led thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I have been research the shit out of led lights this week spending hours and hours reading and watching videos . I do see they are give us some great yields and very good results, bad ass right, only problem is now I found the most efficient led there is on the market and best bang for your buck . the power is actually uses and produces , I have all the figured out , I run 8 lamps. so for me it would be best bang for the buck to buy .24 led grow lights. to get the total wattage I need . I have learned. running these led 12/12 it will take 2 full years to get my money back ! then there after I would be saving 100 a month on the bill. total electric . this is almost 100 % to the penny. I did not keep in mind the ac would not turn on as much , but then the dehumidifier would so about the same. sorry to say until I get better then ebay prices on leds they will not pay off for me. my luck they would break in those 2 years. I was ready to fork out 2500 bucks right now. but not any more.


Active Member
I'm investing in LED because I'm a small-scale indoor grower in hot, dry SoCal. Its really hard to work with high-heat HID lights here. I like the new 5W chip LED models, they seem to be getting good yields and good canopy penetration. You can pick up a 400W LED (700W HID equivalent) for about $300 if you buy direct from China. Unfortunately I can't afford to fork over 1000+ for 600W lights by American companies.

You might want to think about other savings too, like bi-annual bulb changes ($200 a year, per lamp) and the loss of your hearing from having all your fans on high :)

I agree though, the LED technology still has a little ways to go until its worth it for large-scale growers to revamp their whole system.


Well-Known Member
I was going to start investing in LEDs for my closet grows but for now I'll just switch to CFLs to supplement my T-5s because the prices of the bulbs are dropping and the wattage reported is true wattage. The problem with LED lights is manufacturers report false wattage numbers for them. If a panel has 100 3 watt LED emitters that say it is a 300 watt panel. LIE! It has the capability of it but it actually only produces an average of 60% of the reported wattage due to throttling back the actual watts used to greatly extend the life of the emitters. Read carefully and check the real specs.


Well-Known Member
yes you are correct. bulbs are murder . about 60 bucks whole sale . I have 200 invested in per light. so hps hortilux 600 and ballast and hood. the led would cost 300 so if I look @ it that way it saves me 18 bucks a month so in 6 months that led paid for it self in the extra saveing in electric . and no bulb change in that 6 months so that another 60 saved. so if I was just starting up looking at it like that . yes led dooooo save money. ok when I expand the next lights will be led . thinking about buying 3 of these for 6 plants what are your thoughts ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/291040375240?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT or http://www.ebay.com/itm/290950075690?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT I thought 3 would be better to spread better . I have zero experience with led. I have all the room I want to spread out plants. in a sog


Well-Known Member
Those cheap Chinese lights don't last two years. Half of them fail during the first grow cycle if not right out of the box. A light failure doesn't just cost the price of the light, you lose your crop, too, because it takes so long to get replacements. If (big if) I went LED, i wouldn't get cheap ones.