I'll take that ^^ bet.........don't forget Hans has been growing cannabis with leds longer than any of us by years. He built his panels to be one of the most efficient per watt consumed. most of the burden fell on the cree XP-e 630 nm, which by todays standards its still one if the best umol/joule.
NOTHING on the market can cover a 4x4 flower area with 260watts for a thousand dollars shipped.
Dutch grower got 365 grams dry with that setup......I know of zero 250w hps grows getting those #s without a light mover.
their is a reason why he won't use a primarily"white"spectrum, he still does allot of R&D btw.......
Growers want Results not theories......that's why people love hid.
A handfull of boasting 'We-know-everything-Period' 'scientists' ,made (almost) the whole world believe ,
that all the light plants need is just red and blue ...
And they can 'thrive' under that .
Purple,my @$$....
Never said that they are worthless or anything like that ...You act like these people knew any better. Without them having experimented, it would still be a mystery.
Geeze, there was a time a lot of people were insisting that pulsing leds at some perfect frequency would somehow synchronize photosynthesis. The idea was that you provide quick pulses of light, chlorophyll won't waste time on the new photon until done processing the old.
Never said that they are worthless or anything like that ...
Neither that ,they did not discover anything..
Alchemists ,in their quest to discover the philosopher's stone ( Occultum lapidem ),
that would turn lead into gold,they actually did discover/invent lots of other things ...
I was just referring to a certain 'part' of 'scientists' ,which they never allow any doubts about their theories .
Ok, they do actually work .
But It does not mean that they are the best or the only right ones..
Or that there's no room for development,evolution,re-discoveries,etc ....
Anyway ....
It is known ,that sunlight ain't purple ...
Sunlight is white ...
Plants evolved,keep evolving , thrived and still thriving under (white) sunlight ...
They didn't know that ?
So simple ...
the OP said it, he said 50 led watts is equal to 200 hid watts, so using his logic wouldnt that make 250 led watts equal to 1000 hid watts or is my math that bad?I love how you make up so called claims. Not one person on here has ever said a 250w led equals a 1000w. Everyone has said 500-600w or 600-700 watts of led equal a 1000w. Now with that said. People should be pulling 2 lbs under 600w of led or a 1000w of hps. Or 1 pound with 310w of led or 600w of hps with high yielding strains and optimal environment of course. The cola captain showed ^^^^ came from just under a half pound yield from 190w of home depot Cree leds
First of all we need to calm down in here!!!...........we're ALL growing cannabis for christ sakes! let's smoke some and relax.I know at least one grow of ~280 W(<= only @ last weeks ,230 W average ) of crappy leds ,that got ~ 390 grms .
Yes,it's Astirs I'm talking about ...
And it';s mainly crappy whites we're talking about ...
I also know of zero 250w hps grows getting those grms ....
I would like to know that 'mysterious' reason ,of Han's not using whites ...
Is it ,because -up till now- whites always been less efficient (electrically ) than whites ?
That's not R&D for plant biology ...That is R&D for Led efficiency ...
( I've seen his 'trials' and I'm already aware(more or less ) about his "plant biology " knowledge/experience/experties level...
Please ,allow me to make no comments,about that . )
( Most ) growers probably want an expert around their grows 24/24 ,7/7 ,30/30 ,to grow their weed for 'em ...
What man has made it always started from somewhere ...
Usually that place is the human mind ...
Thus ,everything man-made , had a starting point ,an idea ,a thought ,a theory ...
Whether growers like it ,or not ...
As for the results ...
Here in Hellas ,we have an ancient saying :
" Plus the aid of Athena ,move your hands " ...
No matter if Gods help us ,we got to act ourself also ,to make it happen ....
No matter if the led grow light is awesome or not ...A grower has to do,what a grower has to do ,in order
to see some results ...Leds do not grow pounds ...Growers do,with the aid of right equip.
Anyway ..
Peace brother ....
I heard he's somewhere in South America, doing some cloning.Speaking of the OP....he/she has vacated quite quickly....
^^^^ I almost went to Greece once. We were supposed to go to Israel too on that trip. It was war time I guess. Very unsafe for tourists at that time in Israel. One day I will go.... Many places i want to see at least once.
Anyone know where I can find the LED section?
youre cool man...I'm sorry .That is the last post of me ,at this thread .
I've just lost my temper ,for a moment (or so ... ) ...
Enough ...
i almost went to the moon once...but my shroom stash was funked out at the time...^^^^ I almost went to Greece once. .
Atlantis???...............................is that where EH builds his A51 panels ??????????????Ancient Greece fell along with ancient Rome, Egypt, Atlantis, etc....
anyway my light is bigger than all of yours.
@psuagro now what's that light you're talking about? It doesn't look like that Cree high bay light