Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos


Active Member
Hi, can anyone advise what might be causing the problems in the photos of my leafs?
Its happening mostly on lower/older leafs and I have been just trimmiing them off. All the new growth on top looks fine. I have had the plants (bought as rooted clones) for almost 5 weeks and just switched them to flowering about 4 days ago.

Is there any sites of forum threads with photos of problem leafs so I could trouble shoot any future problems on my own, or could someone recommend a book with such photos?

Thanks : )


Active Member
Sorry about the bump but I got some better photos that I thought might help;

I also found this thread The damage on mine looks most like the plant with 'ozone damage' but I don't see how this could be the case as I dont have a generator?? I guess I should start by flushing with PH'd water ?


Well-Known Member
first of all im sorry to hear that your loved ones are hurting.

lets get down to business.......the first thing that comes to mind is what kind of nutes have you given it, and what strenght at which were they applied?

Secondly, what kind of soil are you using? hopefully something that doesnt have extended release ferts which can burn plants unexpectedly.

Ph also comes to mind when I see that leaf. Earlier in our grow we had some browning to about 1/2 that extent, which was remedied by by using reverse osmosis water that we PH balanced with the cheapest ph tester kit.

What kind of light are on your babies, how close is it? and what are the temps like in the room? All of these factors mentioned need to be monitored closely.

feel free to let us know if you need any specification on any of this, as we are glad to help:)


Well-Known Member
Are you misting your plants if so with what? What kind of ferts are you using? No bugs? Look close answer butches questions too.


Well-Known Member
nute burn. what is your nutrient solution like? and your regimen? both of you? how often do you fert?


Active Member
i dont use nutes, i'm almost sure it's the mg. i didnt realize it had nutes in it when i bought it.


is it possible to flush mg?


Active Member
Hey Butch thanks for the response and sorry for not being more specific with the details. I just panicked hoping for a quick fix. I just took some more photos and will give some more detail

There are 20 plants under a 1000watt hortilux hps, about 30-36 inched from the top leaves.

The soil was PRO-MIX, but like I said I cannot remember the type. The nutrients I am using are "advanced nutrients"

I have been dosing slightly less than the recommended amounts on the packaging. And on occasion just using water with no nutes:

For a few weeks I was PH'ing the water before adding the nutrients, but then I checked after I added the nutrients and the ph was quite low. So for the past 2 weeks I add the nutes first and then ph the mix to about 6 to 6.5.

I have also noticed some whitepower on the leaves for the past few weeks, it smells like thc, and I was told this strain (purple kush) is quite skinky so I thought perhaps it produces crystals early??

The room temps have been about 71 - 83 degrees for the last 2 3 weeks since I moved the ballast out of the room:
Here is a photo of the canopy;


Well-Known Member
so when i started growing the plants i grew them for 2 weeks in veg from clone with just PH balanced water. at that point i started alternating nutrients and water every other day. since flowering began i started not watering every day, so now I water, wait a day, water, wait a day, fertilize, wait a day, and water.......etc. we also started at 1/2 nutrient strenght and built it up to full. so i would flush my plant with ph adjusted reverse osmosis water to start.
if that doesnt help, let us know.....also remember..plants dont regenerate much..so your going to see more of the effects on the new growth than you will on the already browned areas.:peace:


Active Member
Hey NewGrow, thanks for your help

Humidity max over the last 3 weeks has been 74% and the low has been 51%. I'd say on average the high is around 70% as the days with higher readings were days when they got a lot of water.

However I'm freaked out now, I just was moving the plants to flush them and out of the bottom of the pot this thing was growing, its about 1 inch tall.

WTF its crazy luminous fungus!! there was only this on one pot and none elsewhere!! Its possible it was in the soil and it looks like a large strain of fungus however its presence is very worrying.
Should I continue with the flush or try and anti fungal treatment...


Well-Known Member
Thats a fungus a sure sign that your humidity is getting too high. Treat your plants with neem oil remove any infected leaves and sanitize you grow room with bleach. Keep humidity low from now on and let the soil dry between waterings. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
yea man ur humidity is def 2 high if ur growin shrooms
thats just crazy humid

like newgrowth said u gotta kill off all the spores in the room or u can have all kinda problem forever

get urself some Wipe Out and kill that shit quick


Active Member
ive told alot of people this because it happened to one of my plants two months ago. probably not enough nutes i was nervous about doing this because i thought i gave them enough, but did it and the brown spots quit forming and spreading on the plant.
just giving my 2 cents.


Active Member
Thats a fungus a sure sign that your humidity is getting too high. Treat your plants with neem oil remove any infected leaves and sanitize you grow room with bleach. Keep humidity low from now on and let the soil dry between waterings. Good Luck!

That should do the trick


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that flowering is my favorite stage when growing, I love watching those buds grow and get big and sticky!! Our babies are doing really well and the buds are starting to cluster and get covered in THC :) The smell is still light but when you sniff the buds up close they smell like chronic for sure. We are at 15 days flowering and even have seven finger leaves growing, we were so suprised how fast our babies showed sex. They all sproted pistals within like a few days it was amazing, but we used clones which are much easier than seeds. Here are some pics of our babies, let us know if anything could help them more. Enjoy :)

P.S. Hey Distantfuture, after how many grows did you start using advanced nutrients?

