LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .


Well-Known Member
Yeah ...
Told you ..Call me crazy ..
Mind ..and body ,both often above clouds ...


Well-Known Member
Now ....
Keep it stupid simple ..
Ok ....
I want protection of my little wonders ..
Plus I want light to freely stand on its "heatsink " (when complete ..)

I'm thinking for some plexiglass (with the proper dremmel routing for cables ...Ya'll see how ...)" mushrooms "
(haven't decided for shape and placing yet ... )

But i want something ,more tough than plexiglass attached with double
sided tape ....

Well audio(high -fidelity / high -end ) industry again ,gives ideas ....

........(I'll clean up the whole house ,after I finish the light .
I promise ..)
Found some ERGAL ( alloy 7075 ) anodised aluminium M5 allen screws ....
(from my old bike) ...
Who's thinking what I'm thinking ?


Well-Known Member
And trust me Guod ....
Sun at summer here ....Really has a "warm light temperature "

Yeah,...... that's where the GAYS are during summer


Well-Known Member
And trust me Guod ....
Sun at summer here ....Really has a "warm light temperature "

Yeah,...... that's where the GAYS are during summer
Oh,com'on now ,both of ya!.
It will grow just fine girlies ....
Shit ,Mykonos Island ,has become quite infamous ..


Well-Known Member
Very nice SDS.........so have you picked a material yet to protect the leds???I vote for none:hump:........And what Greek man uses an electric stove!!^^^lol


Well-Known Member
No .I'm not planning on "covering " the leds by any means ....
I just wanted a safe way ,that the box can stand on it's heatsink (when not hanged,'working'.... ),without crushing the tiny Oslons ....
And ,if in case of mishappen ...At least box will not land , with it's leds impactin' first .....
(Plus,that these "mushrooms" ,are very easy to be "removed" and put back in place again,when /if needed ... )


Well-Known Member
And what Greek man uses an electric stove!!^^^lol

I just like it's black surface ...
Nice contrast with led box,for pics ....

And yes ,you're probably right ..
It was quite long since I've switched on (used )the stove ...
And that was for testing "hot-plate soldering " technique ...

LOL !!


Well-Known Member
And trust me Guod ....
Sun at summer here ....Really has a "warm light temperature "

Yeah,...... that's where the GAYS are during summer
yeah,...that's why all the Europe is coming to Greece for vacation during the summer..!;-)
because of the GAYS..:fire:
sorry for my shit comment,but that's the way the story goes..


Well-Known Member
I mean ...
Think it over ..
Even the street pavements' pattern-material-design , here, change/alters at approx every ~5 m !!!
Land of Diversity ...

Lemon Sour

Active Member
I like the Amethyst Crystal ...It does the whole job ! :-P

Anyway ...
As I said ...
For years,I've been cultivating great plants with only ~5% blue wls ,that HPS (greenpower 400 W ) had to offer ....

During my led grows ,I've noticed increased aroma/taste using CW / NW leds ...
But not increased potency ..( Genetics & UV is probably responsible for that ,if not some other factors also ... )

" Pitfall " with leds (generally ) is blue light ...
Blue leds emmit way powerful blue light and as for CW/NW already,most of their light is in blue region ...

In nature ,blue photons
( based to the facts that : a ) are less in numbers than other photons for same power & b ) they are really dispersed ...) ,are not
" abuntant " falling to leaves ..
(that's why plants have developed so many pigments with peak absorption in blue part of light ,including ChB ..) ...

Moreover ?

Winter light has plenty of blue wls ....
And ...
Our plant ,does not grow in wintertime ...
I 'll leave it ,up to you to guess / understand the meaning/ point of that ...
Warm white leds emit mostly yellow light. I have found yellow light to dramatically decrease growth rate, but when properly balanced to increase bud density.


Well-Known Member
Warm white leds emit mostly yellow light. I have found yellow light to dramatically decrease growth rate, but when properly balanced to increase bud density.
oslon warm.jpg

Come again ?
Yellow ?
R u sure ?
Cause last time I've checked ,red starts over 600 nm....
And this baby's phosphor has a "flat " peak (100 % R.P. ) from ~620 to ~ 640 nm ...
Way red ,brother ....
Plus the 80% R.P. at 660 nm ...
And at ( Yellow -Amber ) 590+ nm .....
Not these babies ...( Blue die & Green +Red phosphor blend )
Probably you're referring to "old " type ,low CRI ,warm whites ....( Blue die & "broad" yellow phosphor )

Anyway ...
Guod ....

Power cable dia for ~2 m ?
(cable from Main PSU to box ... )
2 x 0.75 will be ok ?
Or needs to be thicker ?


Well-Known Member
Nothin' ..
Everything is front ,of everybody's eyes ...
In common view *...

(*.....It's just that ,the majority ,are too stoned / high ,in order to notice the little ,' spicy ' details ,....
-if someone ,doesn't bring it up ... ;-P ... )