As soon as I'll finish it ...I'll do that ...
( I had one "mishappen" with one pcb ....Being stupid ,I haven't let the pcb enough on the solder temp ..
So some leds were flickering at low current ..(bad solder contact ..) ..So I had to take it out from heatsink ,to re-solder the leds
..(yes ,I'had already installed it ,before testing it ..
Stupid-stupip-stupid ...So ...The mcpcb ...had an "injury ",during the "removal surgery " ....Kinda bended a bit ..Maybe some parts of it ,won't be contacting the heatsink so good ...What the heck ,,,It's the first one ....Others will follow soon .....First I need to "learn " on that one ....
Oh ...No ..I'm not going to make a new mcpcb for those leds (and light box ...) ..Let them burn ,in joy !
This is a "sample "/ training box -project ....
..I'm just "warming up " for the "good " ones ! ........)
Anyway ....
Second pcb installed ..The third one ,for tomorrow .....
For now I 've to settle with a cheap pot of 10 K,until the "good" ones arrive ....
Pics taken with same manual settings ....( 2 different sets )
Range of dimming :
200-710 mA .

A good friend(and a led grower himshelf ) said :
" Shit ! That looks really right ,bro !
Like an August sun .... Ohhh...This looks way promising ...."
We'll see ...
Soon ..
As for the heatsink temps .....
Well after 15 min of working at 710 mA ..
(And one pcb ,being really ..a "flying carpet" (! ) over the heatsink ...)....
Heatsink ,was probably of lower than ambient temperature ..
Just freezing to touch ..
Really ...
Both mcpcbs ,were slightly warm ....
It's a bit noisy ...Sounds more like a "gamers modified pc " ..
But not in a level that can be "
alarming " ...
But air-flow from both sides is MASSIVE ..
Freezing cold air ,is what the "exausts " are pumping out ..
(at least for 15 min at 710 mA ) ....
Also that "thermal copper pour design " seems really to work wonders !
(Osram uses "thermal copper pours " in some metal core pcb designs ..)
Cooling efficiency ,seems of highest level possible ...
forced air (active ) aluminium heatsink cooling ..)
..I'' test that also ,though ....
(Based on Vf ,as Guod suggested ...
Seems really a
cool way ..)
Edit : Weird ..This light now looks like a moon -shuttle from the late 60's....
" This is one small light for a man ....But a giant star for the plants ... "