leaf problem? please help

i have a problem with my plant. its in the vegetative growth stage and the tips of the leaves are barely yellow and turning brown. could it be from over watering? please help. i think my soil hold in the moisture to long. i just transplanted them into miracle grow moisture control and i think that may be the problem because its stays damp for days. let me know wat to do


yesterday i noticed some funny colouration on the younger leaves at the top of the buds, i've searched every where i can and i cant find a single problem the same as mine, 2 months flowering, flushed 5 days ago, only been feeding it water, im thinkin its not mold or bud rot, because i cant just tug the leaves out, any help is appreciated

its a really dark grey with maybe a hint of purple, its bagseed so im not sure the strain but it has a real citrusy kinda grapefruit smell, is this the plant possibly turning purple at the end of flowering?

it really looks an unhealthy colour so i doubt its purple



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't count on those soils for accuracy. You should actually use ProMix with zero nutes and add your own, but anyways. I would give them some nutrients sounds like they're getting hungry.


Active Member
Typically if your plant is overwatered it will look droopy or lethargic. If it otherwise looks healthy then it's probably not a overwatering problem.

Anytime there is yellow on the leaves instead of green I automatically think there is not enough nitrogen in the feeding.

I understand your concern about the soil having enough food for three months and it's only two. Pretend for a few days you're at month three and you need to add a normal veg formula. See what happens in the next few days.

If it's a nitrogen (or lack of) problem then the leaves will continue to turn yellow. If the problem corrects itself then you know what the problem is.

As alwasy, it's a little easier to actually see the patient. :-) to present a solution.



Well-Known Member
you all advising giving nutes are missing this part?
"i just transplanted them into miracle grow moisture control and i think that may be the problem because its stays damp for days. let me know wat to do "


Well-Known Member
you all advising giving nutes are missing this part?
"i just transplanted them into miracle grow moisture control and i think that may be the problem because its stays damp for days. let me know wat to do "

Like the guy said before..get them out of that shit soil first and plant them in ProMix soil. Let them settle into their new home and then starting feeding them nutes.

Are the plants droopy and wilty looking?
Like the guy said before..get them out of that shit soil first and plant them in ProMix soil. Let them settle into their new home and then starting feeding them nutes.

Are the plants droopy and wilty looking?
yea the leaves arent up right so i would say yea there droopy. but what kind of nutrients n stuff do i need. could someone like tell me the soil and wat fertilizers i need


Well-Known Member
You should buy some ProMix soil, it has zero nutrients in it, you can get it at Home Depot. You can buy nutrients at your local grow store like; FoxFarm, FloraNova, etc. Feed the plant 1/4 of what the bottle calls for (start with small dose) and feed the plant once a week ONLY.


Well-Known Member
i think they look good other than some mild nute burn that is what it looks like 2 me . 8 weeks flower it wont b long now keep flushing maybe with some molasses itll be fine