Damn dude. Do you have a book signing coming any time soon? That was epic!So, you've had too much solid evidence shoved in your face that they work, right? The funny thing is, I helped found this LED sub-forum around 5 years ago, and have been active in it ever since. In that time, I've seen fights between members, fights between company owners, and fights with mods. I've seen entire grow rooms cleared, cleaned, restored, and rebuilt. I've watched noobs turn into real gardeners that know how to read their plants and give them what they need. I've seen megalomaniacs post their Paypal account balance to make their penis feel bigger. Do you know what I've never seen during my time here? A successful Platinum LED grow. Many have tried and all have failed.
Any chance you could share some of this "solid evidence" with us?
So, you've had too much solid evidence shoved in your face that they work, right? The funny thing is, I helped found this LED sub-forum around 5 years ago, and have been active in it ever since. In that time, I've seen fights between members, fights between company owners, and fights with mods. I've seen entire grow rooms cleared, cleaned, restored, and rebuilt. I've watched noobs turn into real gardeners that know how to read their plants and give them what they need. I've seen megalomaniacs post their Paypal account balance to make their penis feel bigger. Do you know what I've never seen during my time here? A successful Platinum LED grow. Many have tried and all have failed.
Any chance you could share some of this "solid evidence" with us?
I don't think that you have any intention of buying those lights. You're just here to make outrageous claims, try to make those claims seem plausible, and then disappear into cyberspace. In marketing, it's called a whisper campaign, on here, we call it bullshit.I'm not here to argue. I've seen plenty, and with your experience it suprises me that you and others here have not. I mean if you research a little on other forums where these lights are well known, there are threads from seed to completion using PlatinumLED lights documented with pics taken often. YouTube PlatinumLED and check out how many successful growers are using them at this moment.
It makes no difference to me if someone trusts my word on wether or not I've seen these lights in action in person. I know I love everything I've seen. What fool would drop as much as I have and am still committed to, without solid proof over time that these lights produce huge yields, very very happy looking plants, and do much better than most other LED's I've seen out there? Like I said, I've seen multiple people switch after trying between 4-6 different LED companies and I've seen the results time and time again.
You can chose to believe they're a bs gimmick or copycats of other low quality LED's if you like. In time, I'll post some solid evidence for you that will be the prodct of my work and these lights. Will I have hiccups? I'm sure...a lot. I'm a fairly new grower. I've watched many other grows from start to finish (with these lights) and have been in partnerships with others so I have a lot of first hand experience but this will be my first that will be all in my hands from start to finish.
Despite that, with as much research as I've done and as much as I've seen over the years hands on and participated in, if these lights work (like I've seen first hand in multiple grows) and work well, I should be able to produce a nice final product and then you can call me the first successful PlatinumLED grower on this forum. What an honor. I'll be happy to take that title =)
Many tried and failed? What are they, mentally challenged or allergic to research and hard work or something? I've seen some really...slow and spaced out individuals in my opinion harvest very nice numbers with these lights. Give me time.
I don't think that you have any intention of buying those lights. You're just here to make outrageous claims, try to make those claims seem plausible, and then disappear into cyberspace. In marketing, it's called a whisper campaign, on here, we call it bullshit.
I would advise you to go through the LED forums then and really get acquainted with LED tech....especially threads that break down the concepts like PAR and efficiency and what merits a quality diode....I can get the same measurement the gentlemen from Platinum is getting from a 50 watt diode, why is that? Like @AquariusPanta succinctly stated.
Its great that you are committed,but you are being a little obtusive of the advice being given......What makes Platinum so great? They are using 5 year old tech and charging BEYOND top dollar....if that isn't a HUGE red flag, I don't know what it is.... and unfortunately until you change out, you will be the Power Companies #1 customer.....and that might not matter either, but it's not exactly a source of pride either....
Talk about a company lacking in ethics. They almost make SK look a little better. Almost.
In a normal life situation, we call it evidence, proof, and or visibly measurably results. That's all I asked you for in the first place, some solid evidence, and all you've given us is "trust me, I've seen them do amazing things". Please, go ahead, be #623 to say that they're going to prove me wrong by using shitty LED's. You should talk to RealStyles, he was #476, he was going to prove me wrong with some Mars Hydro LED's. It didn't go so well for him, or any of the others, but at least he had the guts to apologized to me (and the whole board) for being so stubborn and obnoxious.I'm not gonna be the one biting his tongue and looking dumb the day the new lights arrive, I unbox them, and then take pictures before and after setup and post them all up while I quote your last message. Right now I already have a single p450 in my closet as I'm typing this. I can take pics or a video of it if you like heh. See what you're doing? In a normal life situation I would call it antagonizing. When I prove you wrong in multiple ways very soon and get those lights you're claiming I'm just lying about and don't intend on buying, I'll just call you full of shit.
In a normal life situation, we call it evidence, proof, and or visibly measurably results. That's all I asked you for in the first place, some solid evidence, and all you've given us is "trust me, I've seen them do amazing things". Please, go ahead, be #623 to say that they're going to prove me wrong by using shitty LED's. You should talk to RealStyles, he was #476, he was going to prove me wrong with some Mars Hydro LED's. It didn't go so well for him, or any of the others, but at least he had the guts to apologized to me (and the whole board) for being so stubborn and obnoxious.
I can't wait to see your garden. I'll be right here, waiting for you, with bells on.
"The science behind it all is interesting but not the deciding factor here for me this time."
Yeah, fuck science!
Actually I like this guy. He's funny once you read it the right way. He's the world's most insecure salesman! I'm looking forward to your grow journal where you will ignore science and teach us all something.. Best of luck with your future warranty problems.
Just grow with it then. The only way to shut everyone up is to fully show and document your grow. Simple as that. Otherwise this run around will continue. Specially with a new guy telling us how great something is then getting pissed when someone asks for links and evidence...which you have supplied none.
Get to work
Stop posting BS and grow. Your just a lawyer trying to win an argument. And this thread isn't for you to justify yourself and your poor choice of hardware. Start a thread on your own and stop thread crapping and insulting people's intelligence on this one. You are nothing here until you grow something here.Again you took what I said the wrong way. Of course I'm not disregarding or ignoring science or saying "fuck science." I'm just using my judgement based off of consistent numbers and great quality that I've seen so many times. Is that so wrong? An insecure salesman? More like someone who doesn't know it all or claim to and isn't trying to sell anyone anything at all. Maybe I'll get to have the same experience as I will or much better with the lights you would have chosen one day.
You can also follow my journal if you like, but I won't be trying to teach anyone anything. As I said, I'll need all the advice I can get from anyone willing to offer.
I supplied YouTube links of grows from seed to harvest using PlatinumLED lights in this discussion. You're right though. I'm new here and shouldn't even be having this discussion with established members with established beliefs. I'm not here to make any enemies at all, start any drama, or argue over lights for sure. I'll post up my results in time though for any curious.
Stop posting BS and grow. Your just a lawyer trying to win an argument. And this thread isn't for you to justify yourself and your poor choice of hardware. Start a thread on your own and stop thread crapping and insulting people's intelligence on this one. You are nothing here until you grow something here.
Bro I know a whole collection of guys who all grow with Pled. They are like a clot of zombies. All of them are members of the same site. At that site you will find ZERO members posting with legit in depth knowledge of plant lighting. ZERO. None of these members will say a neg about Pled because all of their leaders and best growers got free lights. Seriously Pled gifted a light to about every top high brix grower at 420.
I agree with you that all of them can grow flowers. This is most definitely true when experienced growers using modern ag techniques are using a super luxury quantity of watts. Even though most of those watts are straight up heat, enough of them, with good ventilation, will grow a good plant.
Recently one of the top growers (yield) on 420, using Pled and a very,very long veg time and a huge pot, achieved about one gram per watt milestone. Top growers here are doubling that. Why? Because top quality led/diy is TWICE AS EFFICIENT AS PLATINUM LED.
Others have stated you apparently ignore science and refuse to engage critical thinking. Pled has been shown to be a deceptive advertiser and a straight up liar when it comes to claims about their products.
How many posts, and threads have been locked or deleted on 420 because of pled and their shenanigans. Plenty
Good luck with your learning experience.
Well when I was looking for a forum "family" eventually, this site appeared to have more members with much more knowledge on the whole and time in this so this is the one I signed up to. The last grow site I was a member of was Overgrow (ahh the memories). I think what you're talking about with the other site is bullshit. Especially if PLED actually gave out free units to top members to keep hush-hush any info that could turn a lot of people away. I'm all for the truth, don't get me wrong.
I'm also all for the DIY guys and I think it's awesome that top growers here have achieved a 2g/W milestone. That's an incredible achievement and I'm not saying I'll never get into a DIY project myself or choose different lights down the road in a little time. I probably will experiment with them if those kind of numbers are coming in and they make as big of a difference as many claim. I've already started researching these DIY methods (many of which I was previously unaware of).
This isn't the end all decision with these PLED lights or the only thing I'll ever use by any means. I just need lights something like...last week and have chosen to go this route right now. The future possibilities are endless.
I signed up to learn as much as I can here, so I'm really thankful for the whole convo. It's inspired me to research more on these DIY lights a lot of you are using.
they didnt give away units to keep folks hushed they did it for marketing. The Pleds work as good or better than any low grade light. If its free and it works your gonna get love. No one at 420 knows the difference between a legit led and they dont wanna hear about it either.
Again good luck to you.and welcome to RIU.