Lazy Susan 600w Hempy Scrog Beeeeeyatch!


Well-Known Member
Thats what Im talking about right there!

Ive had the holy grail all along and got my vision clouded! I havent truly done the ole peacock justice yet!


Well-Known Member
Shocker I know! I'm done with these fem mix seeds for good, tossed them all in the trash. Couldn't blame environment this time around, my shits perfect, Lol if I do say so myself! Wife's gonna be pissed, wasted some good electric for nothing but I can't just keep limping along especially when I'm pretty sure there were at least 2 more starting to hermie.

So I'm starting a fresh batch of REGULAR seeds, my peacocks, and a couple of Emily's. Going to grow the old fashioned way again, culling males and all that noise! Fuck scrogs too, I'm way too lazy for that so the screens coming out. Sorry for wasting yours and my time guys! It also gives me the ability to change the ducting the way I want now! See there's always good to come out of shit! Ill be back soon enough with a new thread, new plants, and new excitement!


Well-Known Member
I feel ya man, dealing with hermis and shit is a total pain. I didn't see any of your other grows but have you considered doing a SOG kinda thing, one or 2 weeks of veg and then flower a bunch of smaller girls. This would make culling males a bit less of an impact, and give you a variety to choose your future clones from. Just a thought but I love not vegging for very long, makes me feel like I'm always being productive. I know my little plants don't have as much bud on them, but they are easy to trim and I'm not growing stems and leaves to throw away. Either way I look forward to seeing what you come up with man you've got a nice room and you know what your doing. Once you get the genetics figured out you'll be golden!


Well-Known Member
Although I say my environment was perfect, my setup was far from it so I guess this was an extended test run. Things I can now address...
I want a ceiling full of god damn hooks, I don't mean a few- I mean a hook every 6 inches cuz Countless times I needed one in just a little different spot. Raising the light was a pain in the ass, either from the table being in the way or shitty tie placements. Vibration is another one, I gotta get the fans hanging- no amount of rubber or weatherstrip will keep a fan from resonating through the wall. My sons room is above the grow and I feel sorry for him having to listen to that.

Temps haven't been an issue so the AC hasn't even cycled on but if it was it would cause a problem because even with the 6" running full speed when the AC kicks on the exhaust backs out the cool tube, consequently adding hot air into the room that I'm trying to cool, it's. tug of war that the AC will win, but at a high $.

Im still wanting to figure out how to get my veg cab in there... That's all for now! Gotta go cut some shelves for the wife!


Well-Known Member
I swapped fans and placement and it is audible outside my garage now.
I folded a bath towel in half and wrapped the exhaust side and the ducting and now I dont hear it outside, but hanging it would be a good addition as well

Surprised the a/c exhaust will over power the inline fan


Well-Known Member
I swapped fans and placement and it is audible outside my garage now.
I folded a bath towel in half and wrapped the exhaust side and the ducting and now I dont hear it outside, but hanging it would be a good addition as well

Surprised the a/c exhaust will over power the inline fan
Its an inferno of wind when she cycles on. I'd say its in the 700 cfm range, it doesn't flow a ton out the cool tube but enough to need addressing. Not to mention I'd prefer that 6" was only running at 25% speed to begin with. My wife said just add another exhaust and run them separate, I said that's a great idea but I'd need another filter can I buy one? No... Ok then lol. I think I'm just gonna have to plan for that next, easy solution. Money always is!


Well-Known Member
Its an inferno of wind when she cycles on. I'd say its in the 700 cfm range, it doesn't flow a ton out the cool tube but enough to need addressing. Not to mention I'd prefer that 6" was only running at 25% speed to begin with. My wife said just add another exhaust and run them separate, I said that's a great idea but I'd need another filter can I buy one? No... Ok then lol. I think I'm just gonna have to plan for that next, easy solution. Money always is!
I always find ways to buy shit she doesnt know about.
But now she is realizing shit looks new and getting on me about it.


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm constantly super gluing cracks and cuts on my fingers.
u glue em shut?
I recently started using some weird lotion thats expensive, but strays greasy till morning when applied at bedtime.
Seems to be working, I forget to use it till I crack on my knuckles or something again.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, spread them open and drip it in there, even if its bloody! Squeeze it shut real quick and it'll hold. Stings for a second as you might imagine :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, spread them open and drip it in there, even if its bloody! Squeeze it shut real quick and it'll hold. Stings for a second as you might imagine :)
I have heard that done at wartime and shit, but thought it sounded poisonous.
does it heal normally after that?