Leaves Getting Brown, Drying Up


Hi, I got a small outdoor grow and I have sme problems with my plants lately.

My plant's leaves are starting to turn brown, they get really dry. It starts at the tip of the leave, than it spreads inwards. It kind of looks rotten in the image, but it's acctualy completely dry. I watter them regulary, I used large enough pots, keep them in slight shade, they are about a month in so I havent started using nutes yet. Water PH is neutral, seeds were bought retail, there's no bugs or flees or anything like that on the plants. Now this is not happening to all the platns, just two or three for now. I tried transplanting them yesterday, so that might help, but still I would really apreciate your input. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil is that? Looks kinda heavy.. And are you letting the soil completely dry out between waterings?


Ok, so I turned down watering a bit, I now watter about half as much as I used to.
However the problem still persists ...


Could this be a result of heat stress? I keep my plants on the balcony with plenty of sunlight, but the tile floor can get quite hot during the day.
I keept my plants in the same spot last year too, but they didn't seem to mind the heat ...


Active Member
Hi there, all the pics ive ever seen of heat stress ive seen looks different from yours, im not saying it isn't but ive got abit of heat stress on afew tips of my older plants and it isn't anything like urs.
Im not very good at identitifing problems but soming just says too wet like haloman420 said.
Hope that somewhat helps but it dont look like heat stress,


Well-Known Member
just remember your plant won't recover over night, could take a little while but that's not heat stress


Well-Known Member
I'd say phosphorus deficiency. Your soil isn't too good either, I see no perlite at all.


So ...
Moved the plants from the balcony to my yard. The floor here is stonepaved, so it gets warm, at best.
I also stopped wattering all together. They seem to be improoving now, but they still don't look too well.
I don't get it, how come watter is the problem? This is my third grow, and I'm using the same tapwater, the same amount in the same intervals ... And the previous plants were doing just fine.

The leaves on this one are turning yellow ... I understand this is a call to start with fertiliser (Nutrients)?

Some of the plants stopped growing. This one is the same size for weeks now. Anything I can do about that?

Thanks for your help so far :)