Led Users Unite!

Big smo

Well-Known Member
5-8 oz per auto flowerpots 12 going at once. 70-80 days including veg with 12 more right behind it. So every 35-40 days he has a new batch ready. Autos have a place and it's not for everyone. For me and friends they fit very well. Smaller grow rooms and steady traffic scooping up an oz or 2 at a time. Even though he has a steady flow there is always a little drought. Being legal with autos is the safest where we are from.

Now if I lived in Colorado or Cali I would t even consider an auto. We have a strict 12&12 law with 2oz max. Doing photos with 2lb plants it's a lot tougher to stick to the rules.

My point is there is so much bad talk about these brands but there is really no proof that these are as bad as people say. What makes the Apollo led brand that much better. Not just well they suck cause they have cheap LEDs or shitty drivers. The par videos on YouTube prove they aren't as bad as I have read here. I'm sending my kinds back and going lec, but I really want to show my friend some proof before he buys more.


Well-Known Member
so, yeah I was looking at Johnson grow lights, pretty much same-same.

then the name just sounds, uninspiring. they should from and marketing sand point IMHO go with BIG Johnson lights.
big light for big flowers, big Johnson were not fucking around.

now that sounds like they mean business.
People who want big loads come to us. Big Jhonson, lighting up massive loads!


Well-Known Member
This is my LED light. There are many like it but this one is mine. My light is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my light is useless. Without my light I am useless. I must set my timer true. I must keep relative humidity, the mold is trying to kill my trees. I must shine my light and neem them before they are out of control.. I will. Before JAH I swear this creed: my light and myself are defenders of my irie awesome fire, we are the masters of many trades, we are the saviors of medical patients. So be it, until there is the prefect light, peace and humptiness forever....fo sho.
Could you start a thread with this as the title please?


Well-Known Member
Interesting lights. You have one?

..oh wait ™ ™ ™[/QUOTE]
Too late.....

One mod for me, Tho we are the saviors of med and rec. If your not having fun you're growing mj (don't misunderstand everything has its place) if your having fun it's weed man.....


Well-Known Member
I got the 3 additional KindXl 1000s in today and my At600 shows up tomorrow .. Kind has been impressive to this Led new comer but tomorrow the At600 gets to finish this round off through the end of flowering . My expectations are high (no pun intended lol)


Well-Known Member
I'll be setting up a new room over the next couple of weeks with much anticipation to see what I can accomplish with my led setup .. I'll be sure to post pics soon .
I'll be doing the comparison test between the At600 and kind xl 1000 with videos and pics posted on Instagram and YouTube .. Once that's set up we can see which light is worth the price you pay for them


Well-Known Member
I think the platinum led will probably help produce more than enough for most people. There are hundreds of different led combinations available. Like me and many others out there we refers directly to the web and once we see the par comparisons tests some of the major led company's perform its usually enough to click on the purchase button if it fits our needs.

There was a dozen pages bashing kind, yes mine shit the bed but how can such a terrible light produce such high par readings. How can it beat out the spyder which is much more expensive.
I'm giving up on led and sending mine back just so you all know but after reading here I'm convinced these company's sell inferior products.

What makes the area51 or the amare light so much better than the platinum for instance?
I'm not sticking up for the company's I'm just curious. I have 2 friends now that have filled rooms with 4000 watts each of kind LEDs. They are producing huge numbers. I talked to the guys at the grow shop who use the spyders and swear by them. What makes theirs better than mine?
LOL sorry @kmog33 i totally forgot about the other post, re-did the rithametick and came up with #15. images ==-.jpg
Huge numbers under 4k of led would be about 15#. Is that what you're talking about? If so, a pic would be really appreciated.

The reason that some lights are far better than other is essentially efficiency. Around RIU though we also appreciate integrity. Platinum is an appalling failure on both counts. You can easily learn through researching state of the art, solid state lighting.
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Well-Known Member

I have heard nothing but AMAZING shit from these guys. 8oz from toofdecay under KINDLEDS!!

On a 60 day auto that's just crazy. Their genetics are supposed to be top notch but also pretty expensive too
They always had interesting selections. Really nice packaging as well. Comes in crush proof tube with cotton ball stuffed in and sealed.



Well-Known Member
I'll be setting up a new room over the next couple of weeks with much anticipation to see what I can accomplish with my led setup .. I'll be sure to post pics soon .
I'll be doing the comparison test between the At600 and kind xl 1000 with videos and pics posted on Instagram and YouTube .. Once that's set up we can see which light is worth the price you pay for them

I personally don't want you to waste time for a heads up: IMHO, I would rather see what they do together. the kinds bringing the funk, and the AT600 dropping the hammer so-to-speak.


Well-Known Member
I'm a member on another site and they have a huge section dedicated to Mars lights for instance. It's filled with great reviews. To my knowledge that's the least expensive light on the market with the worst reputation from my readings. How are so many people doing so well with them?
bro would that other site be 420?


Well-Known Member
Unless those huge numbers are like ~15 lbs every 2 months they're not doing all that well for LEDs. It's easy to do "big numbers" with several thousand watts. If you pulled terribly with 4K watts you'd still be pulling 5+ pounds.
LOL sorry @kmog33 i totally forgot about the other post, re-did the rithametick and came up with #15. View attachment 3654904
Huge numbers under 4k of led would be about 15#. Is that what you're talking about? If so, a pic would be really appreciated.

The reason that some lights are far better than other is essentially efficiency. Around RIU though we also appreciate integrity. Platinum is an appalling failure on both counts. You can easily learn through researching state of the art, solid state lighting.
Lol. Yeah 15# is about what I would expect running 4000 watts of LEDs. Be interesting to see the space.

Big smo

Well-Known Member
I have read alot of useful information here and up until joining here I probably would have been satisfied with the kind led products. A friend who is using the lights still swears by them and keeps forwarding me the par video from YouTube. I would love to have some sort of info stating otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I have read alot of useful information here and up until joining here I probably would have been satisfied with the kind led products. A friend who is using the lights still swears by them and keeps forwarding me the par video from YouTube. I would love to have some sort of info stating otherwise.

bro this is from Kind's site ;" Your Kind LED Grow Light will cultivate record breaking yields, both in quantity and quality, while running quieter, cooler, and more efficiently than any other grow light. Guaranteed." That is a laughably preposterous statement that no one with any knowledge of the LED market would accept as truth. That alone is a huge red flag indicating a straight up disregard for science, narrow greed and a slimy lack of best business practices.