Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
No, why would I want to dim? I thought this was a good thing/indicator that my plants getting plenty.
Smaller leaves = a lot more bud sites getting light right?
idk about that a healthy plant will have big leaves if it normally has them.i see some plants get smaller leaves under t5 lighting when the lamp is too close.could be alot of things.but i have flowered clones that had these small leaves and the buds are tight but smaller than normal.there is such a thing as too much light.and if your not using co2 i could see that being the case after seeing your setup because you have a shitload of cobs in that room lol
did your plants have small leaves before you ran all these cobs?


Well-Known Member
I seem to have seen there is a deficiency that causes small leaves and it seems it was a minor nutrient. I remember under the old cmh I had leaf everywhere. Trimming sucked.


Well-Known Member
The leaves on the edges are large, and some of the ones lower in the canopy are medium sized too, so I don't think it's a deficiency.
When I say small, I don't actually mean small, maybe 7cm long.
Once I had a plant which was not in any direct light (during hps grow) and I had leaves 20-30cm long! At that time, I thought it was just an awesome plant. But now that I think about it, it might not have had enough light.
Although my leaves are smaller, I have 2-3x as many nodes/branches as i did before !

I'm beginning to think leaves are not as important during flowering as we think, and that may be the reason why there are a select few who de-leaf everything.

Will see how this grow goes. :)
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Well-Known Member
just realized, with tomato hydroponics farms, they deleaf the bottom as long as they have a minimum set of 5-7 ( x 3 of course) without any negative affects on the fruits closer to be harvested.
Not the same thing i know, but interesting none the less.


Active Member
Good morning! I got my heatpipes for the LEDs and I did noticed that the base is only 32x35mm as opposed to the CLU058 1825 which is 38x38mm I guess the best approach would be some copper backplate and then mount it to the heatpipe right? More thermal paste needed that way. I will be running the LED at 75W. Thank you for your insights.



Well-Known Member
When I first started, I read a post that has stuck with me. The writer was saying that we are trying to grow the best and most potent possible buds, not the most beautiful cannabis plants.

I train everything I can to get the buds enjoying the most light possible. In flower, leaves are never permitted to shade buds. My plants are only 8 or 10 inches tall. They get LSTed after being topped in veg, sometimes on second node. I have to look at RIU to see what a natural growing plant looks like. Mine are grown spread out and lying down. Every bud is in prime light.

I find training my girls very relaxing and interesting. Maybe like Bonsai!


Well-Known Member
Why not take all the leaves off 1 plant and leave 1 plant alone right next to it and see which one does better?
I have done this.plants with leaves always do better in every aspect . Now im not opposed to pulling off or tucking a leaf here or there on something like la con which has massive fans but even those i try not to fuck with unless a huge fan leaf is blocking multiple buds


Well-Known Member
Now i wont argue with stripping leaves on the last week of flower to open up the plant and let the lowers finish up.im talking through the whole growth phase from veg to the last week.


Well-Known Member
LST and especially Scrog tend to shade any fan leaves down under but they will stay greener under white leds and COBs, I have noticed apparently shaded leaves stay much greener under these lights. Surprised me a little.


Well-Known Member
So I have been following threads on the Amare lighting battle with interest. They are now advertising on Rollitup. So I checked them out. Their website has no phone numbers at all listed so prospective customers can not call them with questions or problems. The only way you apparently can contact them is to fill out their contact form on the website. So I sent them a message a few days ago using their contact form; no response. Personally, Any company regardless of what they sell that do not wish to talk or communicate with their customer base will never get one penny from this wallet. I don't care how good their product is. Another "F grade" for a business that doesnt feel it important to communicate with customers.


Well-Known Member
So I have been following threads on the Amare lighting battle with interest. They are now advertising on Rollitup. So I checked them out. Their website has no phone numbers at all listed so prospective customers can not call them with questions or problems. The only way you apparently can contact them is to fill out their contact form on the website. So I sent them a message a few days ago using their contact form; no response. Personally, Any company regardless of what they sell that do not wish to talk or communicate with their customer base will never get one penny from this wallet. I don't care how good their product is. Another "F grade" for a business that doesnt feel it important to communicate with customers.
Just how is it that you jump to the conclusion that Another "F grade" for a business that doesnt feel it important to communicate with customers. There could be lots of reasons that you are unaware of


Well-Known Member
You said "how did I jump to the conclusion," you answered your own question. That is my conclusion. If you have had positive transactions with them great. Post it!
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Well-Known Member
So I have been following threads on the Amare lighting battle with interest. They are now advertising on Rollitup. So I checked them out. Their website has no phone numbers at all listed so prospective customers can not call them with questions or problems. The only way you apparently can contact them is to fill out their contact form on the website. So I sent them a message a few days ago using their contact form; no response. Personally, Any company regardless of what they sell that do not wish to talk or communicate with their customer base will never get one penny from this wallet. I don't care how good their product is. Another "F grade" for a business that doesnt feel it important to communicate with customers.
He (one man) always gets back. He's probably answering 100 other e-mails n will get back to you as soon as he can. Give him a day.


Well-Known Member
Seriously?....it's been 4 days. I wondered how long it would take to hear from you....lol
Dunno, I've never tried to use the contact now button. I've just e-mailed Amare, then have always just responded to Victors e-mail after he responded to me.
I know this much though, everyone I've ever talked to says he gets back to them quick & thorough.
They're known widely to have great customer service n like I said, it's just one man. Not reps or anything.


Well-Known Member
Dunno, I've never tried to use the contact now button. I've just e-mailed Amare, then have always just responded to Victors e-mail after he responded to me.
I know this much though, everyone I've ever talked to says he gets back to them quick & thorough.
They're known widely to have great customer service n like I said, it's just one man. Not reps or anything.
Ya...I don't know you from Adam. I do follow threads and your comments as well as others on Amare. They may have the best lighting on the market who knows, however; When I make a purchase that I am interested in I judge my experiences with those companies not hearsay by others. I posted my dealing or attempted deal with them. Customer service to me is critical. It is a trust factor. No phone numbers to call them and apparently understaffed where they cannot answer customers in a timely manner is a company that is not setup properly to handle their customer base needs. Why would I want to wait 4 plus days to hear back from a company that I was trying to make a purchase from on a 25% discount they claim they offer and didn't during checkout on their website. There are many great companies out there that are set up and willing to work with their customers in a timely manner which includes phone numbers and answers emails in a timely manner. That leads me to beleive if I did make a purchase from them and had a lighting problem who knows how long it would take to get the problem rectified. It looks like you have plenty of lighting to fill in if you had a light go out. I don't. I certainly wouldnt want to wait for days or weeks for someone to be available to assist me....lol


Well-Known Member
Ya...I don't know you from Adam. I do follow threads and your comments as well as others on Amare. They may have the best lighting on the market who knows, however; When I make a purchase that I am interested in I judge my experiences with those companies not hearsay by others. I posted my dealing or attempted deal with them. Customer service to me is critical. It is a trust factor. No phone numbers to call them and apparently understaffed where they cannot answer customers in a timely manner is a company that is not setup properly to handle their customer base needs. Why would I want to wait 4 plus days to hear back from a company that I was trying to make a purchase from on a 25% discount they claim they offer and didn't during checkout on their website. There are many great companies out there that are set up and willing to work with their customers in a timely manner which includes phone numbers and answers emails in a timely manner. That leads me to beleive if I did make a purchase from them and had a lighting problem who knows how long it would take to get the problem rectified. It looks like you have plenty of lighting to fill in if you had a light go out. I don't. I certainly wouldnt want to wait for days or weeks for someone to be available to assist me....lol
I hear you.