Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos


Active Member
Hey Guys,

thanks for all the responses and sorry for taking ages to get back. It was a pretty hectic week getting things under control but it seems like I am back on track thanks to all your help. I basically took a little bit of all the advise I got since it seemed I had multiple problems. For my girls that are flowering the first thing I did was flush with PH neutral water and then for a few days I gave them foliar spray with epsom salts. The effects were really fast with this and the plants immediately started to look better.

These steps of course didnt help with humidity but it seemed like a priority to stop leaf damage, and then deal with the mildew. I released during this time that the floor in the room was holding lots of trapped water. It had been badly painted before and water was getting under scratches and chips in the floor. It was something I should have dealt with before I built the room really, but lesson learned!! I took all the plants out, scrapped and repaint the floor in the flower room with glossy white urethane enamel and let it dry seal for a few days to help deal with the problem as I know now no excess water is being trapped in the floor. It was screwing the humidity and acting as a breeding ground for spores and molds and shit.

I researched that yellow shroom that was growing, and its common in houseplants apparently, but shit that, I dont smoke houseplants normally, so I repotted all the plants, taking about 1.5in of soil from the top and bottom, putting in clean new pots with fresh soil at the top and bottom to hopefully suffocate any of the fungus that may have remained. I then left the soil to continue to dry out for a full week after they had been flushed.

During this time I also bought some 'bio-soy M' which is used as a foliar spray to deal with the mildew problem. Its working great and I have sprayed all the plants, clones, moms and flowers about 4 times. I am still a bit paranoid about the mold but each room was thoroughly cleaned before the plants were put back in them. I have now moved my extractor fan into the small nursery room and am going to buy a way better extractor for the flower room this weekend to combat the humidity. The flowering plants have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks now and are starting to bud (see pics) how long is it safe for me to treat them with foliar spray?

@NewGrowth thanks for your help : ) most valuable lesson I think was letting soil dry before watering. I was killing them with kindness and causing all the problems myself, when I figure how to add reps I'll send some your way!

@ Butch206, this is my first grow with advanced nutrients, its only my 3rd grow ( in about 5 years) so I cannot honestly tell you how they compare to others. I'd be happy if you have any recommendations.

and heres the newest,happier healthier photos. Thankfully a lesson learned, and I think a major problem was averted. Im going to stay on top of this from here on in!!





Well-Known Member
They look great! Glad to see things have cleared up! I have used foliar sprays up until about 3 weeks flowering when the buds begin their growth spurt because I don't like to encourage mold. I have also found that a lower humidity grow room during flowing encourages tighter buds. I have flowered in less than optimum conditions high heat high humidity and it is amazing the difference in buds between controlled and not. Buds looked the same at first but after drying the ones in high heat and humidity were much lighter while the others still dense and heavy.


Active Member
Thanks again newgrowth! I'm glad this happened now, and not in a few months when I have a cycle going and way more plants. Great to know I can continue with the anti mildew spray for a few more weeks. As the buds get bigger I'll stop with the spraying, I've seen nasty mold killing clipped buds before and its the worst way to loose yield.

Currently the humidity is peaking at about 60% which I'll try and lower with the new extractor fan. I'll let you know how that works out. This week I will slowly get them back on some nutrients, and Im now really excited to see what kind of yield I get :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ya u gotta b careful bout being 2 gud 2 ur plants

gotta find a happy medium btween cruel and kind
more pepul overwater than underwater
is true of all houseplants