LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

Damn Gas, sorry to see the loss of your grow like that. But glad to see your party cups are still goin strong. I would definately have no input as to why or what would cause that to happen, I can understand why or how it could be the water. Not all tap water is the same, but then shouldn't be anything that harsh in to not kill fish. If we were neighbors I'd be given you some clones to help get your grow goin again.
if you fed them a tea that was potentially bad ( you just got me really paranoid about my teas!! ) I would say its possible you killed them instantly, like there was no way back.

I am postponing my update in case they get bigger overnight!! they havent changed much since last update other than showing their sex! 2 cups 2 girls.
Damn, Gas, Sorry about your grow. That sucks.

unknown, Are those your party cup entries? Is that one plant or two? They/It look bushy as all hell. Any chance of a picture of the entire plant(s)?

nice one unknown, yours is doing very well!! nice stalk on it!!

I got up too late this morning (any later than 6.00 and I have to wait for the evening) So my picture is from last night, I am sure that they did very well overnight!! hehe looks like I am at least 2 weeks behind unknown9!! I think my cash crop Kenny reg seed will be the best, the other one was doing better but it got stunt a bit from overfeeding. I believe both of them are going to look amazing near the end.

I will take better pics next update, in fact, from the next update, I will start following the rules!! I might be the only one not following the rules on this... From now I will take pictures of my cups under natural lighting showing the entire cups as well as the writing on them !


thanks! I hope I can hit 14g dry, that would be awesome. yours are looking like they've exploded since you raised them up, they look real good!
Well I can honestly say I might not win, but in away it's ok cause if anything I have learned something beneficial from it. And for me learning something that will help me out to getting fast grows and better yeilds out ways claiming a victory. But I'm still shooting for an ounce.
So I killed damn near all my plants except the solo cup plants. But it's kind of relieving for some reason - perhaps my lights aren't shit after all and something else is up. I was going out of town for just a couple days I decided to put most of the larger plants' containers into a shallow tub with just an inch of water; enough in this heat to over water the plants for a day before drying up. Worked well at keeping the soil moist but every plant in the tub died. And in kind of a weird way - totally dried to a crisp with damp soil and a weird brownish green color to the leaves a bit similar to when I though I fed them some stale tea.

Not pictured are four additional dead plants that look the exact same.


The plants that weren't in the tub are not happy but they aren't dead. Showing signs similar to the bad tea episode, which I'm now thinking wasn't a bad tea but just water issues. I honestly haven't checked the water parameters since moving as I grow in soil, and my fish are all healthy, but I'm starting to think this water is no good. All I'm feeding with is a low low level of floranova and calmg+ so I'm pretty baffled as to what else would do this.


And why the fuck is this one plant just chugging along? I don't get it so I'll have to run some tests when I'm feeling better.


maybe some chemical were used to clean your basement at some point...if you just moved there who knows, maybe you could try setting them on a tarp.

EDIT I guess the worst ones were in a tub, maybe they were on the cement floor? ... maybe never mind. your basement is probably no the problem... keep us posted!
hanging the cups was a great idea only with one hand to do so I didnt do a great job... I was watering the cups and they fell upside down, both sliding out of their cups!! its all good now they just look like they have been partying all night
Well, He sure wasn't showing pistils!

partycup074.jpg partycup075.jpg

Looks like I'm down to 3 bagseed and the Super Haze, 4 total until sexed.

Party On!
Damn, Gas, Sorry about your grow. That sucks.

unknown, Are those your party cup entries? Is that one plant or two? They/It look bushy as all hell. Any chance of a picture of the entire plant(s)?

its just a single plant, i have taken a picture beside a 2 litre bottle, and the stem beside a lighter. if shes grows much more, i going to have a balance problem

looks like lights on the roots might not be all that bad after-all?

Way to go unknown9, I am looking forward to see if you can feed her well enough to hit the magic number for a party cup,.... 28!!!!!!! (anyone knows of anybody getting 1oz dry from a 16oz cup?)
I looked in on the girls today and all of them have yellowing lower leaves. It's has been months since I have had plants this young. This is more than just the first few sets of leaves dying off, no? Root bound maybe? or straight up nitrogen deficiency?

Just trying to get a hold on this:
IMAG0374.jpg IMAG0375.jpg IMAG0376.jpg
I should add that all the party cup girls are in ffof mixed with perlite and started getting low level flowering nutes around week 3 or 4 and I've slowly been ramping the nute levels since.

Also, I dont think it is from over watering as the cups were bone dry yesterday and then I gave them a healthy drink.

Thanks guys.
Id also guess a N issue.......not sure/ but needs to be fixed asap.......PM hyroot/ he's the MJ doctor:P
its all good Amax, you are right on time to fix the problem. root bound? hell yeah!! thats what this competition is all about!! I am almost certain your girl is hungry, one thing I learned from my first partycup run is once the plants are healthy and mature enough, they can take it!! I have been feeding mine everyday for the last 6 days. IMO your plant is hungry... IMO
Thanks for the advice guys... I was only feeding them once a week and giving water every day. I guess the whole 12/12 big plants/small cups hasn't sunk in until now. heh.

Gonna go hook the girls up with a well deserved N heavy feeding, with some Cal Mag to boot and see how they react.

PS - I'm really enjoying the party cup competition. Maybe it is cause I have nothing else going on and the PCGs are the most mature plants I have but I find myself fiddling with them everyday. I've decided to keep the male as well. He is growing strong and is one of the few plants that aren't showing N deficiency. I'm gonna move him to another tent and let him mature. Then i'm hacking his balls off for future breeding! MuHAHAHHA!