Dont ask, "whats the best light out there", ask "whats the best light for MY purpose"
LEDs have worked for me so far, on my very small grow. Understand, though LEDs have worked for me so far, HIDs seem to have better penetration, intensity, and are cheaper. Also, know that most LED configurations dont provide all the spectrums you need; its best to supplement with something else. And they are only cost effective for small personal grows. If you tried to do a large grow you would spend a small fortune!
But, i like what ive seen so far. and the technology will only improve from here.
I compare the LED backlash to the L4 backlash a few years back. When i first got a 4 cylinder car, all the V8 people laughed, and said economy cars suck ass. its not as fast, true, but its the RIGHT VEHICLE FOR MY PURPOSE. People say its not the best car, but it works, and cheaply, so its the best car for me. Those V8 people stopped laughing when gas hit 4 bucks a gallon. HID users will come around eventually. remember the first 4 cylinders to hit the market? They sucked! Now there are some bad ass cars that are gas sipping L4s! Give it time, have faith.
Pics, 13 days after changing to 12/12