LED Stealth Filing Cabinet Build/Grow"


Well-Known Member
Looks goodah....I like the grill, pro looking.

Hopefully you can join up with Grow-Off [clones too, I think] :peace:
So brought it back into my room, looks stealthy as. You wouldn't have any idea! Mission accomplished :D

Now with regards to noise, I thought with it being in the garage it would be unnaturally loud due to the concrete floor but it's still bloody noisy. Like if I shut my door you can't hear it outside of my room but I want to be able to study/sleep/have sex without this thing sounding like a Boeing 747. I'm currently uploading a video with it so you guys can hear how noisy it is.

Pretty keen to get growing with it now, spent so much time designing/building it from scratch.

Edit: I forgot to mention, turns out I can't have my TV and the LED on at the same time, because I use those rabbit ears and the LED has some crazy interference with them, leaving me with nothing but a black screen.

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
That ain't loud, my 170cfm 4" Growbright makes that thing sound like mouse farts. I don't see you getting around the noise short of a speed/voltage controller on your fans. It's an option but it will also hurt airflow obviously. That material will help with internal fans but an exhaust fan is gonna make noise regardless of what is stapled inside the grow space.

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
I don't sleep in my laundry room so you got me there. However, in my defense, I slept for years with the pc running in the room and we got used to hearing the various fans running all night every night. I'm sure the sound proofing will help but any exterior fans still generate enough noise to be noticed.
I don't sleep in my laundry room so you got me there. However, in my defense, I slept for years with the pc running in the room and we got used to hearing the various fans running all night every night. I'm sure the sound proofing will help but any exterior fans still generate enough noise to be noticed.
All good bro, I should have realised this being a engineering student but the light that was leaking through the front, well obviously there was sound coming from there. DOHHH!

Used weather proofing to seal that all up, now when I have my pedestal fan going on "medium" setting, you don't even hear the exhaust! Cheering!

So should be up and going soon, I've got a seedling in there at the moment while I wait for the mylar to turn up (should be this week according to the seller).

How far away should my seedling be from the LED light?

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
No experience with LED. I veg under CFL and I run 1"-2". I hear the LED is 4"-8" but don't quote me, something to do with getting burned by the intensity of the light.
So I have some Sweet Tooth Auto (Barney's Farm) that I'm going to run in there eventually but I don't want to waste them so I'm just using some spare THC Bomb seeds I had lying around to practice with and see how it goes

This is current progress:

See how that back leaf has a slightly lighter green around the edges? Is this because of LED Burn or a nutrient deficiency? The light is 20cm (appx 7.9 inches) away from the plant at the moment.

Also, currently running them on 18/6 but wondering whether I should be doing 20/4, thoughts?

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
That plants a little young for a nute def. I would lock at the soil ph and the possiblity of nute lockout before you go adding more nutes. What soil are you using and whats the ph on your water?
That plants a little young for a nute def. I would lock at the soil ph and the possiblity of nute lockout before you go adding more nutes. What soil are you using and whats the ph on your water?
So far I haven't added any nutes to it as it's quite young. I haven't been measuring the pH of the water, which clearly I'll have to now (is it normally too acidic or too basic, will I have to bring the pH up or down?)

Soil (just some stuff my mate bought for it, Fox Farms isn't available in my country at a decent price):
Decent Potting Mix
Brunnings Seed Raiser
Dynamic Lifter

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
Soil brand doesn't matter as much as what they put in it. Start off with your water pH and work from there. Once you know what your pH going in is at you can start testing the run-off of your soil. I'm no pro but I figure if the soil run-off is in balance then the plant will be able to use the nutes and drink freely.
looking good man! sweet cabinet
Thanks mate, been admiring your medical garden thread for a while now so I'm pretty stoked you think this is looking decent!

So we'll call this approximately day 10, the plant sat outside for a while when I was finishing the cabinet off but I don't know exactly how long for. Don't think it should matter though.

A bit of stretching between the first node and second one but that'll be because of the fact it was outside, really happy with the growth so far in terms of leaves/nodes but there's not much in terms of height, this could be due to the strain as THC Bomb doesn't grow very high at all but I was looking at some other threads and their 3 week growth is insane height wise.