let's put it this way, I didn't want to spend the money on those big priced ones... I can't imagine I would be any happier with the plants they put out other than maybe california lightworks but that's a bit different class. If I'd bought one of those other ones then a blackstar, I'd probably feel like I got suckered. I understand some people haven't had great luck but I got 6 2012s in Jan and haven't had any issues whatsoever with any.


Well-Known Member
You are spot on here bro!! Like the statements and i have enjoyed checking out your journal! I have used a few brands myself..a couple chinese made models until I recently found RhinoGrow...I am not going to boast that they are the best, but I own 3 and they kick ass!! I have seen CLW and they do good work as well! Just wanted to let you know that the Rhino is quality made product, just like the CLW. Good luck with your grows, love how many people are realizing the power of LED....i wont push a name on anyone, i just wan people to know that LEDs work!! puff puff pass
Hey FluffHead420, I have heard a little bit about the Rhino Grow light and it does seem like a good one. Do you have a grow journal with that light in action, I would really love to see its performance? With anything, technique plays a big part in results as well. LED and Plasma lights are definitely making a big stand in the growers market and their technology keeps getting better, look at the difference between the early model LED grow lights compared to now, they went from using 1watt diodes to now using up to 10watt diodes, huge difference in penetrating power. I am not saying that one brand is best, I am just saying that there is a lot of garbage lights out there that are selling specs instead of performance. Rhino Grow just needs to step up to the 5watt diodes now......


Active Member
Has anyone had a really successful grow using ONE led panel for veg through flower yet? If so, which panel? I don't feel like reading through 583 pages today, so if anyone would care to share, I would share back what I can of value. I've only had major success using LEDs as supplement light, especially 630/660 additions to a Hortilux Blue 1000w. My plants eat that shit up, all strains, not had one go bad.