leaves drooping after transplant

reversinng a hermaphrodite plant? 5 ml midol , 2 alkaseltzer and a shot of jim beam should make those pollen sacks revert and new calyxs appear and throw pistols
The biggest mistake made in a xplant is not getting good contact between the rootball and the new medium.

This usually happens because the fresh medium is too dry. It needs to be moistened well BEFORE the transplant, worked in well with the fingertips (mush it down), and insure good contact with the fresh medium and all areas of the rootball. Bottom, sides, whatnot.

Then the whole thing needs to be REALLY watered in, sopping wet watered in. If there is any sort of gap/air pocket between the rootball and the fresh medium, the roots will NOT bridge this gap and grow into the fresh medium.

I do not feed at a xplant. With the new xplant that soggy, it takes 3-5 days at least to dry out. When dry, I water again, to run off and then feed the NEXT day and then on to whatever feed/water cycle you do.

After many years, I've found that nuting the day after a watering works best for the plant. The roots don't get shocked and the nutes seem to be absorbed better. Just my own observation.


Looks like transplant shock to me, but like this WetDog said. Make sure you blend the transplant in with the new medium.
Who hasnt. I'm sure we've all had some sort of shock. I just had some yesterday.


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How to Cure Plant Transplant Shock
While there is no sure-fire way to cure plant transplant shock, there are things you can do to minimize the transplant shock in plants.

Add some sugar – Believe or not, studies have shown that a weak sugar and water solution made with plain sugar from the grocery store given to a plant after transplanting can help recovery time for transplant shock in plants. It can also be used as a transplant shock preventer if applied at the time of transplanting. It only helps with some plants but, as this will not harm the plant, it is worth a try.

Trim back the plant – Trimming back the plant allows the plant to focus on regrowing its roots. In perennials, trim back about one-third of the plant. In annuals, if the plant is a bush type, trim back one-third of the plant. If it is a plant with a main stem, cut off half of each leaf.

Keep roots moist – Keep the soil well watered, but make sure that the plant has good drainage and is not in standing water.

Wait patiently – Sometimes a plant just needs a few days to recover from transplant shock. Give it some time and care for it as you normally would and it may come back on its own.
But do you think the op's a dumb fuck for being concerned about his plants? Dudes probably sad now because of post #26.
sorry op that was mean and inconsiderate of ur feelings....i appologize for being a big fat meany head (since we are apparently 5 and unable to enjoy life without others praise.)
sometimes i think these noobs dont research at all.... just expect answers and cures given to them, do we get free weed from ur harvest?
Not to highjack the post.... I got some good advice from quite a few here and am still a newbie...and if you were close, I sure would ask ya over to share in the bounty if you helped get it done.... you might not walk out the door with your jars full, but I could guarantee you would have smoked your fair share while here :bigjoint:
i was in a funk yesterday i actually like trying to help out and reading up on problems.... i get aggrivated with some of the simple solutions tho...for example this post....."i transplanted yesterday now my leaves are droopy" all he had to do was type that in a google search bar. like try to figure it out on ur own first.... then if you want a second opinion or not quite sure then ask... thats like having ur nerdy neighbor do ur homework for u while ur out partying it up.
sure u still get an "a" but did u earn that A ....did u gain anyknowledge from that lesson? did it help u build the tools to solve the next issue tht may pop up?.. nope , they will be right back here asking "how much will i yeild " or " is this a female"
i was in a funk yesterday i actually like trying to help out and reading up on problems.... i get aggrivated with some of the simple solutions tho...for example this post....."i transplanted yesterday now my leaves are droopy" all he had to do was type that in a google search bar. like try to figure it out on ur own first.... then if you want a second opinion or not quite sure then ask... thats like having ur nerdy neighbor do ur homework for u while ur out partying it up.
But that is what this sites all about no need to do the dirty work have the grunts just give you the answer :)
im no grunt.... lol im telling u next stupid thread i get u will see comments just like my previous ones... i will try to destroy these plants ,and savve them from a life in the hands of these incompetent assholes.... i promise....