LED heat VS HPS heat?

I tottaly get that but then why is my
600w hps more red hotter than my metal halide..more blue.

Same diffetence i got in my leds ..my 150 red pushes alot more tha my 200 blue same 3590 chips diffetent spectrum they have like 5degree difference in celcius not f so its a noticable diffetence from personal experience.

I trust migro dont get me wrong guys awsome.
Did alot of buyin off his reviews

But youtube can also be lied to u can prove what u wana prove if u like . I can see youtubes both ways.
Andbalot i dont agree with and missinformation.
Like migro the onlt way is test it urself..

I cant change my results i can only say what my meters present me with.

The radiant heat argument is valid on paper.
Is the ROOM temp cooler or hotter... like u stated.
But i dont grow rooms i grow plants..

So in terms of plants heat up vs heat down.
The led is cooler as the hps directs it at the plant.

U dont sit on ur cieling so ya?
When u make ur room thermostat to 23 cause u want nice warm room its set midway on the wall not at the cieling or it would be keeping ur room cooler as the heat rises .

Therefore theroeticly speaking ok yes there the same as ur study showed .

But factors are also involved all round.

The led needs less fan to remove that heat.
The heat isnt directed at plants.
The heat is different based on thebammoint of spectrum colours delievered .

Unuseable hps heat infrared is directed at plants thus making leaf surface hotter.

Plants grown under leds like it 3c hotter due to less direct infrared heat energy.
Instead more useable colours are delievered hence yields better.

Therefore id argue the heat based on that .
Colour spectrum ir makes most hps heat delievered down and hard to remove .
Alsobmakes surface temp more intence .

Ask the plant she says hps is hotter.
She alsp saidbmy red lights are definatly hotter .

The red moreso on hps as the led red is of useable quality
both heatsinks will heat the space up the same just the smaller one (with less surface area) will take longer for it.
THIS given were in a enclosed system with a perfect insulation, were not as we exhaust the warm air normally.
so the beefier heatsink should heat the space better, the smaller one even having a higher temp gradient is limited by its lack of surface area, heat exchange capabilities.
like using several smaller wattage room heaters with more surface area compared to one with more watts and a smaller surface area to heat a room.
given we use the same energy and leds (efficacy) the BTU will be the same otherwise we could create a impossible perpetuum mobile by limiting the heat sink surface area and create a higher temp gradient.

practically the better cooled leds will work a tad more efficient and therefore give less heat, but that shouldnt be that much so we may skip that point here.

a microwave heater would likely be a quite efficient heater for the home its just hard to control.
"The heating effect of microwaves destroys living tissue when the temperature of the tissue exceeds 43° C (109° F). Accordingly, exposure to intense microwaves in excess of 20 milliwatts of power per square centimetre of body surface is harmful. "

so we better stick with infrared heaters, which HPS are quite good ones.
if you want a more efficient heater go with a HPS.
a watt is still a watt here, but the heat is directly delviered to the surface, skin, foilage.

"The best part is that radiant heaters do not require you to turn them on for long periods of time before you start to feel the warmth provided. Since they work in a different way entirely, radiant heaters begin emitting warmth right away and can be felt almost instantly. This is due to the fact that the heat you are feeling is not due to convection, but actually relies on direct absorption. You can think of a radiant heater in the same way as a campfire in the sense that the heat can be felt right away. Radiation is the key to what makes a radiant heater so energy efficient. Since convection heaters work by heating the air in a space, they take a much longer time to provide warmth and use up much more energy. However, radiant heaters work to radiate heat right away and do not require the waste of energy to function. "

so in a non isolated room, which were working with, this kind of heat is working well, see the campfire example.
a watt is a watt, but there are different forms of heat.
Haha i like this . Microwave heaters if we run em 30 second a time on timers we wil be sorted . Stick me head in when i get cold too.
Funny lol. Ir is king in heat defo
I tottaly get that but then why is my
600w hps more red hotter than my metal halide..more blue.

Same diffetence i got in my leds ..my 150 red pushes alot more tha my 200 blue same 3590 chips diffetent spectrum they have like 5degree difference in celcius not f so its a noticable diffetence from personal experience.

I trust migro dont get me wrong guys awsome.
Did alot of buyin off his reviews

But youtube can also be lied to u can prove what u wana prove if u like . I can see youtubes both ways.
Andbalot i dont agree with and missinformation.
Like migro the onlt way is test it urself..

I cant change my results i can only say what my meters present me with.

The radiant heat argument is valid on paper.
Is the ROOM temp cooler or hotter... like u stated.
But i dont grow rooms i grow plants..

So in terms of plants heat up vs heat down.
The led is cooler as the hps directs it at the plant.

U dont sit on ur cieling so ya?
When u make ur room thermostat to 23 cause u want nice warm room its set midway on the wall not at the cieling or it would be keeping ur room cooler as the heat rises .

Therefore theroeticly speaking ok yes there the same as ur study showed .

But factors are also involved all round.

The led needs less fan to remove that heat.
The heat isnt directed at plants.
The heat is different based on thebammoint of spectrum colours delievered .

Unuseable hps heat infrared is directed at plants thus making leaf surface hotter.

Plants grown under leds like it 3c hotter due to less direct infrared heat energy.
Instead more useable colours are delievered hence yields better.

Therefore id argue the heat based on that .
Colour spectrum ir makes most hps heat delievered down and hard to remove .
Alsobmakes surface temp more intence .

Ask the plant she says hps is hotter.
She alsp saidbmy red lights are definatly hotter .

The red moreso on hps as the led red is of useable quality
You got it!
I had my 1000w HPS my last run, tent was at 80 while the infrared gun shot the tops at 82

Slap in my LED, the room temp is 85, leaf temp is only 81
yeah haha who knows, maybe in 50 years we have lil microwave beamers in our homes heating our skin to a confortable temp while the room beeing relative cold overall.
and when you say Alexa heat my meal it will heat that too.

I tottaly get that but then why is my
600w hps more red hotter than my metal halide..more blue.
cause your HPS emits more radiant heat then your MH does?
I was wondering who has used hps and led and know what the differences are with heat management. What have your experiences been?
Leds are more efficient, meaning that more energy is converted to light, than heat. The hotter you let a driver get, the less efficient it is.