LED Full Spectrum


Im looking at investing into some LED Full spectrum lights for my 1.2mx1.2m tent, can anyone recommend a mid range budget, highest efficiancy etc

Mars Hydro...... Spiderfarmer? Blurple or not? Should i just stay with my current 600wHPS


Well-Known Member
I run Timber, Mars and Spiderfarmer..things are going well. Just a heads up, my flower area alone is about 2 grand worth of quality white, full spectrum lights, so yeah, can be pricey for good led, maybe look at diy?


Well-Known Member
Look into the websites of these lights,I only use lights that I built myself with the same components that they use.Samsung diodes are the best.


Well-Known Member
Stay away from both of those companys,they sell stolen tech with inferior parts.Buy Hlg or Budgetled.

I've seen you make this same claim across several led threads. Why do you continue to bash SF? You come across an ignorant HLG shill.

SF appears to be a quality budget light that knows light spectrum science, unlike what I see from HLG, who is still pushing mono panels, which date back to BML in 2014, although his were bars

Find something constructive to do, like learning why SF is a vg choice for budget minded growers


Well-Known Member
Look into the websites of these lights,I only use lights that I built myself with the same components that they use.Samsung diodes are the best.

That is your opinion, not necessarily a fact. The fact is there will be very little difference in yield with either of these mfg choices. Since you roll your own, why are you trolling every site that asks about SF? Now shut up

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Why are you a shill for chinese shit?Why follow me around like a lost dog?I am trying to keep people from helping the great satan "china" from taking over. Wake up you fucking troll.
Haha, wow. You dug up a month old thread to respond to, then you accuse somebody of following you around?

Samsung diodes are made in China. Meanwell has a factory in China.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
It popped up for some reason,but I am sick of all you shills ,move to china.
Threads don't just "pop up". You went digging for it.

I don't shill for any company. I don't own a single SF or Mars product, but I do own lights from Timber and HLG, in addition to lights I built myself,

Hey Gollum, your precious Samsung diodes are made in China. Maybe you should move there.


Well-Known Member
Not if I can help it.What is wrong with caring about your country?I grew up in auto country and saw what foreign companies do to us.Time to start giving a shit where things come from.Don't cry to me when the jobs are gone.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Not if I can help it.What is wrong with caring about your country?I grew up in auto country and saw what foreign companies do to us.Time to start giving a shit where things come from.Don't cry to me when the jobs are gone.
Both Citizen and Cree have massive manufacturing facilities in China. Meanwell too. You should stop supporting Satan. Why do you hate America?


Well-Known Member
Believe me,if it was there to buy I don't mind spending double to get better quality.Not my fault that isn't the way things are.Have a nice day and leave me out of it.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
You support the great Satan China. Why do you hate America? Since you love your Chinese Cree and Citi cobs, you should just move there.

Are you starting to see how ridiculous you sound with posts like these?